Healthy Choices Bulletin
January 2025
The Healthy Choices Bulletin is a monthly summary of substance use prevention resources for school staff to use and share with students and families. Most of the titles and images are linked to fliers and websites. We want to encourage school teams to include them in their school newsletters and communications with families. If you have thoughts, questions or feedback please feel to reach out mkrogh@pps.net.
CRAFT Empowers and Supports Families
Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT) is an evidence-based approach for parents/caregivers concerned about their teen’s alcohol and/or drug use. CRAFT, and CRAFT-based approaches, like Invitation to Change, like Invitation to Change, teach families how to create a positive and supportive environment that encourages change while prioritizing the well-being of everyone involved.
By teaching practical skills such as communication strategies, self-care practices, and reinforcing healthy behaviors, CRAFT helps caregivers play an active role in motivating their teen to seek help, reduce use, and/or make healthier choices. Indeed, research shows that CRAFT is significantly more effective than traditional methods at engaging resistant individuals in treatment, with success rates as high as 70% in some studies. And, with its emphasis on empathy and connection, CRAFT-based approaches help families to reduce conflict, strengthen family relationships, and navigate the challenges of substance use together.
If you support families touched by substance use, consider connecting them with CRAFT-based resources. An excellent resource for parents in the Portland Metro area is the FREE Invitation to Change group facilitated by Meggan McEvoy and hosted by 4D Recovery both online and at 4D's Youth location 1206 SE 11th Ave location. Click here to learn more about this group. To learn about other resources (books, websites, groups, events, and providers) please check out the family resource page of HelpingFamiliesHelp.com.
Thank you to Cordelia Kraus and Meggan McEvoy for submitting this information.
Project Red Presentations for Your School
Student Success & Health has partnered with Project Red of the Alano Club of Portland to be able to offer opioid overdose intervention awareness trainings. We are able to partner with schools and departments to create presentations that vary in length and can address the specific needs of your student group, parent group or faculty's needs. These presentations are appropriate for students in 9th-12th grade.
To access this resource, please complete the linked form.
*For large student groups, i.e. all 10th graders in health class, an identified school staff, Mary Krogh from SS&H and a staff from Project Red will meet to pre-plan and ensure that content is delivered in a trauma informed format.
4D Youth Recovery Support
4D offers FREE peer recovery supports and community to youth 14-17 who are facing substance use challenges. Peer recovery services differ from traditional counseling in that the peer mentors have shared life experiences in recovery and focus on supporting the youth with goals and supports that the young person identifies.
They do this by offering;
- Peer recovery services
- Substance free social support and activities
- Active family engagement
For additional information, please see this slide presentation or this calendar of meetings and events. Or to request a peer recovery mentor - click here!
Thank you to Robert Sanders for submitting this information.
Supporting Immigrant & Refugee Students and Families
At PPS, we remain steadfast in our commitment to equity, inclusion, and the inherent dignity of every individual. We understand that post-election uncertainties, particularly those related to immigration policies, create anxiety for many students, staff, and families. Our top priority is ensuring their safety and well-being by upholding Oregon laws that protect against discrimination and safeguard students.
To this end, multiple departments within Portland Public Schools have collaborated with regional partners to develop an internal staff resource page. It is a resource to help PPS staff access tools and guidance to support students, and connect impacted families to critical resources. Please familiarize yourself with the tools and guidance that are available. The website will be updated regularly. Link to website.