Happy New Year Johnson Families!
Getting to connect with my family and enjoying the beautiful Arizona weather have filled me with joy! Even in the daily pleasures of feeling rested and spending time with our families, is a great way to get back and be a champion for our Rainbow Makers!
As we begin the new semester, let’s take advantage of the “fresh start” and apply it to our goals for our school. Our goals of Attendance, Academics and Positive Attitude through PBIS initiatives.
I want to remind all of you of the importance I put into the safety of our students. Our doors are checked three times daily, our Safety Awareness Committee meets once per month, and we are practicing safety drills monthly as well.
I want to continue with a positive school culture-emphasizing how we treat each other, digging into our Social and Emotional goals and challenge ourselves to be risk takers in our learning. High expectations show that we believe in our students, they need to know that we will stretch them to be at their best and invest in their leaning. Our Rainbow Makers deserve it!
Teachers and students are keeping a steady pace in Benchmark and DIBELS Scores. I thank you all for your efforts and appreciate you all in being our educational partners.
I look forward in celebrating Johnson’s great achievements!
Rose Cota
Happy New Year Students, Staff and Johnson Families! I hope the holidays were kind and allowed a moment or two of rest from the hustle and bustle of our busy lives. The following is from our Character Strong curriculum and gives you a brief overview of what our awesome students will be learning this month.
The focus word for this month is Perseverance. One way to think about Perseverance is pushing yourself through challenges and obstacles in order to achieve a goal or work through tough and difficult situations. We all experience challenges in our lives. We all have moments when we feel like we can’t do it or that we want to give up on a big task. It is important to develop tools that help us work through those challenges in order to grow in those moments instead of giving up. Perseverance is 1 of 3 traits we will focus on throughout the year that helps students Be Strong. Throughout the school, students will be developing skills like focusing, organizing, and goal-setting.
I hope this inspires us to not only make goals for our future success but also challenges us to strive to be the best we can be.
Your Counselor,
Mr. Bateman
Students are recognized monthly for their TRIPLE “A”-Great ATTENDANCE, Super ATTITUDE, and Strong ACADEMICS!
Congratulations to the students who had perfect attendance in December! They played a game with the principal, earned a Perfect Attendance pencil or award tag and a Peter Piper personal pan pizza coupon. Hope to see your child at the Perfect Attendance party at the end of the month.
School counselor, Mr. Bateman, awarded Rainbow Makers who modeled Empathy, the character trait for December. These Rainbow Makers were provided with a "Smicker" from the PTO.
It's that magical time of year! Our Kindergarten Winter Performance was spectacular! Our Rainbow Makers worked so hard to bring joy and cheer to everyone!
The Junior Student Council and Student Council were very busy this month. We sponsored the Winter Holiday Door Decorating Contest. Classrooms and staff filled our hallways with AMAZING door displays. Both council members judged the doors. The criteria for the doors were to be holiday or winter-themed, creative, student involvement, and if the display spoke to the council. Our winners are:
First Place: Ms. Baltazar's Kindergarten Class for their Snoopy and Charlie Brown Christmas
Second Place: Ms. Campas's Third Grade Class for Minions Christmas
Third Place: Ms. Zepeda's First Grade Class for Do You Want to Build A Snowman?
The first-place winner will receive a pizza party. Second and Third place winners will receive a bag of candy for the class. Thank you to everyone who decorated their doors!!!!
Best Staff Door: Health Office with Reindeer Hospital
Both council groups, also, spread holiday cheer by delivering treats to Johnson's teachers and staff. This is their way of thanking everyone for their hard work this semester. We are blessed to have extraordinary individuals working at Johnson Primary!
The winners of the holiday door decorating contest.
Our Rainbow Makers transformed their doors into a work of art! Student Council judged each grade level classroom, resource classrooms and staff doors.
Our preschool hosted a Gingerbread Baby Play event, designed to enhance creativity and storytelling skills in young learners. This interactive experience promotes engagement through imaginative play fostering a love for learning! Thank you, Mrs. Virginia and Mrs. Paula.
Our preschool hosted a Cookie & Crafting Event! These little Rainbow Makers enjoyed a day of creativity and yummy treats. This initiative aims to foster creativity and fine motor skills in our youngest learners through engaging activities. Thank you, Ms. Claire, Ms. Cynthia and Ms. Stephanie.
Johnson students had a festive morning at the Breakfast with Santa event! They enjoyed a scrumptious breakfast, enjoyed a musical performance and took a memorable photo with Santa himself!
Johnson students had a heartwarming day at the "Christmas with a Cop" event! Local officers teamed up with kids and enjoyed a fun shopping experience together!
Happy New Year, Johnson Families!
We are excited to welcome everyone into 2025 with fabulous literature! Looking ahead, we will have our Love of Reading week February 10th to the 14th which will be filled with activities to participate in and our annual Literacy Night on February 11th from 5:00 - 6:30PM. Activities include dress as your favorite book character, DEAR (Drop Everything and Read), daily trivia with prizes, and Read Your Shirt day! We will be inviting you and members of our community to come and read to our students. Flyers with more information coming soon!
If your student has brought home a notice from the library, asking for a lost book, please take some time to search the car/house/bedroom for it. If you have any questions on replacing or paying for lost items, please reach out to me via email or by phone on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays or Fridays. Any fines for both computers or books will show up on your student's InTouch account and can be easily paid with a credit card in small increments from there, as well. You can contact me by email or call 520-908-3824.
Happy Reading!
Ms. Smith
Happy New Year! As we enter the new year, I look forward to supporting our students, our teachers and working with our community partners. I can be reached at 520-908-3805. If you need some help with resources in the community, please call me or just stop by the office and see me. I look forward to meeting and working with you.
Uniform Policy: Navy Blue Bottoms with Maroon or White Tops. Please ensure your children come to school dressed according to the uniform policy. If you have any gently used uniforms you would like to donate, we would love to take them. We are starting to run low on some sizes in the closet we have on campus for students.
Family Liaison – Suzette Madril.
Hours of Operation: Monday, Tuesday, and Friday: 08:00 – 4:00; Wednesday: 9:30 – 6:00; Thursday: 10:30 - 7:00; Closed for lunch daily: 12:30 – 1:00. Phone: 520-908-3980.
Family Resource Center Services are available to TUSD students and their families, free of charge. Please call the center to register for classes. Childcare is available to TUSD students and siblings for most classes. Please inform staff of the need for childcare when you register. Include the number of children, ages and any special needs. Interpreter services are available. Please inform staff of the need for an interpreter when you register. Please register at least two weeks in advance if interpreter services are needed.
Other services include: Open computer lab; Clothing bank; Food pantry; Help with TUSD forms; Information and referrals.
This month’s calendar can be found on the Classes for Family & Community webpage.
Join us for the next PTO meeting scheduled for January 16, at 9:30 in the portable by the playground. Come learn about events we have planned for the remainder of the school year. We will be looking for volunteers to help with the book fair coming in February. If you are interested in becoming part of the PTO team, contact PTO sponsor Suzette Madril or any of the PTO officers, President: Darlene Galindo; Vice President: KC Bennett; Treasurers: Stephany Estolano and Danielle Carley; Secretaries: Tannya Ruiz and Elizabeth Cordova.
Johnson PTO made their way around the school from classroom to classroom to spread some joy to our wonderful teachers and staff. Thank you to all the families who support our PTO as they are able to do special things like this because of you!
Student of the Month Principal Recognition: January 10
Quarterly Awards in PM: January 10
PTO Meeting: January 16
Counselor Character Awards: January 17
Martin Luther King Jr. Day: January 20
School Site Council: January 22
Staff/Class Group Pictures: January 23
Professional Learning Day – No School for Students: January 26
Perfect Attendance Celebration: January 31
Save the date! Love of Reading week and the Scholastic Book Fair will be held from February 10th through the 14th. We will also have Literacy Night on February 11.