A California Gold Ribbon School
Principal's Message
September 26, 2022
In this newsletter:
Permanent Student ID Distribution
DAC Report
Advisory Council Recruitment
- 9/26 NO SCHOOL- Local Holiday Rosh Hashanah
- 9/27 Late Start Tuesday
- 9/27 CORE Rotations
- 9/30 6th Grade WEB Character Building Assembly
- 10/4 ELAC Meeting in Colina's Library 800-900 am
- 10/5 NO SCHOOL- Local Holiday (Yom Kippur)
- 10/6 Picture Make Up Day
Dear Colina Families:
We are already at the Quarter 1 Progress Reporting Period. Progress reports will be viewable on Q this Friday, 9/30. Strive to review Q or Canvas with your student at least twice a week for each class to monitor your child' progress. Remember to set a time and day to review what students are doing and have them log in for you then walk you through each class. These are times to celebrate and coach up your kids; and never accept that pat one word answer when asking about their day.
Accessing Canvas and Q—a great resource for you is to sync with your student’s canvas so that you have access to the daily agenda and can help them keep track of and stay on top of their work. If you have not yet had a chance to sync/pair with canvas I have posted the directions below. As a parent in this district you should already have a username and password to access Q. If you do not, please reach out to Mrs. Tamara Tuell or Mrs. Christine Trono in our counseling office and they can help you obtain that information.
How to Pair/Sync with Canvas:
Here is the link to canvas homepage: https://conejousd.instructure.com/login/canvas In the top right corner there is the option that says "Parent of a Canvas User? Click Here for An Account". Click that to create your account and set up your username and password. You have to get a pairing code from your student's account to be able to access their personal grade and information. Through canvas the student must go to Accounts - Settings - Pair with an Observer and it will generate a code for you to use (there is a link on that initial setup screen that you can click to show you how to get the pairing code)
Most importantly, if you and/or your student have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out to their teachers at anytime! I look forward to getting into these routines and watching your kids grow this year.
Shane Frank, Principal
Students will receive their permanent student ID cards on Monday 9/19 through their PE classes. IDs must be with your student daily for checking out books from the library, to participate in the lunch program, and to check out equipment for lunchtime activities. Students that have a period 5 dismissal time will have a special sticker on their ID that they will have to show daily to exit campus expeditiously. Students without ID will be need to verified in the office. If you paid for the ASB cougar card, your student's ID will have the ASB symbol printed on the card. Lost or misplaced cards can be replaced for $5 in our student store. Picture make ups will be on October 6th.
Gates Open- "A" period will start promptly at 7:55 a.m., with period 1 beginning at 9:00 a.m. Gates will open at 7:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. To provide appropriate supervision, please do not drop off earlier than our supervisors are available. Likewise, students who dismiss at 2:19 p.m. will need to be picked up by 2:45 p.m. due to supervision.
Cell Phones
Reminder, electronic devices/cellphones/ear or air pods must be turned off during the school day. Students may use their cell phones at the blue benches before school and lunch to call or text parents/guardians; Colina assumes no liability for lost or stolen cell phones. Phones being used on campus or in classrooms will result in losing citizenship points and parent conferences. (Please encourage your students to be responsible users of this technology and to keep locker combinations secret!)
CVUSD Child Nutrition:
Hot lunches and a la carte items Breakfast and lunch meal service will be available at all schools. All students will receive meals at no charge during the 22-23 school year. Because the federal government no longer provides funding for this option, we ask that all parents complete the free meal application. Parents or guardians must apply for free meals as soon as possible. You can complete the meal application online by visiting https://conejo.vcoe.org/fsonline/Main/Login to complete the application online, or paper applications will be available at the District Office all summer. If you have any questions or need assistance completing your application, please call Child Nutrition at (805)498-4557 x7530.
The PTSA Board invites you to join their active and enthusiastic organization at orientation. Their assistance is a critical part of our success. Please visit our Colina PTSA web page at https://www.colinaptsa.com/ . If you would like to VOLUNTEER your time to the school, please contact the PTSA parent volunteer coordinator or Anita Chiapuzio, the School Office Manager, at 495-7429, ext. 1000. We look forward to you being part of our school community.
COVID Protocols - CVUSD sent out the updated COVID protocols for schools via email. Please see this link for the information so you can reference the Q&A and other helpful information.
Colina Advisory Council- Recruitment
Colina is currently recruiting parents, guardians to fill open Advisory Council Positions for the 2022-2023 school year. Please see the two council openings we currently have.
CVUSD was pleased to form an African American District Advisory Council (AADAC) and Colina is looking for a representative to enhance the District’s/school's approach to effectively supporting the needs of our African American/Black students. Our district has also created a LGBTQ+ Advisory Council in which Colina is looking for a representative to provide a voice and perspective in addressing the needs of our LGBTQ+ students.
We are looking for parents/guardians who are interested in participating on this Advisory Council for the 2022-23 school year. If you are interested in participating or would like to nominate a parent/guardian to participate, please submit your/their name to principal, Mr. Frank. Should you have any additional questions, please contact Dr. Dwight Rogers, Assistant Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at drogers@conejousd.org , or (805) 497-9511, ext. 3352. You can also visit the links above to find additional information.
District Advisory Report September 2022
DAC September 2022
1. October 19th is recognized as Unity Day. Ask your child to wear orange to represent their commitment to creating a school environment that is united in kindness, acceptance and inclusion – taking a stand against bullying.
2. CVUSD has officially recognized October as Disability Awareness month, highlighting and celebrating the accomplishments and innovations of individuals with disabilities in our community and nation.
3. A presentation on safety was provided by the district in collaboration with Thousand Oaks Police Department and Breakthrough. The purpose of the presentation was to highlight the pro-active interventions and responses to possible threats to our school communities. The three goals outlined entailed: Prevention, Protection and Response.
4. The District Advisory Council (DAC) reported on the annual priorities that they wish to accomplish or further for the 22/23 school year:
A. Achievement and overall success for ALL students
B. Supporting student social and emotional learning and mental health by rebuilding campus culture and student connection to their school communities.
C. DAC member engagement and communication with all parents.
Late Start Tuesdays
Reminder, every Tuesday this year will be a LATE START DAY. Our first LATE START DAY will be Tuesday, 8/30/22. There is no A period meeting on this day, and gates will open at 9:30 am, with Period 1 starting at 10:00 am. If you need to drop off your student early, please know that our Library and Auditorium will be open for study hall from 7:30 am to 9:30 am. The Boys & Girls Club also offers programming during this time; if that is of interest to you, please visit this web page.
All About the Art’s
Reflections is a National PTA art program that encourages ALL students to show their creative talents and be inspired to express themselves imaginatively in their artwork. Students are invited to submit original works of art conveying this year theme in one or more of the following six categories:
Dance Choreography
Film Production
Music Composition
Visual Arts
Cougars are encouraged to submit their entries on one of the following days before school: Tuesday, October 4th beginning at 9:30 and Thursday, October 6th at 7:30 and 8:30 in the Cougar Court. Student entry forms are available in the front office. If you have additional questions email Trina Rodriguez at ColinaReflections@gmail.com
High School Stadium Policies
In our ongoing effort to ensure that ALL patrons have an enjoyable experience in our school's stadium, please be advised of our new stadium policies:
· No skateboards, rollerblades, or bikes
· No backpacks, ice chests, coolers, or other large carry bags
· No smoking, alcohol, laser devices, drugs, weapons, or animals.
· No outside beverages except for sealed water bottles
· No artificial noisemakers
· Spectators must sit in stands except when purchasing concessions and/or using the restroom.
· Guests who are in the 8th grade or younger MUST be accompanied by an adult.
· Each adult may chaperone no more than four youth guests.
· This is a school event. School rules apply!
· Failure to follow these guidelines and school rules will result in removal from the stadium and at a minimum the youth will not be allowed to attend any further WHS events.
Here is a video of Pick Up/Drop Off procedures
Pick Up/Drop Off & Parking Lots – THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE! To help expedite the drop off, please have your student sitting on the passenger side of the car with back pack next to them for a quick and easy drop off. Please follow the direction of campus supervisors and leave extra time until routines are in place. Remember, it is recommended to turn right into Colina from Hillcrest Drive if you are using the internal drop off/pick up traffic pattern. Alternate drop off/pick up locations will be along Rancho Road; please do not use any lot at Ascension, we always want to be good neighbors. Reminder that TOPD motor enforcement will be out and enforcing speed, cellphones, seatbelts, as well as monitoring parking and no parking areas. Please be safe and courteous out there, it will get easier!