September 22, 2024 Madison Memo

Sunday, September 22, 2024
Principals Message
Parents & Guardians,
If you haven't already, please check your child's backpack for information on our 2024 Mustang-a-thon - the annual fall fundraiser sponsored by our PTO. More information can be found below, in the PTO section of this newsletter. We had a great Bingo Palooza event with our Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd graders on Thursday, 9/19. Our next Bingo Palooza event is Thursday, 9/26 from 5:30-7:30 for students in Grades 3-5. This week is Spirit Week at Madison. Students are encouraged to participate in PJ Day, Hat Day, and other dress up days as outlined below in the PTO section.
As a reminder, we want our Mustangs to be in school and on time to school each day. We want to thank parents for prioritizing school attendance, including being to school on time at 8:35 AM. (*8:25 AM for students eating breakfast at school.) Students need to be in their seats, ready to learn by 8:45 AM each day.
Mr. A & Mrs. Conlon
September 23-27, Spirit Week
September 24, Watchdog Pizza Night, 6:15 PM
September 26, Bingo Palooza for Grades 3-5, 5:30-7:30 PM
September 27, Mustang-a-thon
October 4, No School
October 7, No School, Parent/Teacher Conferences, 12:40-8:00 PM
October 10, Parent/Teacher Conferences, 3:40-8:00 PM
Sign Up for Conferences!
Please sign up online for Parent-Teacher Conferences which will be held on:
- Monday, October 7 (K-5)
- Wednesday, October 9 (5TH GRADE ONLY)
- Thursday, October 10 (K-4)
Schedule your appointment online anytime before October 3. After October 3, call the office at 763-506-3300 to schedule and appointment.
Madison PTO News
It’s time for Madison’s 17th annual Mustang-a-Thon!
The Madison Mustang-a-thon is an event put on by the Madison Parent Teacher Organization. It takes place during the school day, on Friday, September 27. The 2024 goal is to raise $14,000 to aid in school-ground upgrades. In the past, Madison students and their families/friends have raised enough funds for a rock climbing wall, GaGa ball pit, adjustable basketball hoops, Chromebooks and more! The Mustang-a-thon also promotes physical fitness, as students are able to participate in a classroom walk, maneuver through all the different obstacles at each activity station, all while enjoying the outdoors!
Event Dates:
Wednesday, September 18: Online donations and in-person donations were open.
Monday, September 23 to Friday, September 27: Spirit Week
- Monday: Comfy Cozy Day / Pajama Day
- Tuesday: Hat Day
- Wednesday: Class Color Day (K-Gray, 1st - Red, 2nd-Blue, 3rd-Purple, 4th-Green, 5th-Black)
- Thursday: Sports Day
- Friday: Madison School Spirit Day (Wear your Madison blue)
Friday, September 27: Envelopes and online donations are due by 3:00 PM.
*Please continue to collect online and in-person donations throughout the week. In order to be eligible for prizes, envelopes/donations by be in by the deadline, 9/27 at 3:00 PM.
PurposeFull People (Character Strong)
Kindness & Respect
We are wrapping up our Kindness Kickoff but wanted you to enjoy this Kindness Video.
Another focus this month has been Respect. One way to think about respect is “seeing value in all people and things and treating them with care.” Many people feel respected in different ways. We hope this month inspires discussions with your family about what respect means to you and how you can practice it together! Check out our Family Letter about Respect!
Volunteering at Madison
Are you looking to become more involved at Madison? We have plenty of opportunities to volunteer. We understand that flexibility can be an issue. While most of our opportunities are during the school day, we do have a few in the evening that may work for some.
Click on the links to sign up for any of these volunteer opportunities:
- Lunchroom Support - lunchroom support is needed daily from 10:40 AM to 11:20 AM for Kindergarten and 1st graders.
- Staple Club - volunteers are needed to compile and staple together any fliers going home with students on a weekly basis. Staple Club meets every Tuesday at 2:00 PM for an hour.
- Watch DOGS Pizza Night Helpers - help serve pizza and watch the students while the Dads fill out paperwork and get more information. Volunteers will get pizza too!
- Mustang-a-Thon - students get an opportunity to walk and raise money for Madison. We are looking for helpers to support our annual fundraising event!
- Book Fair - Book Fair will be held during fall conferences. October 7 and 10. There are afternoon and evening shifts available.
In order to be a volunteer, you will need to complete a volunteer application and background release form. Both forms can be found at Madison Elem Volunteer Application.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out!
Lori Ngo / Volunteer Service Coordinator / lori.ngo@ahschools.us
Important Numbers and Links
Any time your child will be absent from or late to school, please report the absence by 9:15 AM.
Reporting options:
- Call the Attendance Line at 763-506-3306
- Use a web browser (view the instructions)
- Use the ParentVUE app, which is free and can be downloaded to your mobile device.
Please provide the reason for the absence. If due to illness, please give the specific symptoms, such as fever, congestion, etc. If no contact is made, the student absence will be considered unexcused. Please note, if your child is experiencing a fever, diarrhea, or vomiting, the district policy states that the student may not return to school until 24 hours after the last episode.
- Join the Madison PTO group on Facebook for the latest updates and reminders!
- Everyone is welcome to attend our monthly meetings! In person in the Madison Library or via Zoom.
Volunteer at Madison
- To start the process, please complete the Volunteer Application Form and the Criminal Record History Release Form.
- You will be contacted once the paperwork is processed. Please note some volunteer activities require additional processing, which can take up to two weeks.
- We appreciate that you share your time and talents with us. Thank you.
- Please contact Lori Ngo, Volunteer Services Coordinator (VSC), if you need assistance or have questions.
Contact Information
Main Office: 763-506-3300
Absence Line: 763-506-3306
Fax: 763-506-3303
Website: www.ahschools.us/madison
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AHMadison Elementary
Additional Resources
This e-newsletter is published by Madison Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.