Shining Bright @ Madonna!
MCS News - Sunday, April 28th, 2024
Fifth Sunday of Easter
"I am the true vine, you are the branches.
Whoever abides in me and I in them bears much fruit..."
Three Powerful images are presented in today's Gospel:
Jesus is the Vine.
He is the source for life and fruitfulness.
The Father is the vine grower.
He cares for the well-being and fruitfulness of the vine
We are the branches.
We listen and follow God's word for pruning so we bear much fruit.
💗 The fruit of the branches is love. 💗
29 - Monday
- Gotcha GLOWING assembly at 9 AM
- Prayer Labyrinth at MCS for students & staff in the Chapel
30 -Tuesday
- Return Library Books
- Grade 4 Art Club at Lunch
- Prayer Labyrinth at MCS for students & staff in the Chapel
- Early Dismissal at 2:13 PM
- Spirit Day: Blackout/Whiteout Day (Only wear black or white)
- Prayer Labyrinth at MCS for students & staff in the Chapel
- Prayer Club in the Chapel at First Recess
- Students Services Team meets to ensure success for all students
- Prayer Labyrinth at MCS for students & staff in the Chapel
- Priest Visits from OLPH Parish
- No School - Professional Development Day
What is a Prayer Labyrinth?
While we walk the labyrinth, we might stop at turns or corners to reflect on our prayer.
We use a known prayers like the rosary or a novena, a prayer like the Our Father repeated throughout, or spontaneous prayer, having a conversation with God.
Catholic Education Week
4P Field Trip to Telus World of Science
4P Field Trip to Telus World of Science
4P Field Trip to Telus World of Science
4P Field Trip to Telus World of Science
4P Field Trip to Telus World of Science
4P Field Trip to Telus World of Science
4P Field Trip to Telus World of Science
4P Field Trip to Telus World of Science
4P Field Trip to Telus World of Science
4P Field Trip to Telus World of Science
4P Field Trip to Telus World of Science
4P Field Trip to Telus World of Science
4P Field Trip to Telus World of Science
4P Field Trip to Telus World of Science
Junior Career Training
Junior Career Training
Junior Career Training
Junior Career Training
Junior Career Training
Junior Career Training
Junior Career Training
Thank you! Merci! Gracias! Salamat! Дякую!......
2nd Annual Cultural Potluck
Mark Your Calendar!
We are looking for community members to spend the hour reading with a student in our school.
That's over 200 community members! A lofty goal that is achievable with your help!!!
We want to welcome you and plant the seed early to see if you have community connections such as sports team, volunteer organizations or workplaces who are looking for opportunities to volunteer. Please reach out to your child's teacher(s) or the leadership team @ mcs@eics.ab.ca
MCS Shoe Drive
Earth Week Clean Up
As a school we removed over 15 lbs of garbage from our community! Thank you Madonna Student for helping keep our community clean!
Let's Keep Breakfast Going! Join the FUN!
The Nutrition Program provides:
- healthy breakfasts to children
- many options to introduce new foods
- sustenance for optimal learning.
Special thank you to our regular volunteers:
- To our 3/4G students who are helping with breakfast delivery!
- To Mrs. Donna Gravelle, Mme Gravelle's mother, who helps prep food on Tuesdays!
- Mrs. Cathy Wood, one of our caring Grandmothers, who helps prep food on Thursdays!
We can always use more help!
If you can spare a little time, we could really use your help!
For more information or to help on a regular basis, please contact Jem jemliveyoung@yahoo.ca
Please see Mrs. Roberts in the office for volunteer forms.
Did you know we offer Full Day Every Day Kindergarten?
Yes! That means Full Time Kindergarten!
Cost: $425/month
Call us for more information!
Alberta Government is Seeking Your Feedback!
Dear colleagues:
The Honourable Demetrios Nicolaides, Minister of Education, advised you of a targeted engagement to hear from teachers, parents, and other staff about cellphone use in schools. I am pleased to provide you with additional information.
You are invited to participate in an online survey about the future of cellphone use in elementary, junior high, and senior high schools. You can access the survey at Survey Link. The survey will be open until May 3, 2024.
Input from this targeted engagement will help inform potential future government direction.
If you have any questions, please contact Nathan Freed, Executive Director, Field Services, at nathan.freed@gov.ab.ca or 780-427-5378 (toll free by first dialing 310‑0000).
Lora Pillipow
Deputy Minister
OLPH Parish News
Sunday Mass: 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:30 PM and 7:00 PM.
If parents have any questions, they can also contact the church by phone 780-467-5470 or email sacraments@olph.ca
Thanks to The REAL Foundation, Face to Face Ministries joined us this year. Children had an amazing day, in fact one student said, "We should start every day like this!"
Consider supporting the REAL Foundation!
Upcoming Events:
6: Bus Driver Appreciation Day
6-10: Catholic Education Week
7: Story for Every Child (12-1)
8: Outdoor Rosary
8: Virtual School Council Meeting & Annual General Meeting
8: Grade 4 students viewing OLPH Performing Arts Play
9: Wear Blue for Catholic Education
9: Grade 4 Drumheller Parent Meeting
16: No School - Closure for long weekend
17: No School - Closure for long weekend
20: Victoria Day - No School
24: Volunteer Tea
29: Class Pictures
30: Class Pictures
31: Grade 4 Tour of OLPH School
COGITO Academy @ OLPH!
Pamela Gravelle Principal