Phillis Wheatley Elementary
Week 17
Principal's Message
Greetings Panthers!!
I hope that everyone had a wonderful and restful Thanksgiving Break filled with special moments with your families and friends! We are entering a very busy few weeks before closing out the first semester of the 2024-2025 school year. With only 15 school days until Winter Break, I encourage you to continue to monitor your scholar's academic progress on Skyward and if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your scholar's teacher either through Talking Points or by calling the school. The second marking period ends on Friday, December 20th. In December, our scholars will be taking the Winter FAST and STAR state assessments. Our Kindergarten through 2nd scholars will be taking the STAR Reading on Thursday, December 5th and STAR Math on Friday, December 6th. We cannot stress enough the importance of our scholars being in attendance and on time on these dates. This will help them perform at their best ability in an optimal testing environment. Parents, we are asking that you ensure that your scholar has a good night's rest, has breakfast, and is at school by 8:00am.
Please join on Tuesday, December 3rd from 5:00-7:00pm for STEM Night. STEM Night is a time for families to engage in fun interactive science experiments brought to us directly from the Orlando Science Center. And did I mention there will be door prizes and pizza! We hope to see you there!
As always, thank you so much for your support and for all that you do for the scholars at Phillis Wheatley ES. We look forward to seeing our scholars bright and early tomorrow morning by 8:15 AM.
Tabitha Brown
Congratulations to our 2024-25 Teacher of the Year & Support Person of the Year!
Geraldine Ansine
Math and Science Coach
2024-2025 Teacher of the Year
Juan Orengo
Bilingual Paraprofessional
2024-2025 Support Person of the Year
Congratulations to our August Teacher of the Month & Support Person of the Month
Lauren Badia- PE Coach
Magalie Mompoint- Program Assistant
Congratulations to our September Teacher and Support Person of the Month
October Students of the Month
The Resiliency Trait for the Month of October: Honesty
Congratulations to the scholars identified by their teacher as a Student of the Month for the Month of October:
Tay-Oana Taylor
Ja'Laeya Jackson
Daleysa Gomez
Raelynn Williams
First Grade
Ariana Lopez Contreras
Anderson Ramirez
Chris Chery
Second Grade
Kahlea James
Issabella Ayala Salazar
De'Yanstie Felix
Third Grade
Ka'Hari Predelus
Ivan Salinas Cantu
Mirsharah Desenclos
Yandel Morales
Fourth Grade
Keirielys Cedanio Santiago
Michael-Eli Lavender
Josue Cotto
Fifth Grade
Kevin Pharisien
Jade Vasquez-Lopez
Jasmerlyn Perez
Isahella Mertilus
Special Area
Joseph Keys
Loveley Carter
Ju'Lyiah Ross
Our Student of the Month Celebration is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Apopka.
Teach-In 2024
A day in the life of a nurse!
Banking and Money Management
Being an Entrepreneur!
Learning about the fire truck!
What does it mean to be a fire fighter?
Listening to an engaging presentation!
Thank you so much to our presenters (not all are pictured) for taking the time to speak to our scholars abut their careers! Ms. Redding for organizing such a phenomenal event!!
Fun at the November Family Night!
Working together to design a tote bag!
I Love My Family!
Fun for all ages!
One of our 5th grade scholars painting a pumpkin!
The Pie Eating Contest!
The winner took home $50.00!
We had a GREAT turnout!
Thank you so much for attending!
Please join us for our December Family Night on December 10th!
Family Movie Night!
Families enjoying an evening together!
There was pizza, popcorn, chips, fruit snacks and drinks!
Month of the Family!
Thank you so much to our Phillis Wheatley PTA for hosting such a great event for our families!
Astro Skate
Our scholars having a great time!
Who knew skating could be this much fun!
Scholars learning to skate!
Saying hello while skating!
Dancing to the music!
A great time was had by all!
Our truly awesome Phillis Wheatley PTA sponsored this field trip for our scholars!
A/B Honor Roll Celebration
We had the pleasure of celebrating our 3rd-5th grade Honor Roll Students last week. Thank you so much to the Orange County Sheriff's Department for allowing our scholars to enjoy their game truck!
How cool is this!
We love the PALS deputies!
They had a GREAT time!
PWES 5th Grade Safety Patrols 24-25
Patrols on Duty in the Car Loop!
Safety Patrols Raising the Flag Before School
Six out of ten of the 24-25 Safety Patrols!
What's "GROWing" On With the Garden Club!!
Resiliency Trait of the Month
Resiliency Trait for December
Definition: Continuing to try even when things are hard. Strength of courage that involves being hardworking, task-oriented, and undeterred by obstacles.
Quote: “My wish for the future is to continue to do everything everyone thinks I can’t do.” - Beyonce Knowles
- Think about a time when you had a struggle and you persevered. Think about how you felt and overcame that struggle.
- Remind yourself that mistakes are okay.
- When you get a grade that you are unhappy with, ask for feedback so that you can get a better grade next time.
Reflection Questions:
- Was there a time when I could have quit something difficult, but kept trying? How did I feel?
- Think about someone who perseveres. How do they overcome obstacles?
- How can I use technology to create positive messages that inspire others to overcome obstacles?
24-25 Attendance Policy
Purchase Your Phillis Wheatley T-Shirts Today!
School Spirit Days are coming!! We invite you to purchase you Phillis Wheatley t-shirts for $10.00 using the links below:
Generous Donation from Bethel Baptist Association of Florida Inc.
Thank you SO much to the Bethel Baptist Association for selecting Phillis Wheatley for their Women's Project!! They made a very generous donation of $500 to support student and teacher incentives! We are so grateful for the community support!
Parent and Family Engagement
PWES Upcoming Events and Reminders
Orange County Public Schools Announcements
2024-2025 OCPS School Calendar
Parent Engagement
Join our Phillis Wheatley PTA!
Phillis Wheatley Elementary
Email: Wheatley_es@ocps.net
Website: https://wheatleyes.ocps.net/
Location: 1475 Marvin C. Zanders Avenue, Apopka, FL, USA
Phone: 407-884-2250
Twitter: @Wheatley_OCPS
Instagram: ocps_wheatleyes