English Village Family Edition
Greetings, EV Families!
We hope that this message finds you well and at the end of a good weekend. Thank you all very much for your patience, flexibility, and cooperation during these first few days of school. You all have truly helped us to make the "Back to School" experience a really good one for your children/our students. Things will continue to improve and settle down as everyone gets adjusted or readjusted to the routines of school.
The school year is off to a great start here at EV! Our returning students are handling themselves as if they never left in June while our new students are doing a wonderful job of adjusting to school life and/or EV. Please continue to be as supportive throughout the school year. Our partnership, communication, and consistency will only benefit your children/our students.
There will be many ways to be involved with your child's education, whether it be at home or at our school. Please make sure to read your messages and our weekly Smore regularly.
We have an "open door" policy and make ourselves available as much as possible. Please reach out if you have any questions, concerns or compliments. We want to make sure that you are comfortable sending your child to our school each and every day. Here's to a successful first full week of school!
Thank you again, take care, and have a great week!
Jason Lewis
Rosa Bellone
School Improvement Plan Information
School Improvement Plan Information:
Our school is required to create a School Improvement Plan (SIP). The SIP is a document that is created to focus our work that we do at school and move us to continually improve instruction. There are three required goals for our SIP. The first goal is an Academic Achievement Goal. Our focus this year will be on Math, specifically Math Word Problem solving. Our staff will hone in on providing instruction and support that helps students to improve these skills as well as all related skills that are required to solve Math Word Problems. Your support of this goal at home would be greatly appreciated! Please consider taking time to read with your children and work on Math Word Problems with them at home. You may contact your child's teacher for suggestions and resources. Thank you for your partnership!
Important Reminders from our Admin Team
Families, please note that schools are now required to notify students' parents/guardians ahead of time when drills will occur in our school buildings. Please note that we will be conducting drills during the week of 9/9 to 9/13.
Dismissal Plans-Please make sure that your expected dismissal plan for your child has been shared with our school staff and has been confirmed. Any changes should be communicated to the school immediately and as early in the day as possible. Please note that the Pikmykid app is used at our school for parent pick up only and not for bus dismissal.
9/9/24: PTA Fundraiser Starts
9/18/24: PTA Meeting at 6:30pm
9/26/24: PAWS Meeting at 6:30pm
9/30/24: PTA Fundraiser Ends
10/9/24: Open House - Time TBD
10/11/24: Superintendent Day No School Prek-12
10/14/24: Columbus/Indigenous People Day No School Prek-12
10/16/24: School Picture Day
English Village Breaking News
Upcoming Events
PAWS Meeting 9/26/24
Please join us for our first Parent Exchange meeting or PAWS (Parents and Administrators Working Together for Students) This is an opportunity to meet other English Village Families, discuss information about what is going on at English Village for the 24-25 School Year. This is a great way to get your answers and participate in parent led discussions.
Please note that it is not a time to share specific information about your child nor is it a time for a conference. We look forward to seeing you then.
Please RSVP Here: https://forms.gle/xpE9B4AHJpX2NF4WA
Little Bears in Action
School Wide Assembly
All English Village Students participated in a school wide assembly this week. We welcomed all our new and returning students. We also welcomed our first responders and celebrated their contribution to our community. Students said the EV Pledge and we heard some students sing. Emily and Victor(our mascots) even stopped by to visit!
Important Arrival and Dismissal Information
Drop Off/Pick-Up Reminders 2024-2025
Morning Drop-Off
Arrival is from 8:40am - 8:50am
-Pull as far as possible in the lane closest to the sidewalk/school in the car circle (east circle)
-Wait in line or in your car until 8:40am when the cafeteria doors are opened for arrival by EV Staff.
-Walk your child up to the door and drop them off there.
**Please note that only students are allowed to enter our school through the cafeteria entrance. Absolutely no family members or any other adults will be allowed to enter there due to safety precautions.
-Promptly return to your car and pull ahead/exit so that other families are able to drop their children off in a timely manner.
Afternoon Pick-up
Dismissal is from 3:15pm - 3:25pm
- Pull into our car loop and get into line
-Pull up as far as possible in the lane that is open and closest to the sidewalk/building
-Make sure to have your picture ID ready to show a staff member
-The use of the Pikmykid app is highly recommended and will help the process to go more smoothly for all.
-You will be checked in by a staff member.
**Students will be put in line to be dismissed in the order that parents arrive.
-Do not exit your car at any time to retrieve your child. Your child will be brought to your car by an EV staff member in the order that you arrive.
-Do not approach the cafeteria door to retrieve your child as he/she will be brought to you at your car.
-Do not leave your car unattended in the car loop
-Once your child is in the car please pull ahead and exit the car loop when directed by the EV Staff.
Pikmykid Info
The Pikmykid app is used during car rider dismissal. Please follow the directions below to download and utilize the application.
Meet our new Staff Members
English Village School Counselor
Christie Hineline
Roles & Responsibilities
Check-In Check-Out (CICO): Coordination
Tier 1 Class Lessons: Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Safety
Short Term Group Counseling: Zones of Regulation & SEL
Contact me to…
Learn more about classroom lessons, Check-In Check-Out (CICO) and Group counseling.
English Village Social Worker
Kristin Pusey
Roles & Responsibilities
Short Term Individual &
Tier 3 Group Counseling
Referrals and Connections to Outside Agencies
Liason for Genesee Mental Health
Community and Family Support
IEP Counseling
Tier 3 Attendance
Contact us to…
Help connect to outside providers or resources
Discuss concerns around attendance
A Note from our Nurse Sue McCarthy
Please keep a change of clothes in your child's backpack in case of accidents or spills. We would appreciate it if you could wash any borrowed clothes and have your students return them to the nurse's office so that others can borrow them.
Community School Information
Stacey Remillard
Community Schools Site Coordinator
This is my third year as the Community School’s Site Coordinator at English Village Elementary School. It has been wonderful meeting and building relationships with our parents, students and staff! I have two students within the school district and have lived in Greece for over 20 years. I have worked with Greece Central School District for three years and am looking forward to continuing my journey to provide our school community with more opportunities for support and resources within our community. Our team looks forward to partnering with our families and if there is anything I can help with please feel free to email me stacey.remillard@greececsd.org or contact our Community Schools line at 585-966-3858.
Katy Cooper
Parent Engagement and Support Coordinator
English Village and Lakeshore Elementary
I am ecstatic to return for the 3rd year as Parent Coordinator. This year I am looking forward to bringing more fun events to our English Village families. I myself am an English Village Alumni and have 2 children that attend Greece. My son’s attend English Village and Lakeshore. As a parent, I understand many perspectives and look forward to collaborating with your family. I look forward to partnering with families to serve the English Village and Lakeshore Communities. Please contact me at Katy.Cooper@greececsd.org
Community Schools Corner
Neighborhood Navigation Center - Click here to learn how our GCSD Navigation Center can provide support and services to your family
PTA Updates
PTA Updates
We are looking forward to another great year and events next year.
Packets will be coming home on Monday 9/9/24 for our Fall PTA Fundraiser from CherryDale. Please consider participating in the fundraiser. The English Village PTA does so much for the students and staff at English Village. They provide each student a t-shirt, fully fund Field Trips, hold fun events like the Valentine's Dance and Annual Carnival.
Please join us at our first meeting of the year next week where we will discuss our fall fundraiser and upcoming events.
Any questions/concerns can be emailed to evpta800@gmail.com