McClure Messages
December 2 - 6
As the busy weeks of December unfold, we're excited to celebrate the many talents of our students through a variety of special events. This Friday, don’t miss the debut of our fall/winter play, Cinderella Wears Combat Boots. Join us for an evening of entertainment on either Friday or Saturday at 7:00 PM.
We’re also eagerly looking forward to the Band & Orchestra and Choral concerts, which promise to showcase the incredible musical abilities of our students. And, of course, we’ll cap off the season with Holly Day on the Friday before winter break—a cherished tradition filled with community, service, and fun.
Check out the upcoming dates below for these and all of our upcoming events!
In more mundane, but no less exciting news, McClure is receiving a phone system upgrade this week. We should not experience any interruption in functionality, but please bear with us as we set up our voicemail systems. Our main line and the vast majority of staff member phone numbers will remain the same. A full phone list will be available soon on the website.
Upcoming Dates
12/5/24 ........... 5th - 8th Band and Orchestra Holiday Concert, 7pm
12/6/24........... Ice Cream Friday, Raise Right orders due
12/6/24 ........... Fall/Winter Play
12/7/24 ........... Fall/Winter Play
12/11/24 ........... McClure Choir Holiday Concert, 7pm
12/11/24 ........... Late Arrival Day
12/13/24........... LT teachers coming to speak to 8th graders about Foreign Language offerings (10th period, Lower level)
12/13/24 ........... Boy's Basketball Red Team vs Highlands Pack the Place
12/19/24 ........... 8th grade Advanced Math Final (in LLC, periods 1-3)
12/20/24 ........... Holly Day
12/23/24 ........... Winter Break begins
Holly Day is Coming
If you know that your child will NOT be in attendance on the last day before Winter Break (12/20), we would greatly appreciate an email to mjhattendance@d101.org. This helps us plan activity sessions accordingly. Thank you!
Attendance items
Regular attendance is one of the most important factors in helping students succeed academically and socially and reduces school related stress. As we approach winter break, it is a good time to evaluate if your child has missed time at school. Some items to keep in mind:
- Absences at McClure are reported by minutes and hours missed. If students frequently miss school due to appointments or tardies these can accumulate into days missed.
- Chronic absenteeism is a data point that is reported to the state and affects our school report card. Students with 10% or more of school missed are considered chronically absent. This includes both excused and unexcused absences.
- As of 12/2, 10% of the school year thus far is 6.5 days.
- Absences are only considered excused for the following reasons: illness, observance of a religious holiday, death in the immediate family, family emergency, or student mental health day.
- There are times when family events might necessitate a preplanned absence from school. We always prefer to know about these ahead of time at mjhattendance@d101.org. When students will be absent 3 days or longer, the student should stop by the main office for an extended absence form.
NJHS providing Peer Support on Wednesday mornings (repeat)
NJHS members have organized peer support for any McClure student wanting some assistance or extra study time. Topics in school subjects or organization skills will be supported. Please enjoy this informational video sent to students earlier this week. (The graphics definitely made me chuckle!)
Helping Kids Navigate their Digital Life
Yearbook items (repeated)
8th grade Baby Bulldog photos
The McClure Yearbook Club would like to welcome 8th grade parents/guardians to send in a baby or toddler picture of your graduating Bulldog to be featured in the yearbook!
- Photos can be originals, scanned copies, or digital copies and must be emailed to mfumarolo@d101.org
- Photos should be .jpg or .png files
- Please write your Bulldog's first and last name in your email. Without a name, the photo will not be featured in the yearbook.
- Photos will be cropped to be square so keep that in mind as you select a picture to submit!
- Pictures are due Friday, December 6th
Ordering this year's yearbook
Memories may fade, but yearbooks can last a lifetime!
Order your Bulldog's 2024-2025 yearbook now on TreeRing using McClure's access link:
Dog Tank Marketplace is Open! (repeated)
The following ads are from our entrepreneuship class, Dog Tank. The D101 marketplace is now open!
Hello Bulldogs!
We are part of the dog tank class and would like to introduce you to our new product Desktop Doubles. If you get bored in class and are wanting a game or are interested in buying it, go to this link, Desktop Doubles. Share this with your friends and family.
The Desktop Doubles Co.
Hello McClure parents,
We would like to happily announce our entrance in the D101 marketplace. Our product is the pencil pod. We would hope that you will buy our product and be happy with it.
Pencil Pod Team
A Word from WSFEE
Do you have a Big Idea and just don't know where to start? WSFEE is here to help - contact grants@wsfee.org and we can help you through the grant writing process. Grants help support everything from school and classroom libraries to STEM supplies to buddy benches and lunch tables. Remember to visit wsfee.org or follow WSFEE on Facebook or Instagram (@wsfee_d101) to hear about events, donations and sponsorship opportunities throughout the year.
Send a Note of Thanks
There is nothing that feeds a teacher's soul more than a thank you. If at any point you'd like to send a teacher or staff member a note of appreciation, this is one way to acknowledge the way they have positively impacted you or your child's experience at McClure. Click the button below to go to a quick form and the staff member will receive your note on a lovely digital stationary in their inbox.
Community News
Western Springs Historical Society
The Western Springs Historical Society is celebrating 100 years of McClure! Check out this website for MC gear celebrating our centennial.
Contact Us
McClure Junior High
4225 Wolf Road
Western Springs, IL 60558
Main Office Phone Number: (708) 246-7590
Office Fax Number: (708) 246-4370
Attendance Email: mjhattendance@d101.org
Principal Laura Broadnax: lbroadnax@d101.org
Assistant Principal Thomas Sturm: tsturm@d101.org