From the Desk of Mrs. Larned...
February 9th, 2025
Upcoming Dates to Remember
- Friday, February 14th: Half-Day for Students (P.M. Professional Development for Staff)
- Monday, February 17th: No School (Mid-Winter Break)
- Wednesday, March 5th: Half-Day for Students (Parent-Teacher Conferences in the afternoon)
- Thursday, March 6th: Parent-Teacher Conferences (**Look for a conference sign-up form coming your way at some point next week 😊)
Valentine's Day
This Friday, we will be celebrating Valentine's Day in the morning, due to our half-day schedule on the 14th. Our festivities will involve center rotations in the morning with our Specials teachers, beginning in the library at 9:00 a.m. Upon returning from centers, I plan to complete several Valentine's Day literacy and math-based lessons with the students in the classroom. The last portion of our morning will be dedicated to passing out Valentine's Day cards, eating some sweets, and finishing up our activities . If students would like to bring in Valentine's cards for their classmates, they are welcome to do so. They can either personally address each card, or they can choose to fill out the "From" section of each card, but leave the "To:" section blank. I will have some extra class lists printed and ready for students that wish to individually address their cards.
If you would like to donate any of the needed items for our Valentine's Party, you can do so by following the link below: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0848AAA728A3F9C16-55037733-valentines
Kindness Spirit Week (Feb. 10th-14th)
Just a friendly reminder that homework comes home with students each afternoon (Monday-Thursday) and it is asked that they bring back their completed assignment with them each morning. Thank you so much for your help in ensuring that homework is getting done and returned on a regular basis! . Keep up the great work, learners (and families)!! 🙂
Classroom Supplies
With cold and flu season in full-swing, our classroom supply of Kleenex and disinfecting wipes is dwindling. If you would like to donate either of these items, it would be greatly appreciated! I promise that we will put them to good use! 😉
Language Arts
In Language Arts this week, we will be wrapping up the 4th unit of study in our Wonder's curriculum. Recently, we began taking a closer look at a variety of different narrative poetry. This week, students will be given the opportunity to try their hand at creating their very own poems!
Social Studies/Science
Recently, we began our brand new Social Studies/Geography unit focusing on the different regions of the United States. Last week, we researched the Southeast region and all of it's unique qualities, including: landforms, bodies of water, economic activities, climate, and other fun facts relating to this specific region. If you get a moment, see if your student can name a few (or all 12!) of the states that make up the Southeast region of our country. Next up: The Southwest Region