East Weekly
August 30, 2024
Good Afternoon,
Thank you to everyone who attended our Curriculum Nights! It was wonderful to see so many of you engaged and excited about your child's learning journey this year. If you were unable to join us, we’ve got you covered—please take a moment to view the slide presentations linked below. If you have any specific questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me and/or your child's teacher.
Just a quick reminder that there will be no school on Monday in observance of Labor Day. We hope you enjoy the long weekend with your family!
Take care,
Megan Kirsten- MSE Principal
Friday Night Football
This is a friendly reminder that if you're child is attending the football game then they should be supervised. Some student expectations include (but are not limited to):
Spectators are asked to remain seated in the stands during the game. Loitering or gathering in the aisles, concourses, ramps, entrances, or exits is prohibited on school property.
There will be no running, fighting, use of profanity, or acting in a manner considered to be offensive, threatening, insulting, humiliating, embarrassing, disruptive, obscene, sexually explicit, or violent.
Any violation of the student code of conduct or the creation of an unsafe environment or condition will be grounds for removal from the game without ticket reimbursement, and possible school discipline.
Students should represent MSE proudly and positively!
If you plan to attend the game this evening...
Tickets for all home athletic events are available online. Cash will be accepted for tickets at the gate. There are two stadium entrances for fans. Please see the attached flyer for details regarding parking and stadium entrances.
There is one concession stand operating on the visitor's side, serving our full menu as in past years. The second concession option will be a temporary site underneath the home bleachers, offering a more limited food menu along with drinks and snacks. We can accept cash or credit card payments at both locations.
We enforce a no-bag policy and utilize crowd control barriers under the stands. These efforts will remain in effect this year. The no-bag policy is limited to those of school-age only (18 years old and younger). The duty to prove age will rest on the ticket holder. Furthermore, we will continue to deploy crowd control measures around the stadium to encourage free movement, reduce congestion, and enhance safety.
Home sporting events are a time for us to come together as a community and support our Lions while displaying pride in our community and schools. We will not permit nor condone unsafe, disruptive, or harmful behavior. Some of these expectations include (but are not limited to):
Spectators are asked to remain seated in the stands during the game. Loitering or gathering in the aisles, concourses, ramps, entrances, or exits is prohibited on school property.
Smoking, including the use of electronic cigarettes or other intoxicants, or possession of alcohol is not permitted.
There will be no running, fighting, use of profanity, or acting in a manner considered to be offensive, threatening, insulting, humiliating, embarrassing, disruptive, obscene, sexually explicit, or violent.
Any violation of the student code of conduct or the creation of an unsafe environment or condition will be grounds for removal from the game without ticket reimbursement.
Together, we will create a positive image for visiting fans and a safe environment for students, staff, and community members. Please assist us by speaking with your student(s) about appropriate and acceptable behavior while attending school-sponsored events and reminding them that no bags will be permitted in the stadium. Thank you for your understanding and continued support. Go Lions!
Thank you,
Jessica Williams
Gahanna Lincoln High School
Infinite Campus Updates - Emergency Medical Forms & Student Information:
To ensure we have the most up-to-date information on file, please complete the Emergency Medical Form and review/update any student information changes (address, phone number, etc.) through Infinite Campus, our online student information system.
This can be found by logging into your Infinite Campus Parent portal at [Link to Infinite Campus Login]. These updates are crucial in case of emergencies and to ensure effective communication with you throughout the year.
Upcoming Dates
September 2: Labor Day - No School
September 3: PTA Meet the Principal & Grand Opening!
September 6: 6th grade Adventure Day (Please look for emails from House teacher about who your child will go home with!)
September 9: PTA Meeting @ 7:00-8:00
September 23: No School/ Staff Professional Development
September 24: Parent/Teacher Conferences (6th grade only!)
October 3: Parent/Teacher Conferences (all grade levels)
October 10: Parent/Teacher Conferences (all grade levels)
October 13: Dash & Stash - GJEF Fundraiser
Updates from staff
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
Caudill’s American History: Students have been doing a fantastic job learning about the US Constitution and electoral process. We will be wrapping up our mini unit on Friday, Sept 6th with an end of unit test. Study guides will be given on Tuesday!
All Grade Levels
Attention 6th, 7th, and 8th grade girls!
Middle School East will host another Heart and Sole team this fall! This group is for you if you enjoy being active, like working towards goals, and want to meet new friends! Practices will be after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00 to 5:15. Registration is online at www.girlsontheruncentralohio.org/ or you can see Ms. Hash or Ms. Maynard for more info.
Last day to sign up is Wednesday, September 11th.
New Information
Attendance and Planned Absences Update
To report an absence, please call the front office at (614)478-5550 or email fischerj@gjps.org by 9:10am if possible. You also have the ability to login into Infinite Campus and mark your child's absence there.
Pursuant to House Bill 410, student attendance is now calculated in hours. This includes absences that have been identified as both excused and unexcused by the school, as well as planned absences. Being late or tardy to school does calculate into the total hours absent.
In an effort to encourage regular, on-time attendance and avoid habitual truancy, families are encouraged to:
Make getting to school on time every day a high priority.
Discuss the importance of regular school attendance and the negative impacts of excessive absences.
Create a safe space for students to discuss what is keeping them from school.
Develop a backup plan for getting your student to school when transportation challenges, illness, or other challenges arise.
Schedule vacations during a time when school is not in session.
Monitor your student’s attendance records to identify any disruptions or patterns of change.
Contact your student’s school to discuss preventative services and supports available to promote regular attendance.
PLANNED ABSENCES (Such as vacation): The time missed will be counted as an authorized, unexcused absence but shall not be a factor in determining grades unless the make-up work is not completed. Students who are absent 38 hours in a month or 65 hours in a school year with or without legitimate excuse are now considered Excessively Absent. These students will receive a letter from the District and will be required to follow the District Truancy Plan.These hours include approved planned absences. Planned absences will not be approved if your child has already met or will meet (based on this request) the absence threshold for Excessive Absence and/or Habitual Truancy.
If you have a planned absence, please fill out this form and send it in to the office. For more information or questions, please visit the GJPS website.
Talking Points Communication App
As a district, we use the Talking Points platform to communicate via text. You can download the app on your phone to receive quick messages as needed.
PTA Update
Volunteer Opportunity
Your PTA is looking for a volunteer or two to plan this year's dine-out events. This position allows staff and families to support local restaurants while contributing hundreds of dollars to PTA funds. Please contact Monica Plucinski at pluc.monica@gmail.com to find out how you can help.
Previous Information
Building hours
Doors open for breakfast at 8:50 & 8:55 for non-breakfast eaters. Students will report their their House by 9:05.
Drop-off and pickup procedures
You must enter from Clotts Rd.
Use the entire loop as shown.
Pull up tight to the person in front of you in our pick up line.
These things will help keep all of the cars off of Clotts Road and allow for our buses to enter the lot.
If you would like to park in the basketball lot and wait for your student, that also works, but make sure the outer loop is free from parked cars.
After your student is loaded, exit via Clotts Road.
Lastly, BE CAREFUL! There are a lot of students and cars in the lot!
Always here!
The GJPS Heart & Pride Award
The Heart and Pride Award recognizes two outstanding staff members each month who make a profound impact on our students and Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools.
The Heart & Pride Nomination Form will remain available year-round and is open to any member of our staff, regardless of position.
PTA meetings take place on the 2nd Monday of each month in the GMSE library at 7:00pm. All are welcome!
Meeting dates:
September 9
October 14
November 11
December 9
January 13
February 10
March 10
April 14
May 12
Help support and fund numerous initiatives for students and staff throughout the year. Stay tuned to our Facebook page, “GMSE Parents” (new members be sure to answer the questions to be admitted), and upcoming newsletters for more information about what we do and how you can help.
Please consider joining the Middle School East PTA.
Important Dates:
Sept. 23, 2024: PD Day - No School
Oct. 21, 2024: Comp Day - No School
Oct. 22, 2024: Staff Work Day - No School
Nov. 8, 2024: PD Day - No School
Nov. 27-29, 2024: Thanksgiving Break - No School
Dec. 23, 2024-Jan. 2, 2025: Winter Break - No School
Jan. 3, 2025: Staff Work Day - No School
Jan. 20, 2025: Martin Luther King Day - No School
Feb. 14, 2025: PD Day - No School
Feb. 17, 2025: Presidents Day - No School
Mar. 10, 2025: Staff Work Day - No School
Mar. 31-April 4, 2025: Spring Break- No School
April 18, 2025: Comp Day - No School
May 2, 2025: PD Day - No School
May 23, 2025: Last Day of School for Students
May 24, 2025: Class of 2025 Commencement