The Fowler Weekly
April 1-5
Dear Fowler Families,
After our last Weekly, we realized there was a problem with access to the 8th grade career day chaperone survey. We have fixed that link now, and if you are interested and willing to join us for the 10:30-1:30 trip on April 19th, you can sign up via this link. We will include a nice lunch with this amazing offer! 😊 Students should also be able to preview the locations they will visit and we would like to have all students complete a survey to select their preferred visitation site by Tuesday, April 2nd. We will remind students on Monday, April 1st.
Please also note that the school building was fully closed all of Spring Break as we are doing a massive floor tile removal process in the commons. This process helped prepare the building for a planned plumbing and floor project that is scheduled for the bulk of the summer.
Additionally, the chess team deserves a huge shout out as this year’s team absolutely crushed the District competition and is heading to state. Fowler did so well that teams across the region are taking note of this amazing accomplishment.
We hope you had an amazing spring break, and that your student is ready for this final push towards June!
The goal at Fowler is for each and every student to participate in ASA during their time at Fowler. Students may pick up a form in the Main Office beginning tomorrow, April 1. We will add the forms to the website early this week. In order to enroll, students simply need to bring their form and money to the Main Office to sign up.
Monday/Wednesday Activities
Art Club
Dance Club
Knitting/Crochet Club
Running Club
Tuesday/Thursday Activities
Art Club
D&D Club
Flag Football
Outdoor Soccer
Video Game Club
Homework Help
You can locate a detailed descriptions on the Fowler website here. Please direct any questions to Mrs. Roshak, eroshak@ttsd.k12.or.us or (503)431-5062.
Thursday, April 4, we will review safety procedures for both Secure & Lockdown conditions. Later that day our whole school will have a practice Lockdown Drill. We understand that safety drills can sometimes cause anxiety for some of our students. However, it is important for everyone in the school to understand what to do in the event of a true emergency situation. During drills such as a Lockdown, a sign will be posted on the front doors notifying parents and other community members that a drill is in progress. During this time, no one will be allowed to enter or exit the school building. Please talk to your child about the importance of taking all safety drills seriously and following all safety protocols as well as instructions from adults.
April 1st through 5th is the TTSD foundation Coins for Kids Fundraiser. That’s also this week! The foundation raises money for all TTSD schools, but gave $12,500 to Fowler this year to help pay for after school activities and helped purchase items for the performing arts classes.
Please have your student bring a bag of change to school any time this week. There are some fun incentives again this year. 7th and 8th graders might remember the pies to the face last year? And the administrators Tik Tok dances. But most of all, how about Pellicci cutting Van Fleet’s hair? Let’s do it again this year, Falcons!
If we raise $250 the administrators will take a pie to the face
If we raise $500 the administrators will do a TikTok Dance
If we raise $1000 Principal Van Fleet will dye his hair
If we raise $1500 Principal Van Fleet will be duct taped to a pillar during lunch
After School Buses will run the following days this week for the following events:
Monday: PIA
Tuesday: LGBT
Wednesday: MEChA
There will NOT be buses on Thursday.
Spirit Week is coming! Not this week, but next week, April 8-11, our leadership students have put together a fun plan for everyone to show some spirit:
Monday: Summer out
Tuesday: Color wars
6th grade: red
7th grade: blue
8th grade: white
Wednesday: Wacky hair day
Thursday: Western dress day
Because some of our students are fasting for Ramadan, we have a place they can go, away from food, during lunchtime:
Lunch 1: Mrs. Glick’s Room, rm 1
Lunch 2: Ms. Arcuni’s Room, rm 37
Lunch 3: Ms. Harkness’s office, rm 3
Don’t forget to make a yearbook purchase! Yearbooks are sold for $30 on a prepay, first come/first serve basis and they are simple to purchase.
Yearbooks are handed out the last week of school.
You may send a check or cash with your student to turn in at the Main Office or you can click here and purchase the yearbook online.
PLEASE follow these instructions to be sure your student gets their yearbook:
When paying online you will need your student’s ID number and their legal last name as it appears on their school records (upper and lowercase sensitive).
If you have problems logging in please email smilettivega@ttsd.k12.or.us to have your password reset. PLEASE DO NOT set up a guest account.
AVID Parents! Have you marked your calendar for the upcoming AVID Parent Night?
Parent/Athlete Informational Meeting April 19th 6pm THS Commons
Pre Tryout Workshop: May 1st 4-6:15pm
Tryout Week: May 6-10th 4-6:15pm
To support all Tigard High School athletics, school, and community
To promote and uphold school spirit and good sportsmanship
To develop citizenship and leadership skills
To develop organization and team-work skills
To represent THS at selected cheer competitions
Current 6th & 7th graders will be forecasting for elective classes this week. Counselors will visit Science classes to review the information and hand out forecasting forms. We ask that parents review student selections and sign the form.
Forms are due back for:
6th graders Thursday, April 4
7th graders Friday, April 5.
Federal and state mandatory testing is fast approaching.
All students will be taking the English Language Arts & Math assessment during the weeks of April 15th & 22nd. We rely on these assessments to assist with student placements, funding, and academic growth tracking. We will have a special schedule for all students on April 15th-26th (excluding Wednesdays & April 19th) where they will test during their morning meeting class for an extended amount of time. Thank you for your support during this process. See schedule below.
2024 ELA & Math Testing Schedule:
THANK YOU to everyone who contributed CupNoodles! We appreciate you!
* * * * *
The next PSO Meeting is this week! Come see how you can help…Wednesday, April 3 in the Fowler Library.
Tigard Turns the Tide, in partnership with TTSD, encourages you to have conversations with your child/ren about fentanyl. Fentanyl is a dangerous drug that is circulating in Washington County. A tiny amount of fentanyl — the size of two grains of salt — can be fatal.
Fentanyl is often disguised as “look alike” pills. Some teens buy or get pills from classmates and friends, or via social media connections. They might think these pills are drugs like Adderall, Percocet, Oxycodone, or Xanax. What they may get are fake pills containing fentanyl. Fentanyl can also be contained in street drugs such as methamphetamines, ecstasy and heroin.
Let your student know that any pill they don’t get from a pharmacy may contain fentanyl, which can be fatal. Even if the pill comes from a friend or classmate, it could have fentanyl in it.
The New Drug Talk offers helpful resources for starting the conversation. For more information about Fentanyl, go to songforcharlie.org.
If you are worried about your student or looking for resources, a good place to start is your student's school counselor.
You can find more resources on the TTSD website. The Tigard High School-Based Health Center (503-431-5775) is able to provide Alcohol and Drug Assessments for all TTSD students. Lastly, the Washington County Crisis & Consultation Line is available 24 hours a day at 503-291-9111.
April 11 End of Quarter 3
April 11 PSO Dance
April 12 No School, Teacher Workday
April 13 OMEO District 14 Solo & Ensemble contest
April 15-18 OSAS Math Testing
April 18 AVID Parent Night
April 19 8th Grade Career Day
April 19 Fowler Community Day
Regular Schedule
Foundation Coin Drive
PIA, 3:15-4:15pm
Regular Schedule
Foundation Coin Drive
LGBT, 3:15-4:15pm
Foundation Coin Drive
MEChA, 3:15-4:15pm
TTSD OBOB Jamboree, 3:30-5pm
PSO Meeting, 6:00pm, Library
Regular Schedule
Foundation Coin Drive
6th Grade Forecasting Sheets Due
Spring Choir Concert 7-9pm
Regular Schedule
Foundation Coin Drive
7th Grade Forecasting Sheets Due
Junior Day at State Drama Field Trip
USTA Weekly Summer Tennis Camps for All Levels at Tigard HS
Click on Picture for More Information
Washington County Composite Mountain Bike Team
Click on Picture for More Information
City of Tualatin Blender Dash June 2024
Click on Picture for More Information
Mary Woodward Multicultural Night
Click on Picture for More Information
May 3rd
2024 Oregon 4-H Camps
Click on Picture for More Information
Tigard Parks & Rec Earth & Arbor Day Celebration
Click on Picture for More Information
April 27
Email: fowleroffice@ttsd.k12.or.us
Location: 10865 Southwest Walnut Street, Tigard, OR, USA
Phone: 503-431-5000
TTSD prohibits discrimination and harassment on any basis protected by law, including but not limited to, an individual’s perceived or actual race,color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status, or veterans’ status, or because of the perceived or actual race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status or veterans’ status of any other persons with whom the individual associates. 504, and Title IIA Coordinator: Carol Kinch; ckinch@ttsd.k12.or.us, 503-431-4137 Title IX Director: Len Reed; lreed@ttsd.k12.or.us, 503-431-4012. Mailing Address: 6960 SW Sandburg Street, Tigard, OR 97223