Mustang Memo
October 25th, 2024
Halloween Parade and Parties
Weather permitting... The Halloween Parade will start at 1:45pm. Parents if you are present to watch the parade please feel free to line up in the grass/designated areas along the route shown below.
Staff will assist students into their costumes prior to the parade. Please NO blood, gore, or weapons! Halloween parties will start at 2:00pm.
Veterans Day Assembly
Hello families! We have an assembly coming up to celebrate Veterans Day on November 11th at 9:00 AM. Kindergarten, fourth grade, and fifth grade will each perform a song at our assembly.
To invite a veteran to our assembly, click here
If your child is a Boy Scout or Girl Scout (grades 3-5 only) and would like to participate in the flag ceremony portion of the Veterans Day Assembly, click here
First, Second and Third grades will not perform due to preparing for their grade level programs but they will still attend the assembly and are allowed to invite veterans. I recommend students wear red, white, and blue to celebrate our veterans on November 11th!
Thank you to our wonderful parents and community members for your support with our recent fundraiser! Your generosity and commitment make a huge difference, and we’re so grateful for everything you do to help our school thrive. Thank you!
Volunteer Opportunities
Dates to Remember
Oct. 30th - PLC / Late Start Wednesday
Oct. 30th - 1st Grade Music Concert 6:00pm
Oct. 31st - Halloween Parade 1:45pm & Class parties 2:00pm
Nov. 3rd - Daylight Saving Time
Nov. 6th - PLC / Late Start Wednesday
Nov. 11th - Veteran's Day Assembly @ 9:00am
Nov. 11th - Site Council Meeting @3:45pm in the Library
Nov. 12th - Picture Retakes
Nov. 13th - PLC / Late Start Wednesday
Nov. 20th - PLC / Late Start Wednesday
Nov. 20th - 1st Grade Field Trip
Nov. 22nd - Leader in Me Assembly 8:30am
Nov. 25-29th - NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 3rd - Spelling Bee @ 1:30pm
Dec. 4th - PLC / Late Start Wednesday
Dec. 5th - 2nd Grade Music Concert 6:00pm & 3rd Grade Music Concert 7:00pm
Dec. 10-12th - Holiday Mart
Dec. 11th - PLC / Late Start Wednesday
Dec. 20th - Leader in Me Assembly @ 8:30am
School Hours
7:30 AM Office opens
7:40 AM Earliest doors are open for students, breakfast begins
8:00 AM Tardy bell - school begins
3:10 PM Dismissal of students
7:40 AM - 9:00AM PLC
7:40 AM - 8:00AM YMCA drop-off (Must be signed up)
8:40 AM Breakfast
8:40 AM - 9:00AM Drop-off
9:00 AM School start
About Us
Location: 17077 West 165th Street, Olathe, Kansas, United States
Phone: (913) 592-7255
Twitter: @PCESMustangs