February 2024
Educational Program- Updates
Robin Fillman
Western PA Leaders' Summit @ Grove City (FREE)
Join Superintendents, Curriculum Leaders and Principals from across Western PA for this free event from 9 am – 2 pm on Thursday, February 29, 2024 at Grove City College.
Register now to secure a spot!
Western PA Leaders' Summit Registration Link - Feb 29th Grove City College
The day will include networking as well as presenters from PDE regarding TSI, Comp Planning, STEELS, Artificial Intelligence, Teacher Certification, PVAAS and more! Free event! Free breakfast and lunch!
BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND- PIL Course @ RIU6 "Refining Feedback to Teachers"
Flyer- Refining Feedback to Teachers
- Cost: 43 PIL hour course is $530/person
- Time: 3 days, June 19th and June 20, 2024 (8:30 -2:30) and the 3rd day will be scheduled walk throughs in your building to apply the learning.
- Email Robin Fillman, rfillman@RIU6, if interesed in enrolling
PVAAS Roster Veritication
Click Here for info and training
Link to Creating Custom Student Report and Robin's Directions
Comprehensive Planning Update
Slides (Feb. 9, 2024) and Report Requirements
Comprehensive Planning and FRCPP (Carrie Anderson, Michele Buck) Slidedeck
Any questions about K12 Guidance plans should be referred to RA account
Legislative Update- Brain Gasper
Act 35 Required Personal Finance
- Implementation is 2026-2027 school year.
- Standards in CEW, economics, and family consumer science exist now and will be expanded as a stand alone "Personal Finance"
- Title matching the code and must appear in PIMS (1/2 credit).
- Personal Finance could count as a math credit or social studies (first 9 weeks can teach Personal Finance)
- Students must take a Personal Finance course but it is not a requirement to pass for graduation. Graduation requirement is a local decision.
Link to PA State Board of Education/Standards/ Chapter 4 Documents
PSSA Science
- The move from 4th-5th grade assessment was approved and moving forward through the regulatory process.
Act 56- 180 days/900/990 hours
Considerations: Child Accounting (reimbursement Federal and transportation, extra curricular, labor agreement, CTC and co-ops, food service, special education, credit course alignment, community capacity, after school supports (day cares), internet access, professional development goals, assessment calendar, NCAA requirements,
Chapter 4 and Chapter 16
Act 33 of 2023
School Code - HB 301 - Act 33 of 2023 (passed 12-13-23)
Renews classroom monitors, substitute teacher flexibility until June 30, 2026
Student Teacher grants - stipends up to $15,000 for student teachers, $2,500 for teacher mentors
CPE Credits
Chester County IU is offering Continuing Professional Education (CPE) courses . These credits can be used to move from level I to level II certification. Click here for their Spring 2024 Offerings.
CLEVER or CLASSLINK Survey Results
PDE is exploring some account management options and maybe some other options with SAS EVAAS/PVAAS as time savers for LEAs. Contact: Kristen Lewald, Ed.D, Statewide Projects Director, Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13
Katie Farbo
Kelsi Wilcox Boyles
QUESTION TO THE GROUP: What are your schools doing on April 8, 2024 for the solar eclipse?
A total solar eclipse will occur in Erie, Crawford, and Warren Counties on April 8th, 2024 at 3:16 PM. On April 8th the people of Erie and the surrounding area will see the sun disappear and leave a ghostly glow in the daytime sky that will last for 3 min 42s.
What will the Solar Eclipse Look Like In My Area on April 8, 2024?
Remake Learning Days 2024
SAVE THE DATE: May 2 - May 22, 2024
We are looking for event hosts!
Does your school host a family-engagment event in May? Consider adding it to the Remake Learning Days event calendar and receive some funding, too! Events can be for any age and should be hands-on focused related to one or more of these learning themes: arts, maker, outdoor learning, science, technology, or youth voice.
Schools often use these events as opportunities to showcase work from the school year and engage parents and families alongside their children.
Remake Learning Days is offering event host awards up to $500 to event hosts across northwestern Pennsylvania.
We are also looking for your help in connecting us with community partners who may want to become event hosts. Please share their information with us: Connect us with Community Partners!
RLD: Youth Ambassadors
Do you know a 9th-12th grader interested in marketing, social media content creation, event promos, or looking to build their communication skills, creativity, and connection with their community?
In partnership with Saturday Light Brigade, the Remake Learning Days Youth Ambassador Program is an opportunity for high school teenagers to help increase awareness, enthusiasm, and attendance during Remake Learning Days (RLD). In 2024, we are excited to expand this program across all Remake Learning Day regions in Pennsylvania!
Youth Ambassadors will cover two Remake Learning Days events taking place in their region. “Coverage” of an event includes the creation of an event promo, attendance of the event, and an event review. Ambassadors are eligible for a honorarium of up to $250.
No prior experience is necessary! All students in grades 9 – 12 are welcome to apply. Simply fill out the form below.
RLD: Parent/Teacher Ambassadors
An opportunity to help increase awareness, enthusiasm, and attendance during Remake Learning Days (RLD). We know that parents trust information from other parents and from teachers. We want to use that influence to promote Remake Learning Days to families across Pennsylvania!
RLD Ambassadors will cover two Remake Learning Days events taking place in your region. “Coverage” of an event includes the creation of an event promo, attendance of the event, and an event review. Ambassadors are eligible for a stipend of $250.
RLD Ambassadors will receive guidance from the festival in the form of virtual training and office hour sessions. as well as a digital toolkit with self help resources. No prior experience is necessary! All parents/caregivers and teachers are welcome to apply.
Do you have a teacher on your staff willing to take innovative risks, try new instructional strategies, and demonstrate leadership qualities? In that case, they will benefit from KTI’s collaborative network that works to strengthen student learning and inspire educators to try new practices in the classroom. The KTI Program identifies and supports exemplary educators through a distinct and dynamic learning community, and we would like you to nominate your best staff member!
To nominate a future Keystone from your building, follow these four steps:
Pick your nominee.
Check to see if your nominee has been nominated before.
Make your nomination by February 10, 2024.
The whole process should take at most 5 minutes of your time.
The Keystones Technology Innovators Program honors the best educational innovators in the state. Don’t miss out on your opportunity to nominate your outstanding educator!
Student Competitions
STEM Design Challenge (Grades 4th-8th)
April 4, 2024
The STEM Design Challenge is a competition open to ALL 4th through 8th-grade students who attend a public or private school, or home school groups. Students may work in teams of 2-4 to design and build their projects out of K’Nex pieces.
2024 Challenge:
Pennsylvania agriculture contributes $132.5 billion to our state economy annually and supports more than 593,600 jobs, paying wages of $32.8 billion. Did you know that farmers use robots to help them? “High-tech Farming” is important especially as our population grows and food demand increases. Your team is being challenged to help our Pennsylvania farmers by creating an agricultural robot or other type of “high-tech farming” equipment that they could use.
Media and Design Competition (Grades 6-12)
April 25, 2024
Categories: 3D Design, Animation, Logo and Graphic Design, Digital Movie, Programming, Web Page Design
Ben Brobst
Math Progress Monitoring Tools @ HS Level
LEGO Education Digital Playground
From early learning through middle school, the LEGO Learning System will engage students in hands-on learning to inspire natural curiosity, encourage learning through play, and build STEM confidence with LEGO® elements, easy-to-use hardware, and an intuitive coding experience.
This digital playground event provides educators with the opportunity to explore LEGO Education’s robust solutions that can be used in school, after school, or for summer programming. Our curriculum is aligned to PA STEELS and CSTA Standards and educators will see how LEGO Education can support their teaching of STEM concepts.
Robin Fillman, rfillman@riu6.org (Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment)
Katie Neal, kneal@riu6.org (SEL, College and Career Ready)
Kelsi Wilcox Boyles, kboyles@riu6.org (STEM, Literacy)
Ben Brobst, bbrobst@riu6.org (STEELS, Math, STEM)