Focus on Education
September 2016
What's the Best Thing About Being A Brickie?
BrickieUp in 2016-17!
All My Life I Want to Be a Brickie! Work! Work! Work!
College and Career Readiness! Are you READY? Get a Job!
1. My job at school is ...
2. My job at home is...
3. My job in the community is...
How do we help our youth be READY? They must be given responsibilities with accountability. You have heard that "You get what you expect." Your expectations must be high. Monitor progress on these jobs - do not settle for less. Help make adjustments by teaching the "right way" to do something. Celebrate success. You can build a work ethic in your child that will last a life time.
Skyward is the best way to monitor student progress! Make it a priority to check attendance, behavior and grades. Grade Point Average (GPA) is a leading indicator of a student's desire and willingness to learn and work. Colleges and employers pay close attention to the GPA! Grade translation for GPA: 3.0=B and 4.0 =A. Work for it!
College Go Week is September 26th-30th. Every school has activities for college and career readiness. Help your child participate. Visit the SCOH website to see the lineup. In addition, follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the announcements.
Cash for College Events are coming in October!
Fall College PSAT/SAT Is Coming!
October 1 - SAT
October 19th - PSAT/SAT
If your child is 9th through 12th grade, they have an individualized study plan in the Khan Academy. They should be practicing daily.
If your child is an 8th grader, they can practice using the Khan Academy. However, their College Board account and Khan cannot be connected until after their first test scores are received for an individual study plan.
The School City of Hobart has accepted Rachel’s Challenge!
Throughout the first week of September, our students participated in events to help teach positivity, encourage kindness and dream big! Together, we will start a chain reaction!
The Elementary Schools participated in Rachel's Story which encourages students to say kind words, perform simple acts of kindness, and show that the actions of just one person can make their school a better place!
The Middle School and High School participated in Rachel's Challenge which helps students understand the power of appreciating others and realize that they can start a chain reaction of kindness and compassion to positively change the culture in their school. Powerful video, music and interaction with a Rachel's Challenge certified presenter describes the Columbine High School tragedy and the life of Rachel Scott. In addition, they participated in Rachel's Legacy which introduces her family and friends sharing how Rachel affected them in positive ways. Both encourage students to be aware of the impact of their words and actions on the lives of others and to set goals for a purposeful life. Together, we will start a chain reaction!
As good citizens, we must respect and show kindness to one another. In a world filled with technology, sometimes our devices remove the human element of compassion. We must help our children not be desensitized to what their words and actions may do to others because they are delivered via a technology device where emotions cannot be seen, heard or felt. Rachel's Challenge is simple: Show Kindness! Will you help our Brickie Chain Reaction grow? Expect respect and kindness! We all must demonstrate this in our daily lives!
One of the most critical expectations starts with social media. POST POSITIVE! If every person would only POST POSITIVE, we would be on our way to a creating a culture of respect and kindness. Check out the ReThink tool below!
Digital Citizenship Week is September 12th-16th
The School City of Hobart and St. Mary Medical Center are proud of their partnership in providing the Brickie Community Health Clinic located at Hobart High School. St. Mary Medical Center's award-winning care combines the latest technology and best expertise with the warmth and dignity of the human spirit. Thanks to innovative approaches to treatment, investments in new technology, and outstanding medical staff and employees, St. Mary Medical Center provides the highest quality medical care with genuine warmth and compassion for its patients and families. Backed by medical staff of the Community Care Network, the Brickie Community Health Clinic is available to all Hobart students and families. The Clinic is open! Make an appointment, or stop in today, to complete Express Registration! Registration Forms can be filled out in advance and taken with you.