November Newsletter
November 2024
Principal Updates
I would like to remind you that our second set of Parent/Teacher Conferences are fast approaching on November 7 from 4:00-7:00 PM and November 8 from 8:30-11:30 AM. I have had many opportunities to visit classrooms this past month. I am proud to say the students and staff at Norton Primary are working very hard and should be commended for their work.
I hope that all of you enjoy your time with families and friends during our Thanksgiving Break. This is a great time for some fantastic food, football games, an occasional nap, and some holiday shopping!
Our Thanksgiving Break is November 27 through December 2. Don't forget that the students will not have school on November 27 because of a Staff Development Day.
We look forward to the students and parent volunteers return to school on Tuesday, December 3.
Attendance Counts
We are glad you are here!
One of our building goals for this school year is to improve our student's daily attendance at Norton Primary. I would like to thank all of our parents in making sure that students are on time each day for school and ready to learn. Fun incentives for daily attendance will continue to be our Dance Party Fridays, AT-TEN-DANCE with DJ Dizzy Doc, and school assemblies.
Science of Reading
We would like to share with you some information pertaining to the Science of Reading.
The Kindergarten Staff and Students have begun their work in the Science of Reading as outlined in the Ohio Department of Education's Literacy Report. The Science of Reading examines the following:
- How students learn to read and write.
- Explains why some students have difficulty with reading and writing.
- Indicates that all students benefit from explicit and systematic instruction in phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension and writing to become effective readers.
- Does not rely on any model of teaching students to read based on meaning, structure, and visual cues which includes the three-cueing approach.
- High Dosage Tutoring for students identified on a Reading Improvement and Monitoring Plan started in October.
Thank you for your continued support.
Scholastic Book Fair
November 4th and 5th, 2024
The Scholastic Book Fair is scheduled for November 4th and 5th in the Panther Room at Norton Primary. The Book Fair will also be open on the evening of Parent/Teacher Conferences on November 7 from 4:00-7:00 PM. Come join us for the fun!
Important Dates
November 2023
November 4 & 5- Scholastic Book Fair
November 6- Lifetouch Retake Photos and Candid Photo Day
November 7- Book Fair (open during the day and at Parent/Teacher Conferences)
November 7- Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:00-7:00 PM
November 8- Parent/Teacher Conferences 8:30-11:30 AM
November 11- PAC Meeting @ 6:30 PM- NES Music Room
November 11- Veteran's Day
November 14- Miss Mary from Norton Branch Library- Guest Reader for K Classes
November 18- COW Meeting at 6:00 PM
November 18- BOE Meeting @ 7:00 PM- Mrs. Addis' Student of the Month
November 27- Staff Development Day- No School for Students
November 27 to December 2- Thanksgiving Break
December 3- School resumes for Preschool and Kindergarten classes