Principal's Weekly Update
March 25th-29th
Dear Families,
It is hard to believe we are entering into Holy Week and just a week away from Easter.
The Bookmobile from the Fall River Public Library is scheduled to make its first visit to Holy Name this Tuesday. Students who signed up for library cards will receive them on Tuesday. If your child already has a library card from a SAILS library, they are welcome to bring it into school. We will be sure to share pictures on Facebook.
We have been grateful to all the guest readers and visitors who spoke about the importance of reading skills in their careers. Mayor Coogan visited grade four this week as well as parents and friends of the school. We have some exciting visitors scheduled for this upcoming week as well.
All families are invited to attend Palm Sunday Mass at Holy Name Church this Sunday at 10:30. Please see details below. Children will be invited to process in and there will be a children's homily. The Palm Sunday Mass that was recorded this past Thursday will air this Sunday on channel 6 at 11:00 am.
Megan dos Santos
March/April Calendar
3/26 - Walk-a-thon Meeting
3/28 - Holy Thursday-Early release @ 11:30
3/29 - Good Friday-No school
3/30 - Holy Saturday
3/31 - Easter Sunday
4/1 - Easter Monday-No school
4/6 - Spaghetti and Meatball Supper sponsored by Holy Name Church
4/7 - Easter Egg Hunt at Holy Name Church
4/12 - Walk-a-thon Pep Rally
4/12 - Father/Daughter Dance 6-8 pm.
4/15-19 - April Vacation
4/22 - School Resumes
4/22 - Walk-a-thon forms due
4/24 - Chick-Fil-A Fundraiser Night
4/26 - No School-professional development
4/26 - Family Paint Night
Last Chance to Purchase
Spring dress down day coupon booklets are on sale until March 27th. Fill out the form below or click the link to purchase.
Walk-a-thon Meeting
Tulip and Sweet Bread Pick-Up
Yearbook Orders
Yearbook orders maybe placed from now until April 24th. The cost is $25 per yearbook. Please fill out the form or click the link to order.
Mark Your Calendars!
The School Life Committee is hard at work preparing for some family events in April and May. Details about each event will be shared in the coming weeks. Please mark your calendars and consider joining us.
April 12th - Father/Daughter Dance
April 24th - Chick-Fil-A Fundraiser Night
April 26th - Family Paint Night
May 3rd - Mother/Son Night
Holy Name Church: Upcoming Events
Spaghetti & Meatball Dinner
Holy Name Parish is hosting a Spaghetti & Meatball Dinner on Saturday, April 6 from 5-9 p.m. Dinner, dessert, refreshments, and adult beverages will be served. Tickets are $15 for adults and $5 for children 12 & under. Please contact the main office at 508.674.9131 to purchase tickets.
Easter Egg Hunt
Grab your basket and join us for our second annual Easter Egg Hunt! On Sunday, April 7th immediately following the 10:30 Mass all are invited to gather on the side lawn of the church for a family Easter Egg Hunt. There will be refreshments, Easter candy, and goodies.
Donations are needed to make this event a success. We are currently in need of individually wrapped candy, Easter basket goodies (i.e. bubbles, chalk, coloring books, Playdoh, small toys etc.), and plastic Easter eggs. All donations can be dropped off at the entrance of church, the parish office, or Holy Name School. Please leave plastic eggs unfilled. Thank you for your countined generosity!
New Student Referral Program
Thank you to all the families who have referred new students to our school. Don't forget to fill out your current family referral forms.
Virtue of the Month - Mercy
St. John Vianney
St. Faustina
Grades 3-5
St. Teresa of Calcutta
Grades 6-8