Chapman Newsletter
August 2024
Important Dates
- August 13th: CUSD Back to School Event (10:00-2:00 pm at Bidwell Jr. High)
- August 14th: TK&K Back to School night (5:30-6:30 pm)
- August 15th: Parent Portal Help (10:00-2:00 pm in the MPR)
- August 16th: TK Student Meet and Greet (2:00-4:00 pm)
- August 19th: First Day of School!
- August 22nd: Back to School Night: Grades 1-5 (5:30-7:00 pm)
- September 2nd: No School-Labor Day
A Message from Principal Tellechea
Hello Chapman Families!
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! I hope everyone had a fabulous summer. All of our Chapman staff have been hard at work getting our campus and classrooms ready for our students.
The Chapman Newsletter is a monthly newsletter that provides a current calendar of school events. It also contains articles related to school activities and important links. It is emailed home monthly and also available online on our website at http://chapman.chicousd.org/Newsletter/index.html
Below is some important information.
Class rosters will be available on Aeries in the afternoon of Friday, August 16th.
Our first day with students is August 19th. Click on the image below to view the bell schedule. Our early care program begins at 6:50 am in the library and we offer free breakfast to students beginning at 7:40 am in the cafeteria.
This year we do have some changes to our morning drop off routine to ensure a more secure environment for our students. For the first week of school only, we will be allowing parents/guardians to help their child find their classroom and to meet their teacher. Beginning the second week of school, entrances to campus will be limited to the office, cafeteria, and gate 3 (behind the cafeteria) for students only. For the safety of all children, we need to know who is on our campus at all times. Anyone wishing to visit our classrooms or be on campus during school hours is required to check in with the office. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to schedule a time to meet with their child’s teacher in advance. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
The Chapman Student & Family handbook outlines school processes and expectations for our school. An updated copy will be emailed to all families and posted on the website soon. A paper copy will also be sent home with students on the first week of school.
If you are looking for a way to participate in school, please reach out to your child's teacher. A great way to meet new parents and be involved in special events is by attending our PTA meetings monthly. We are also currently electing new members to serve on our School Site Council. The Chapman School Site Council (SSC) is an elected body with the important role of overseeing the School Plan, ensuring it supports the goals of the school and district, and assessing periodically the effectiveness of the program. If you are interested in serving on the SSC, please email me at ctellechea@chicousd.org
I am honored to return to Chapman elementary for my second year. It is truly a privilege to be part of a community where families, teachers, and students come together to build positive relationships that support mental, physical and academic growth. Thank you for your partnership in education. I look forward to an amazing year!
Cristi Tellechea
Bell Schedule
Cat Corner
New Blacktop
Thanks to a generous donation from Knife River Construction, our students will be able to enjoy the newly paved blacktop area behind rooms 23 and 24 when school starts. Thank you Knife River construction!
New Staff Spotlight
Assistant Principal
Ms. Marjie Starkey is our new assistant principal. She will be at Chapman part-time and is also a part-time assistant principal at Marigold Elementary. Welcome Ms. Starkey!
Office Manager
Ms. Lauren Thompson is the new office manager at Chapman. Welcome Ms. Lauren!
Targeted Case Manager
Ms. Zugey Mane will be our new Targeted Case Manager (TCM). Welcome Ms. Zugey!
2nd Grade
Ms. Michelle Manrubia will be teaching in 2nd grade while Ms. Gehrts is on maternity leave. Welcome Ms. Manrubia!
Ms. Grace Salazar will be teaching Kindergarten while Ms. Diaz is on maternity leave. Welcome Ms. Salazar!
Music 4th & 5th and Band
Ms. Athena Ciriani will be teaching 4th and 5th grade music and band. Welcome Ms. Ciriani!
CUSD Back to School Event
Parent Portal Help
Back To School Nights
CUSD Nutrition: Fall Menu
Chapman Elementary School
Website: http://chapman.chicousd.org/
Location: 1071 E.16th Street, Chico, CA 95928
Phone: (530) 891-3100