What's Happening??!!
~ Hawley School Newsletter: January 24, 2025 ~
~ From the Desk of Mr. Moretti ~
Dear Hawley Parents/Guardians, Teachers, and Staff,
Happy New Year!! It has been a while since the last Newsletter but this is the slow season (plus I was out sick a little- as has EVERYONE ;0) We have also been battling the Arctic Blast with temperatures in the teens and single digits. All while conducting our MidYear assessments as well as all of our typical school work.
Buckle up, stay seated, and keep your hands and feet in the car at all times, as you read on to find out What's Happening at Hawley .....
~ Composting / Recycling ~
Hawley is doing our part to Help the Earth. We have increased Recycling but more importantly, we have begun Composting.
At the end of lunch, students separate their waste into different barrels. There is one for Food Scraps. One to dump Liquids. One to put Plastic Bottles and Milk Cartons. And, one for the rest of the Garbage / Trash.
This has significantly reduced the weight of our trash, which we pay per pound for pick up. It is increasing our collection of items that can be recycled. And, we are feeding the town with Compost materials to turn into dirt for use around Newtown.
I am most proud of the students as they have embraced this endeavor and have done a wonderful job.
~ Specials Spotlight ~
Each month students are chosen in each grade and for each Special for the Specials Spotlight. The Specials Teachers are looking for perseverance, teamwork, cooperation, and hard work. Students being recognized have their picture hung on Bulletin Boards in our Foyer until the end of the following month. Here are those being recognized this month.
(Unfortunately, due to illness, not every child was here for the group shot but their individual picture is hanging on the bulletin board.)
~ Snow Play ~
Well, winter is upon us. With it comes cold weather and snow.
The magic temperature for outdoor recess is 25 degrees (including wind-chill). If it is 25 degrees, we go outside. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather.
The students must have The Magic 5 to play in the snow. The 5 items are a hat, gloves, coat, snow pants, and boots. Unfortunately, it takes too long to dress 18-20 younger students in all of this gear and still have time for recess. For that reason, our Kindergarteners do not play in the snow and Grade 1 does but only on Day 6.
~ Be the "i" KIND ~
~ Spirit Week ~
Our Student Council has designed a Spirit Week for next week to raise money for recess and playground equipment. We ask that you pay $1 each day to participate (or $5 for the week).
- Monday: Hat Day
- Tuesday: Class Colors
- Wednesday: Crazy Hair Day
- Thursday: Twin Day
- Friday: Pajama & Stuffy Day
Click HERE for a one sheet to keep on the refrigerator as a reminder.
~ Hawley PTA ~
Our PTA has some Fun and Important events happening.
- Pizza Night! We are teaming with Project Pizza. A portion of all lunch or dinner orders on Thursday, January 30 goes to the PTA. Don't Cook, Enjoy Great Food, and help raise money for Hawley. Click HERE for more information and a reminder.
- PTA Meeting. On Wednesday, February 5, 4:30 in the Library, we will have our next PTA Meeting. The Superintendent, Anne Uberti, will be joining to discuss the upcoming School Budget and answering questions. Please join us for this most important meeting.
- Pajama Jammie Jam. Join us on Thursday, February 20 for a night of fun. There will be a dance in the gym and a movie in the library. Come in your comfy cozies. Click HERE for more information.
Thank You to the PTA for all that they do to support
our school, teachers, staff, families, and students.
~ Important Reminders / General Info ~
- Kindergarten Registration is underway for the 2025-2026 school year. Please go to our website and register as we are currently scheduling appointments.
- There are many students that have an outstanding balance in the Cafeteria. Please make sure you have money in your student's lunch account if they are buying lunch or snack. We will start reaching out to families in case they are unaware.
- Please make sure your child eats something before school and has a SNACK. Some lunches are early and there is an afternoon snack. Some lunches are later in the day and there is a morning snack.
- What's Happening Newsletters: All Newsletters are archived for the year on the Hawley Website under the ABOUT Section.
~ Dates to Remember ~
- Tues, 1/28: Board of Education Meeting, 7:00 pm, Council Chambers. BUDGET Discussion.
- Wed, 1/29: 3-Hr Early Release Day, 12:37 pm dismissal- Professional Development
- Thurs, 1/20: Pizza Night at Project Pizza. Hawley PTA gets a portion of all lunch and dinner orders for the day.
Out of the Mouths of Babes....
Mr. M was in the hallway as students were passing.
A student asked, " Are we going outside for recess today? "
" Not today, it is too cold. It is only 17 degrees " Mr M replied
" Oh good " another student jumped in
" I forgot my Ear Muffins."
The Hawley School Website
Christopher Moretti
Email: morettic@newtown.k12.ct.us
Website: http://newtown.hawley.schooldesk.net/
Location: 29 Church Hill Road, Newtown, CT, United States
Phone: (203) 426-7666
Twitter: @cmoretti66