November 2024 Newsletter
In This Newsletter
Calendar of Events
2024/2025 4-H Enrollment
Harlan County News & Events
- Brown Bag Activity Kits
- Extension Board Openings
- 4-H 2025 Fair Dates
- SHOP SMALL Craft Event at the First State Bank meeting room
- Cow Clinic @ Alma Livestock Auction - December 4
State Wide Opportunities
- Nebraska Sheep & Goat Producers Association Annual Meeting and Education Program - November 9
- Volunteer Road Show
- Cow Clinics
4-H Leader Resources
- November 1: 4-H Achievement Application Deadline
November 11: Office closed in observance of Veterans Day
- November 12: Alma HS County Government Day
- November 14: Office will be Closed due to staffing
- November 14: November Brown Bag Order Deadline
November 23 & 24: Office closed in observance of Thanksgiving
- November 30: SHOP SMALL Craft Event at the First State Bank meeting room @ 10am- Noon
- December 4: Cow Clinic at Alma Livestock Auction @ 10am - 2pm
- December 25: Office closed in observance of Christmas
Upcoming Office Closures:
December 25: Office closed in observance of Christmas
January 1: Office closed in observance of News Year
Harlan County News
Good-bye from Anna
I am very thankful for all the kids I have met through working with 4-H, but it is with sadness that I inform you that I am no longer with Harlan County Extension. I am pursuing my teaching degree as a Family and Consumer Science Teacher.
4-H Enrollment
We are excited to have you join Harlan County 4-H!
Enrollment opens OCTOBER 16, 2024 and closes JUNE 15, 2025.
Enroll Today!!
Enroll or Re-enroll for the upcoming 2024/2025 4-H year
By successfully completing the 4-H member enrollment, youth will be eligible to participate and exhibit in any project area, contest, county and state fairs. While project selection is optional, it is encouraged for youth to select projects they are interested in exploring.
Please note:
o Youth are only eligible to exhibit in a project area or contest in a single county.
o Horse and shooting sports projects will continue to require project enrollment due to the parental consent required to participate in these projects.
You can use the registration link to request a kit.
Registration Link: https://go.unl.edu/harlan-furnas-brownbag
or scan the QR code or contact us at 308-928-2119. Deadline to order is November 14 with kits available for pickup by November 22.
Limit 1 project per child.
Harlan County Extension Office is currently looking to fill the seat in District 7 on the Harlan County Extension Board. If you or someone you know is passionate about advocacy and being a voice for your community and Nebraska Extension, please contact our office for more info.
Cow Clinic – December 4th
A successful calving season does not begin at calving, rather it begins much earlier, with the management of the cow herd months prior.
This clinic will have hands-on demonstrations presented by a team of Extension Educators and Specialists. The Cow Clinic will begin at 10:00 a.m. with registration and conclude at 2:00 p.m. local time. The clinic will cover the how, when, and why of body condition scoring, teat and udder scoring, and forage sampling. Understanding a forage analysis and developing diets for the last trimester will also be a part of the program.
The first 20 producers who register at each location will receive instructions on how to receive a free forage test. The cost to attend is $20, which includes a meal and Nebraska Extension resources. To register for a Cow Clinic, please contact the local UNL Extension office at least a week prior to the event: Contact erin.laborie@unl.edu or (308) 928-2119
Nebraska Sheep & Goat Producers Association Annual Meeting and Education Program
The Nebraska Sheep and Goat Producers Association Annual Meeting and Education Program will be held at the Meat Animal Research Center, located at 120 West Fairfield St., Clay Center Nebraska.
The program will start with a tour of the facilities at 9:00 am followed by the following seminars and speakers:
· Improving Out of Season Lambing by Tom Murphy, USDA ARS Meat Animal Research Center, Research Geneticist
· Improving Performance in Pasture Lambing by Brad Freking, USDA ARS Meat Animal Research Center, Research Geneticist
· Economic Impacts of Mastitis and ways to reduce its occurrence by Tom Murphy
· Goat Production and Management in Nebraska, John Wallace, Olive Branch Goats Palmyra Nebraska
· Balancing Data and Phenotype during Ram Selection by Issac Brunkow, Shepherd USMARC
To register go to https://nebraskasheepandgoat.org/education/ or call Melissa Nicholson at or by phone 308-386-8378.
Nebraska Extension to Host Cow Clinics
Prepare your herd early for a successful calving and breeding season
A successful calving season does not begin at calving, rather it begins much earlier, with the management of the cow herd months prior. University of Nebraska Extension will be hosting Cow Clinics in December to review some of the basic management factors that can lead to a successful calving and breeding season.
The Cow Clinics will begin at 10:00 a.m. with registration and conclude at 2:00 p.m. local time. The clinics will cover the how, when, and why of body condition scoring, teat and udder scoring, and forage sampling. Understanding a forage analysis and developing diets for the last trimester will also be a part of the program. A team of Extension Educators and Specialists will lead the discussion with hands-on demonstrations.
The first 20 producers who register at each location will receive instructions on how to receive a free forage test. The cost to attend is $20, which includes a meal and Nebraska Extension resources. To register for a Cow Clinic, please contact the local UNL Extension office at least a week prior to the event:
· December 3 – Frenzen Angus & Polled Herefords Sale Facility, Fullerton, NE
Contact jcrouch5@unl.edu or (308) 536-2691
· December 4 – Alma Livestock Auction, Alma, NE
Contact erin.laborie@unl.edu or (308) 928-2119
· December 18 – Broken Bow Livestock, Broken Bow, NE
Contact troy.walz@unl.edu or (308) 872-6831
· December 20 – Ogallala Livestock Auction Market, Ogallala, NE
Contact randy.saner@unl.edu or 308-532-2683
Volunteer Road Show
Calling all 4-H volunteers, local fair superintendents, parents and caregivers and any adult who wants to find THEIR spark through volunteering with 4-H!
You're invited to join us for one of our upcoming events
You'll discover new opportunities for your members, network with other volunteers, and build your skills working with youth. Session topics include:
· North Central Region 4-H Volunteer Impact Study
· County Fair Superintendent Training
· Club Service Activities = Fair Exhibits
· Animal and Livestock projects opportunities
· Beyond Ready
A $15 registration fee covers a meal and all supplies.
Learn more and register at 4h.unl.edu/volunteer-road-show.
Resources for 4-H Clubs and Leaders
Nebraska 4-H offers a variety of resources for 4-H Clubs and leaders. A 4-H Club is an organized group of five or more youth who meet regularly with adult volunteers or 4-H staff for a long-term, progressive series of educational experiences. The purpose of a 4-H club is to provide positive youth development and foster educational opportunities to meet the needs of young people.
For 4-H Club Leader Resources follow this link https://4h.unl.edu/resources/club-leaders
Clover Kid Corner
Find a variety of resources, projects, and activities designed for 4-H Clover Kids, children 5 to 7 year-olds.
National 4-H Curriculum
National 4-H curricula are available for purchase through Shop 4-H. Shop 4-H has a large variety of 4-H themed materials, such as apparel, promotional merchandise, and pins and recognition items.
Livestock Information Series
The Nebraska 4-H Livestock Information Series is a resource for 4-H members, leaders, and parents to gain knowledge in various livestock-related topic areas.
Micky Blender
Anna Fisher
Dawn Hetrick
Office Manager
Harlan County
Erin Laborie
Todd Whitney
Elizabeth Exstrom
Jada Ruff
Tasha Wulf
Harlan County Extension
Find local and regional experts at this link:
Email: Harlan-County@unl.edu
Website: https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/harlan/
Location: Alma, NE, USA
Phone: 308-928-2119
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/harlancountyext
Nebraska Extension is a Division of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln cooperating with the Counties and the United States Department of Agriculture. The 4-H Youth Development program abides with the nondiscrimination policies of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and the United States Department of Agriculture.