The Buffalo Bulletin
January 19, 2025
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Happy 3-Day Weekend, Buffaloes!
We are halfway through January already and going full force into 2nd Semester. Students and teachers are continuing where they left off in December and rocking and rolling into their learning. Please continue to ensure your student comes to school
Enjoy your 3-day weekend! Remember, there is no school tomorrow, January 20th.
Upcoming Campus Events
January 20th- No School/Student and Staff Holiday
January 23rd- Girls Basketball Home vs. Comfort 5pm, 6pm; Boys basketball @Comfort
STAAR Interim Testing Dates
January 28th- ELAR (6th-8th grade)
January 30th- Social Studies (8th grade only)
February 4th- Math (6th-8th grade)
February 6th- Science (8th grade only)
January 29th- Cheer Informational Meeting 6pm FMS Cafe
January 30th- Boys Basketball Home vs. Brady 5pm, 6pm; Girls basketball @Brady
January 31st- UIL Academic Competition in Llano
February 2nd- Boys basketball home vs. Llano 5pm, 6pm
Attendance--FMS Goal 94%
Week of 1/6-1/10 Campus Attendance Rates: 93.15%
6th Grade-95.36%
7th Grade- 95.12%
8th Grade- 89.65%
Year-to-Date Campus Attendance Rates: 95.39%
6th Grade-96%
7th Grade- 96%
8th Grade- 94.37%
Send all attendance notes to:
Questions about Skyward or an attendance letter?
Contact Ms. Flores
Phone: 254-793-3127
Notes from the Nurse
Parents of Current 6th graders
During your child's well visit this year, they should receive both the Tdap and Meningococcal vaccine. These are two vaccines required by that state, prior to starting 7th grade. Please email a copy of their updated vaccine record to after they have received their shots. If you email them after they get the shots, it's one less thing to have to remember to do before the start of next school year!
Please reach out to the School Nurse, Nurse Tipsword at, if you have any questions. Thank you!
Healthy Habits Reminders
Please encourage your student to consistently was their hands to prevent the spread of illness.
24-hour rule for fevers and vomiting.