Friday, March 4, 2016
The Birth of the VanChats
I know that I've used the Woody Hayes quote before, but I feel like we're reached a point in the year where it bears repeating. Vanguard would be nothing without all of the amazing people we has as members. Your hard work, personalities, and opinions are what keep us moving forward.
Yesterday I had the opportunity to sit down with a Vanguard member and just chat. It was a time for us to talk about what we want from Vanguard members, what hesitations and struggles are with the group, and what type of folks we're looking to add to the group. Though the sit-down was scheduled, the conversation path was not and we both left the meeting feeling better about the team.
And so, the VanChat has been born. I've created a schedule with an assortment of March dates listed. Those dates are wide-open (unless otherwise noted) for a face-to-face chat at your school. We can chat about any number of things - questions, comments, concerns, suggestions, planning ideas, resource ideas, or just a get to know you. We can talk individually or with a team of Vanguard members. Either way, I'd like to spend more time coming out to your schools and connecting.
When you sign-up, your names are anonymous to the group (just in case you'd rather folks didn't know.) If you have specific questions, just let me know!
~ Heather
Congratulations, Vanguard Team!
It is incredible the number of awards and honors that members of our team have received. The depth of talent on this team is amazing. Here is a list of our current Teacher/Professional of the Year award winners. If we were to add past recipients, the list would grow immensely. Keep up the amazing work!
When you join our Slack group, you'll automatically be entered into the #general, #random, and #vanguard channels. Once you're in, you'll be able to click on the word CHANNELS to see what else you have the option to join.
ALL COHORTS: What'd You Buy?
ALL COHORTS: March Coaching Log
We Need Hosts!
Chat Transcript
Professional Development
If you are not attending the Bear Creek conference and are not already involved in another PD session, here are a couple other opportunities that you may interest you.
McGraw Hill Math training for Elementary Math Teachers
There are sessions at E.C. West, Heards Ferry, Barnwell, and Alpharetta Elementary. These sessions are a repeat of the training that was held on February 12. Time will be spent exploring the ConnectEd Teacher Center and all the digital resources that accompany the new math textbook adoption.
Edgenuity for Blended Learning: Part 1
Edgenuity is a key tool in for personalizing learning. During this session you will be introduced to the curriculum and course content that is available in Edgenuity. Time will also be spend on how to manage students, create custom courses for students, and run reports. The following link provides a list of courses that are offered in Edgenuity. Please check this before registering for this session to make sure the course you teach is on the list: http://ccdn.edgenuity.com/wp/course-lists/Edgenuity-Georgia-Course-List.pdf
Edgenuity for Blended Learning: Part 2
This session is for people who have participated in Edgenuity basics training. This session will give you a deeper dive into customizing courses and managing students. Best practices for using Edgenuity will also be discussed.
To register for any of the sessions:
Login to Edivate. Go to Resourcesà Learning Targetsà Catalogsà Academic Support
About Us
Email: coxh@fultonschools.org
Website: fcsvanguard.com
Twitter: @FCSVanguard