Bulldog Blast
Principal's Message
Bulldog Families,
I hope your weekend was full of everything you love. I want to take a moment to thank every staff member, community member, and parent who have signed up to volunteer. It truly takes a village and I am so grateful for our village. If you were unable to attend the volunteer event or apply online, please do so here: https://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/hreq/page/volunteer. If you need financial assistance for the fingerprinting, please see Judy Williams and we will take care of it for you. Our students need as many positive role models as possible and there are multiple ways/times to support our school.
Please note, the gym parking lot gate is only open and staffed until the tardy bell at 7:06am. After that, please use the student parking lot near the tennis courts to drop off your student as they will need to report to the front office for a pass. You may use the bus loop after 7:15am.
We have been doing daily reminders for students to never open the gates for anyone, even if they know the person. Doing so is a violation of safety rules and will result in disciplinary action. Please speak with your student regarding this crucial safety expectation.
You may have heard your student talk about new colored zones for restrooms. We have created new passes of a specific color based on the location of the classroom (thank you Mrs. Craft for your wonderful map!). We have placed staff members in color zones to monitor throughout every minute of every day and students are expected to use the restroom indicated on their pass to ensure safety. Classrooms will only let one student out at a time to reduce the number of students in the hallway during classes. Thank you in advance for reiterating this expectation at home.
Always remember that Bulldogs Bark!
Bulldogs are:
B - Brave (brave enough to always do what is right, not necessarily easy)
A - Academically Engaged (focused on learning and making progress)
R - Responsible (taking accountability and making good choices)
K - Kind (just be nice!)
Proud Principal,
Amanda McCoy, Ed.S.
Bulldog Business 2/3/25
Monday, 2/3/25
o WIDA writing - media - 8:00am
o SIT Meeting - 1-315 - 10:00am
o Coaches Meeting - Admin Conference Room - 1:45pm
o Cheer Practice - commons 2:45-5:00pm
o Boys Basketball Districts V only at home - 7:00pm (Cim Cover)
Tuesday, 2/4/25
o WIDA writing - media - 8:00am
o ZHS SBLT Meeting - media - 1:45pm
o Cheer Practice, Commons – 2:45 - 5:00
o FFA Judging Practice, Room 800 – 1:45 – 2:30
o Baseball Pre-Season games - 5:30pm (McKinney Cover)
o Senior Parent Night - commons/media - 6:00pm (Yonkof/McCoy Cover)
o Girls Basketball V only away at FHS - 8:00pm
Wednesday, 2/5/25
o College/Career/AVID day (rep your favorite with jeans!)
o AP Induction (McKinney and Hardy)
o WIDA make-up testing
o USF Graduation Information meeting (Yonkof)
o Cheer Practice, Commons - 2:45 – 5:00
o Xzavier Jackson Signing - commons - 2:00pm
o Boys Weightlifting away at CCHS - 4:00pm
Thursday, 2/6/25
o Cheer Practice, Commons - 2:45 – 5:00
o Student Council Officers at Aquarium - 2:15pm
o Baseball Pre-season games - 5:30pm (Wasilewski cover)
Friday, 2/7/25
o Bulldog Spirit Day (rep your Bulldogs with jeans!)
o JROTC Field Day at RBSMS - 9:00am
o Calendar Meeting and Admin Meeting - 8:15am
o Softball vs Baseball at home - 6:00pm (Yonkof cover)
Saturday, 2/8/25
o JROTC parking at Pigz in Zhills - 7:00am
o Wrestling away at Brandon - 8:00am
o Track and Field Car Wash - O'Reilly Auto Parts - 8:00am-3:00pm
o JROTC at County Fair - 10:00am
Great Things are Happening at ZHS!
Girls Basketball celebrated their seniors and honored Coach Chris with a win over AATL 61-18!
The ZHS Dazzling Divas always show their support for our student athletes!
Boys Basketball celebrated their seniors with a buzzer-beating win over PHS!