Weekly Update
August 8th, 2023

February 24-28, 2025
Message From the Principal
Thank you to all that were able to come out for our student led conferences, we had a good turnout and hopefully you were able to have some good conversations with your student on their goals and their Xello profiles.
As we start to get into March and April I wanted to let you know when we will be doing State Assessments so you can hopefully avoid any appointments on those days.
April 1st and 3rd will be Science State Assessments for 5th and 8th graders.
April 8-11 will be ELA State Assessments for all 5th-8th grade students.
April 14-18 will be Math State Assessments for all 5th -8th grade students.
I will work on getting a snack amazon wish list put together. With every student in the Middle School testing we like to make sure that they are fueled with a snack and provided a little treat for encouragement to do their best on their test. This isn't made possible without the donations from all of you and we greatly appreciate all of those donations and I know the students enjoy the treats as well!
RealityU for 8th Grade
Our 8th graders had a wonderful opportunity today as they were able to participate in RealityU. All students filled out a survey and answered questions as if they were 26 years old. They needed to enter their GPA to help determine what career they could select, they would decide if they wanted to be married at that age, any kids they would have as well as pets. Their credit score was determined by the answers they selected around their class participation, homework completion and how they thought they would pay a credit card bill. Through the algorithm with the program students were matched with a partner(if they selected they would be married) and they were given a monthly salary, they traveled to different booths paying their bills.
The 8th graders all did a wonderful job and were polite, kind and respectful. Ask them about their experience today, I am sure they will appreciate all that you do for them!
The hope is to do this every year and that our 8th graders will get to experience this simulation again when they are Sophomores.
Below are a few photos from today- Thank you to all of our community volunteers who took time out of their day to run a booth and make this possible and meaningful for our kids.
Changes Coming
There will be some changes after spring break for drop off and pick up in the morning. Please refer to the diagram and the rules for drop off and pick up.
If you have a High School student who drops their siblings off please make sure they are aware of these changes.
Let's Talk About Food
Cost for Breakfast is $2.25- we start serving breakfast at 7:30 am
Lunch cost is $3.50- Salads and sandwiches are offered every day but Late Start Days
Extra Milk is $0.50
Events this Week
News from the Nurse
Save the date: Saturday, March 1st, 8am-10am! Join us as we celebrate heart health in February with nutrition and activities at Jeff West Elementary School Open Gym! Parent/Guardian must attend with the child(ren).
Job Opportunities for 2025-2026 School Year
We have an option Middle School Assistant Volleyball Coach position for next year. If interested please go to our website to apply.