C.H.S. Chronicles
Clifford H. Smart Middle School: August 28, 2023
Student Chromebook Support Request
This form below is for any student who is borrowing a district chromebook this year. You will fill this out when you need tech support for your chromebook. Please make sure to check your gmail after submitting for an email response from Mrs. Stasak or one of her interns within 24 hours of your submission. Thank you.
*Reply @LEAVE to the number you are receiving messages from if you'd like to leave the text group at anytime.
Head Lice (Pediculosis) Practice
We make every effort to prevent the spreading of head lice. Please note that head lice is a nuisance and not an issue of cleanliness or hygiene. The incubation period for head lice is several days or weeks. Eggs hatch in 7-10 days. Maturity reached in two weeks. The period of communicability is until lice and viable eggs are destroyed. We rely on our families to report cases of head lice immediately so we can take the appropriate action to address this issue. When a case is reported, a letter will be sent home with children in that classroom. Students found to have head lice will be sent home at the end of the school day and not permitted to return to school until the first treatment is completed and all nits are gone. WLCSD is a nit free District.
If your child will be absent, please call the Smart Attendance Hotline (248) 956-3510 as soon as possible. If you know of a vacation or pre planned days off, you can leave those dates on the hotline as well.
If you have not called your child in by 9:30 a.m., you will receive a call from Mrs Gray to verify that your student is not at school for the day. Thank you for partnering with us in keeping your children safe and accounted for.
Transportation Information
Bus routes will be available to via Skyward and the WLCSD Transportation website on Friday August 18th. You can find answers to a majority of your questions by visiting the transportation website.
You will start to see school buses out in the community beginning the week of Monday, August 14th. All drivers are required to complete a "dry run" during that week.
Students who are school of choice and/or in-district transfers can request busing using this Google Form. Once busing counts have been conducted, our transportation department will notify you via email if a bus is available. You can expect the notifical emails to begin going out on September 15th.
CHS 8th Grade Washington DC Trip 2024
Dear CHS 8th Grade Parents,
Our Annual 8th Grade Washington D.C. Trip is scheduled for March 12th-March 15th. You can expect more information at the Washington D.C. Trip Parent Meeting immediately following Curriculum Night on September 20th.
Food Service Update - Free Meals in 2023-24
During the 2023-24 school year, all Michigan public school students in grades Pre-K through 12 will have access to free breakfast and free lunch everyday through the "Healthy School Meals for All" program. This includes a meat/meat alternative, grain, fruit/vegetable and milk. A la carte items will be available for purchase.
Families are still encouraged to complete the free/reduced meal form in Skyward help secure additional funding for the District including Title I funding. By completing the form, eligible families may also receive access to other free and reduced programs within the District including SAT testing, pay to participate, and more.
Walled Lake Northern H.S. Girls Basketball Business Sponsorship Banners
Walled Lake Northern Girls Basketball
Business Sponsorship Banners
Order now to make sure your Banner remains in the gym for the full school year!
Banners are 3’-0” x 6’-0” feet and will remain in the Walled Lake Northern High School Gym for the entire 2023-2024 School Year. They will be taken down and stored in June 2024.
Your Banner design can be emailed in a PDF format, or in a format that can be easily saved to PDF, to nayalmaktari@gmail.com.
First Year includes the banner printing, installation, and removal is $500.
The following year renewal cost will be $250.00 if the same banner from the previous year is re-used.
Payment options:
Provide to Team Booster Members
Checks payable to ‘Knights Attack Basketball’ and can be mailed to 1194 Clearwater Blvd, White Lake 48386
Pay by Credit Card (+$16.00 processing fee)
Please note that your banner cannot be ordered until we've received your design and payment.
1/2 DAY DISMISSAL 11:40 A.M.
Please feel free to call our main office with any questions at 248.956.3500. You can also email us.
Principal's Secretary: TerriSzymanski@wlcsd.org
Building/Attendance Secretary: TonyaGray@wlcsd.org
6th Grade Counselor: JulieBraley@wlcsd.org
7th Grade Counselor: KathleenHoover@wlcsd.org
8th Grade Counselor: MaureenBratke@wlcsd.org
Smart Administrative Team
Dan Holland, Assistant Principal
Steve Spickard, Dean of Students
Please contact us with positive or constructive feedback, questions, and/or concerns.
Website: www.wlcsd.org/smart
Location: 8500 Commerce Road, Commerce Charter Township, MI, United States
Phone: 248-956-3500
Twitter: @CliffordSmart