WOCC Treehouse Kids Newsletter
September- whenever I hear that word, I think of football, the *hopefully* start of cooler temps, settling into the school routine, and the start of fall fun! I hope that all of our friends have had a wonderful start to the school year! I am so proud of all of them for jumping into it with both feet!
September is the start of a new quarter- the Fall quarter- in Bible class, and I am so thankful for our teachers and helpers! It definitely takes a HUGE village in order to teach all of our littles successfully, and we are so blessed with so many incredible generous hearts, and hands, in our congregation!
God has definitely blessed Woodland Oaks!
Please take note of the upcoming dates below and add them to your calendar! I am adding several months in below. I know that Fall can become extremely busy, and we all need to plan accordingly. We don't want anyone to miss a thing!
1st: Fall Quarter Bible Classes Begin
8th: Bible Builders Resumes
14th: Dorcas Class for Girls Resumes
25th: Sprouts Storytime Resumes
29th: September Memory Verse Check-In
29th: THK Service Project
2nd: Sprouts Storytime
9th: Sprouts Storytime
19th: Dorcas Class for Girls
23rd: Sprouts Storytime
27th: October Memory Verse Check-In
27th: THK Pumpkin Painting Social
30th: Sprouts Storytime
30th: 5th Wednesday Boys Lead Singing
30th: 5th Wednesday Activity for Kids Pre-K through 6th- NO JOURNEYLAND!
2nd: WOCC Fall Festival from 2-4 pm
3rd: Willy Wonka National Youth Theater Performance Trip
6th: Sprouts Storytime
9th: Dorcas Class for Girls
10th: WOCC Friends Day
13th: Sprouts Storytime
16th: The Little Mermaid National Youth Theater Performance Trip
16th: 3rd-6th Boys Dinner and a Devo @ The Fleming's
24th: November Memory Verse Check-In
Journey Land- What Exactly Is This?
WOCC has been so blessed with so many incredible new families placing membership this year. We have so many awesome new kiddos in our Children's Ministry program- what a joy! Journey Land starts back in September, and I want everyone to understand exactly what that means!
-Journey Land is a Bible Class rotation that takes place on Wednesday nights during the children's Bible class time period.
- Our children are divided into the following groups that visit one station each week. The groups are: Pre-K and Kinder, 1st and 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 5th and 6th.
-Each age group will visit one of the following stations per week. At the conclusion of each month, every child will have visited every station. Stations are: Music and Memory, Crafts, Geography, and Games.
-We dig deeper into what the children are studying on Sunday Mornings. It becomes a very immersive experience for our kiddos! This fall quarter, we will be studying the missions of Paul and how Heaven is our goal!
-There will be a sign explaining which station your child will be attending in the Auditorium foyer each Wednesday, as well as being said in the Announcements and in the Wednesday announcement email. There will also be several of us looking out for kiddos who might not be sure of where to go- we will help you find your correct station for the day!
Sprouts Is Back!
Sprouts Storytime will resume on Wednesday, September 25th at 10am. I am so excited for this to start back and to spend extra time with my little friends!
What To Expect:
-Around 45 minutes of sensory play, songs, story time, prayer time, snack, and a craft!
-All kiddos ages 0-Prek 4 are welcome!
- Every month we will have a different theme that we work through together.
I hope to see our smallest friends there!
We Need Your Help!
The 3rd-6th Grade Boys Dinner and a Devo have been a huge success over the past year. Our boys get together to praise God through song, pray together, fellowship, and have a Bible study. We are looking for one host family per month, from September 2024 through May 2025 in order for this program to continue. So far, we have all months available except for the month of November. You can even join together with another family to host! It can take place any day of the week of your choice and time, anywhere ranging from your personal home to the park to the FLC Gym! If you'd be interested in hosting and leading a 3rd to 6th grade boys Dinner and a Devo, please contact Janna Wilkerson.
September Memory Verse
Our September Memory Verse Check-In will take place on Sunday, September 29th in between Bible Class and Worship time. Our verse for this month is-
1 Corinthians 10:31 "Therefore, whatever you eat or drink, whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."
WOCC Fall Festival 2024
Oh, glorious Fall! We are already in prep mode for our Fall Festival which will take place on November 2nd, from 2-4 pm. In order for this event to be a success, we need YOUR help!
A Sign-Up Board will be going up in the foyer soon with available activity/time slots for our Festival. This is an all hands on deck event, and many hands make light work!
To get your brain in gear, some of the available activities will be:
-Greeter/Hands Out Bags
-Pumpkin Patch Workers
-People to work the Inflatable Bounce Houses/Obstacle Courses
-Craft Table
-Snack Station
-The "CAR-nival" (Where a family takes on creating a game/activity out of the back of their car, and passes out a prize to the kiddos as they go through. Examples of fun games in the past: Football through the Field Goal, "Fishing" from the back seat, Bean Bag toss, etc.)
-Setup Crew and Cleanup Crew
These are just to name a few! You can also let Janna Wilkerson know prior to sign up going out if there is one that you are committing to working. The time slots will be in one hour shifts, so from 2-3pm and 3-4pm.
The 66 Club
According to a study done by Lifeway, only 63% of Americans can identify Genesis as the first book of the Bible. This same study shows only 45% of American adults can identify the first four books of the New Testament, and less than 33% can say all 66 books of the Bible. When I read these startling statistics, it honestly just made me very sad. We don't want any of our children at Woodland Oaks growing up not knowing all 66 books of the Bible in order. Think about it...knowing the books of the Bible in order is more than just a song.
It will help them:
-Know where to locate scripture being studied in a Bible study or sermon
-Help them locate scripture quickly to not get "left behind" during class
-Help them to find verses on a certain topic
-Help them understand the Bible
And so, so, so much more.
We are starting a new program at WOCC Children's Ministry- The 66 Club! In order to become a member of the 66 Club, your child must:
Recite all 66 books of the Bible in order with absolutely no help whatsoever. It is so hard for me not to say the first letter of the book to help them out, or do something else to help them, but I won't always be right there with there with them when they're studying their Bible throughout their lifetime, and they need to know the books of the Bible for themselves. They will feel SO proud, and this will help them SO much every single day of their entire lives!
There is no dedicated date per month for them to recite their books of the Bible. Whenever they are ready, send them my way! I cannot wait to hear all of our kiddos do this! Their Bible class teachers are going to practice them with them every class period, but this alone won't do it. Parents, we need your help to teach all of our kiddos!
Some perfect time to practice our books of the Bible are:
-Driving to/from sports practice, church, friends houses, etc.
-Washing dishes, doing other chores
-On a walk or scooter ride
This program starts September 1st!