PA Transition Tidbits
Updates and Events - February 2024
February is Career Tech Ed (CTE) Month!
Career and Technical Education Month® is a public awareness campaign, hosted by ACTE and sponsored by National Association of Home Builders, that takes place each February to celebrate CTE, the accomplishments of CTE programs and the importance of CTE for all students of all ages.
To learn more about the benefits of CTE, check out the video and infographics below!
Meet the Bureau of Career Tech Ed Director - Judd Pittman
"Before serving as the State Career Technical Education (CTE) Director, Judd worked in forestry as an ecologist conducting climate science research in Pennsylvania and in Canada.
As the son and grandson of carpenters, Judd understands the value of CTE programs. “CTE has the gift of being able to answer the question of every student’s ‘why’,” he says.
Judd taught middle and high school science for eight years at Harrisburg City School District and served on the district’s school board for eight years. He transitioned out of the classroom for a job with the Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network, an organization that provides professional learning for educators. This was followed by spending six years on assignment as special advisor to Secretary of Education Pedro Rivera for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education. Finally, Judd spent nearly two years at Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology helping to design clear career pathways for students of all ages to enter the workforce.
As he looks at the year ahead, Judd shared that he wants to prioritize building up Pennsylvania’s certification pathways; he is eager to establish apprenticeships and residency models within these pathways that attract and retain new educational professionals into CTE classrooms. To leverage the state’s industry trends, Judd is working on finding ways to create credentialed pathways into the clean energy economy as the state prepares for two hydrogen hubs and grows its energy infrastructure.
“I said I would be honored to come back to the Pennsylvania Department of Education for two jobs, and this job, state CTE director, is one of them. My lived experiences have set me up for this role in a way that will provide a fresh perspective. I’m looking forward to seeing what sort of ‘positive damage’ we can do for learners of all ages by modernizing and aligning state workforce and education systems. This work is critical for Pennsylvania to maintain a vibrant economy, and we need to make things less burdensome for administrators, educators, CTE centers, students and our community as a whole, all to ensure Pennsylvania is the first choice of places to raise a family,” Judd says."
Is CTE Right for my Student?
Is your student considering participation in a CTE program? If so, check out the guide for Inividualized Education Plan (IEP) teams attached below.
PA Department of Education and CTE
The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) website hosts great information about Career and Technical Education. Of particular interest when considering a CTE program includes looking at programs of study and competency task lists. IEP teams might consider exploring program competencies and the need for accommodations and specially designed instruction when exploring CTE programs for a student!
Also, be sure to look at the Pennsylvania Department of Education's Q & A Regarding Special Education Students Enrolled in Career and Technology Center as Related to Chapters 14 and 339.
ACTE Webinar Series on CTE for Students with Disabilities:
In 2019, ACTE joined Penn State University’s Workforce Education program and the National Technical Assistance Center on Transition (NTACT) to host a five-part webinar series that took a deep dive into programs, practices and partnerships among CTE and special education practitioners that support SWD in CTE. You can view this series for free at CTE Learn. Descriptions of each event in the series, as well as links to the recordings are included below.
Webinar 1. CTE for Students with Disabilities: A Framework for Understanding
Session participants will:
- Learn about the numerous pieces of legislation that impact SWD, including Perkins V.
- Learn strategies to support students with disabilities in secondary CTE through appropriate CTE program placement.
Webinar 2. Effective Partnerships: Communication, Collaboration and Professional Practice
Session participants will:
- Learn strategies for building relationships between special education and CTE professionals.
- Learn about collaboration, communication approaches and needed professional development to support CTE for SWD.
Webinar 3. Classroom Supports: Universal Design for Learning, Differentiated Instruction
Session participants will:
- Learn about the CAST framework of UDL and how one school district incorporates UDL into CTE.
- Learn the fundamentals of differentiated instruction with approaches to support effective teaching, individuate learning and maximize student engagement.
Webinar 4. Classroom Management: Behavioral Supports, Motivation, Reflective Teaching
Session participants will:
- Learn about the importance of reflective teaching practice to support SWD engagement and achievement.
- Learn about behavior management and classroom climate as part of effective teaching
Webinar 5. Toward Best Practices: Programs that Work, Models Toward Success
Session participants will:
- Learn about effective programs and partnerships in Pennsylvania and Ohio.
- Learn about the importance of collaborative partnerships with multiple agencies and stakeholders (i.e., CTE, special education, vocational rehabilitation, WIOA) in supporting positive post-school outcomes for SWD in CTE.
- Learn strategies, approaches that work and practical insight from Ohio on building a “systems approach” to support SWD in secondary CTE settings.
YOUth Can Do It!
Career Tech Ed (CTE) Through a YOUth Lens
Career Tech Ed (CTE) is an experience designed for students to explore their career interests during high school and as an option for post secondary education. These programs offer a students opportunities to develop critical thinking skills, practice hands on learning, and build hard and soft skills to be successful in the workforce.
While there are over 80 Career and Tech Ed. Centers across the state of Pennsylvania, the Hiram G. Andrews Center and Technical Institute (HGAC) is a great example of a facility that offers a variety of CTE programs for students of all abilities. HGAC offers three associate programs through the commonwealth technical institute (CTI). These programs include medical office assistant, culinary arts, and networking technology. They also offer seven diploma programs including administrative assistant, automotive technology, building maintenance, culinary assistant, material management and distributing, nurse aid, and welding technology. Additionally, there are several resources to support students during the completion of these programs including job skills training for youth with disabilities, customized employment guidance, education and learning support, etc.
One of our YES team members, Hayley Penn, had the chance to connect with a current HGAC student and learn more about his experience working with HGAC. Ethan Ramos shared HGAC is “a place with well rounded instructors, staff and amenities. It’s a place were I have been able to come learn a trade and learn about myself so I appreciate HGAC. I learned the small things that are needed to know information in the business areas I was lacking in as well as how I can better myself for interviews as well as my language, outspoken and body language. Ive learned skills that have informed me about the ways in which the career I am jumping into has its pit falls and its stepping stones I will use the info to make the right steps and try to stay ahead of the game in the shops as well as getting my job done as best as possible. HGAC has refined my work ethic and skills into a better place they would have ever been without so I am grateful in the end for the opportunity.”
HGAC will also be offering summer programs for high school students age 16-21.The program is offered to students who are OVR customers with an open case or those who are potentially eligible for services. The programs include the Access Planning and Strategies (APS) Academy and the Working on Readiness for Careers (WORC) Academy! Both programs focusing on assisting students in building career readiness skills. Contact Stacie Andrews (standrews@pa.gov), Director of Transition Programs, for more information!
Keep and eye out for events going on in and around your area. This Spring, Pittsburgh’s OVR Early Reach team will be offering opportunities to students with disabilities to explore different career paths through hands on learning apprenticeships and programs. These include a chance to learn more about a Steamfitters apprenticeship, workforce training, programs at Rosedale Technical College, and Triangle Tech! Find more information here or email RA‐LI‐OVRPGHPETS@pa.gov with questions.
PA OVR Announces 2 Pre-Employment Transition Services Academies
OVR is happy to announce two Pre-Employment Transition summer academies that will take place this summer on the campus of the Commonwealth Technical Institute at the Hiram G. Andrews Center.
The Access, Planning and Strategies (APS) Academy will be held Tuesday, June 25-Friday, June 28, 2024. APS Academy provides participants a foundation of skills for a successful transition from high school to work or post-secondary education. Participants will gain hands-on experience with technology including “apps” and software.
The Working on Readiness for Careers (WORC) Academy will be held Tuesday, July 23, 2024, to Friday, July 26, 2024. WORC Academy offers participants with opportunities to engage in interactive psychoeducational groups and experiential community activities related to the domain of work readiness.
It is recommended that referrals be made by May 1, 2024.
Please see the flyer attached and share with your schools, contacts, and referrals sources. For more information about Pre-Employment Transition programming at CTI at HGAC, contact our Director of Transition Programs @Andrews, Stacie.
PYLN is Seeking Nominations for the 2024 Katie Smith Youth Leadership Award
Recruiting Youth Ambassadors in the Philadelphia area!
Youth Ambassadors (YAs) are needed to impact the provision of services for students with disabilities from high school to college or work in the community.
YAs will participate in local and statewide meetings, help develop employment programs in PA, help create youth-engaging media and support students with disabilities in their communities.
This is your chance to gain valuable work experience and let your voice be heard related to important transition topics!
For more information, please contact:
Krista Sloan, LSW
Youth Ambassador Specialist
PA OVR Bureau of Central Operations
The Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN) is requesting proposals to present at the 2024 PA Community of Practice Transition Conference, Charting YOUR Course, taking place at the Penn Stater Conference Center, State College, PA, July 31 and August 1, 2024.
This year's theme: Charting YOUR Course, will provide conference attendees with the opportunity to learn about resources, effective practices, and tools that will help students with disabilities plan for their future goals. Past conferences have included dynamic and engaging presentations from community and agency partners, educators, families, students, and researchers to support the development of student-centered transition plans designed to enrich, enhance, and support transition-aged students achieve their goals as they move towards employment and independent living.
Access the 2024 PA Community of Practice Transition Conference Proposal here.
General Guidelines for Submission:
- Presenters are encouraged to connect their topic to one or more of the 9 Quality Indicators of Transition Discoveries.
- Presenters are expected to present in-person at the Penn Stater Conference Center and offer sessions that will engage virtual and in-person attendees.
- Completed proposals must be submitted by 5:00 PM on Monday, February 26, 2024.
Please NOTE: The proposal form will not save your information until you submit the form. Once started, you will not be able to go back in and make edits.
The conference planning team will review all proposals and notify primary presenters of their proposal status by April 15, 2024. Presenters must register and pay the registration fee when made available in early spring.
For questions regarding the 2024 PA Community of Practice Transition Conference and/or proposal submission, please contact Lisa Kuilman-Bolla, lbolla@pattanpgh.net.
Pennsylvania Career Tech Ed Resource Center
The Education Resource Center is located at Penn State Greater Allegheny, near Pittsburgh. The primary goal of the Center is to provide technical support services to the field of career and technical education. The Center works with the staff of the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s Bureau of Career and Technical Education to achieve the goals of the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) and other initiatives.
Pennsylvania Association of Career and Technical Education Special Populations (PACTESP)
As a professional community in Pennsylvania, PACTESP members plan and conduct professional development activities for those who serve special populations students; identify practices that enhance programs and services for these students in career and technical education programs; share resources that support administrators, educators and staff that facilitate the participation of special populations students in career and technical education programs; provide leadership in legislative matters that impact special populations and recognize the achievement of students, staff and service providers in career and technical education.
Be sure to check out their amazing resources for students with disabilities!
NOCTI - Resources for Pennsylvania
NOCTI has developed customized tests for several Pennsylvania Programs of Study standards. Development includes supplemental study guides for each customized assessment.
Click here to access Customized Assessments & Study Guides
NOCTI also has resources available to help parents and students with credential preparation.
Blueprints are available for all NOCTI credentials and provide competency lists, percentage breakdowns, sample questions, and skill-based job examples. Students use Blueprints to focus studying on areas in need of improvement and to prepare for success in their selected career path.
Study Guides serve as a road map for credential preparation. The digital format makes them accessible from anywhere and with any device. This resource includes study checklists and breakdowns for both the knowledge-based and skill-based components of the credentialing assessment. Study Guides are typically ordered through the school or college, but also available for direct order when needed.
Access Credential Preparation Resources for Parents and Students!
PA Secondary Transition - Career Tech Ed Resources
The pasecondarytransition.com website also contains resources for those considering CTE programming. Explore videos, resources, and questions for consideration under Employment - Career and Technical Education as well as Post Secondary Education - Post Secondary Career Training Programs.
Trying to find a one stop shop for resources about the IEP (Individualized Education Program) process and meetings?
Looking for the updated Communication Plan within the IEP (Individualized Education Program)?
Want to find ways to dig deeper into creating and building the IEP (Individualized Education Program) process and meetings?
Visit the IEP Information page in the student-led IEP resource hub.
The page contains a digital copy of the IEP, annotated versions, teacher desk reference supports, timelines, acronym explanations, information about IEP writing course, and more!
Expect, Engage, Empower Virtual Symposium Series
The Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services hosted the first session for the 2023-2024 OSERS Symposium Series virtually on October 25, 2023.
The first session in this series "Belonging: Building and Sustaining Environments that Support High Expectations, Engagement, and Empowerment for All!" focused on the importance of building a sense of belonging for children, youth, and young adults with disabilities in school, college, and workplace settings.
Participants heard from Valerie Williams, Director of the Office of Special Education; Carol Dobak, Commissioner, Rehabilitation Services Administration; Dr. Erick Carter, Ph.D. Baylor University, Luther Sweet Endowed Chair in Disabilities; Hunter Steinitz, PA Youth Engagement Specialist as well as several panels all focusing on belonging.
Expect, Engage, Empower Resource Database
"In support of Secretary Cardona’s mission to improve equity across our nation’s schools, Director Williams is pleased to announce a new initiative to improve postsecondary outcomes for students with disabilities: Expect, Engage, and Empower: Successful Transitions for All!
This initiative will challenge the field to join OSERS to raise expectations, engage families earlier, and empower all who support transition services to measurably and significantly improve postsecondary outcomes for children and youth with disabilities and their families. Every family that has an infant, child, or youth identified with a disability must be exposed to high expectations from day one. In order for improvement to occur, three things must happen:
- The education and vocational rehabilitation systems must work together,
- Critical discussions about the future and transition planning process must start sooner, and
- ALL students with disabilities should have the opportunity to learn about all post-secondary opportunities and make the best choice for themselves.
Our systems should be prepared to make their vision a reality by providing information about any needed support services, and proactively address needs."
From the IDEAS That Work Website, October 2023
Announcing: PA Secondary Transition – Public Square
Looking for a place where you can Connect, Collect, & Contribute
to all things secondary transition?
Connect with people from across our state to collect
resources, share events and contribute stories about positive post-school outcomes!
Click here to create an account and login to join our PA Secondary Transition- Public Square.
National Technical Assistance Center on Transition: The Collaborative (NTACT:C)
Are you looking to learn more information about transition?
Check out their Training Resource Library.
If you're new to transition, be sure to check out Transition 101!
Transition Events
Are you looking for transition events across PA?
PEAL & Youth Move PA hosting Disability/Mental Health Interactive Discussion
This newsletter is brought to you by The Pennsylvania Community on Transition
The Pennsylvania Community on Transition is a group of various stakeholders from across Pennsylvania who work collaboratively to ensure appropriate transition outcomes for Pennsylvania youth and young adults.
The Pennsylvania Community on Transition is a state leadership team consisting of representative from: the State Departments of Education, Health, Labor and Industry, and Human Services; Various Serving Agencies, Young Adults, Parent Organizations, Advocates, Higher Education, and Employers.
The shared vision and common goals of the Pennsylvania Community on Transition is achieved when all PA youth and young adults with disabilities:
- Successfully transition to the role of productive and participating adult citizens
- Are empowered to recognize their talents, strengths, and voice
- Have equal access to resources that will promote their full participation in the communities of their choice.
Email: pasecondarytransition@gmail.com
Website: https://www.pasecondarytransition.com/
Phone: 4128266878
Twitter: @hmangiskuntz