MAEN Kansas City Regional Meeting
Tuesday, February 12th at Valley View High School
Come join us for a Food Truck Breakfast and stay for a great meeting!
We will have make-it-yourself breakfast burritos from the Blue Springs School District's own Food Truck!!!. We will also be discussing the 2019 HiSET Math standards, YouBYou, and Valley View's numerous programs which are all housed under one roof. (Examples such as The View Nail Tech Program, state-accredited Cub Care Preschool Program, and the VVHS Weather Station) We will have two hours worth of amazing information and collaboration. And, if you would like to take a quick tour of our facilities, we will do that too.
Event Information
Third MAEN KC Regional Meeting for 2018-2019 School Year
Come one... come all to the MAEN Kansas City Regional Meeting hosted by the Blue Springs School District. We will make the most of our two hours together... You will leave energized and full of info to take back to your district.
Tuesday, Feb 12, 2019, 08:00 AM
Valley View High School, 5000 Northwest Valley View Road, Blue Springs, MO, USA 64015
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