May 17th 2024

May 17th, 2024
Ms. Riddle
Mrs. Gile
Message From the Principals
Greetings TLA Family!
MAP Growth Assessments were completed this week as well as numerous career exploration opportunities and even some service activities. We are continuing to focus and ensure a strong finish related to our three pillars of Rigorous Academics, Career Exploration and Character Development!!
Upcoming Events:
5/18 - Junior Prom (Saturday–8:00 - 11:00 pm)
5/20 - 5/21 - Oral Reading Assessment (K5-4) & MAZE (6-8)
5/21 - PLC Mtg 8:00-9:15 (Library)
5/21 - 5/23 - 8th-grade ILP Presentations
5/23 - All Library Books Due
5/28 - Yearbook Order Deadline
5/22 - Civics Exam 9th grade (11th Grade Retakes)
5/23 - Dress Down Day CANCELLED
5/23 - Scholar Survey Day
5/24 - NO SCHOOL
5/27 - NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
5/28 - Yearbook Order Deadline
5/31 - Clever Free Day / Elementary Track and Field Day
We have so much to look forward to in the upcoming weeks and can't wait to see how strong our finish can be!! Go Lions!!
Tavi Riddle, Principal K4-5th (tavi.riddle@tlabeloit.com)
Janae Gile, Principal 6th-12th (janae.gile@tlabeloit.com)
General Information
School Breakfast & Lunch Information
Parent Leadership Council (PLC)
A general reminder that PLC offers an opportunity to all families where they can engage with TLA's leadership team beyond classroom level involvement. These meetings are always scheduled for the third Tuesday of each month from 8:00-9:15 in the Library.
The next meeting will be held on May 21st. We look forward to seeing you there!!
Library Books due by May 23rd
All library books are due back by the end of the day on Thursday, May 23rd. Any book not returned by Thursday, May 30th will be marked as lost and a fine will be assessed in Skyward. There are no fines for overdue books, only lost ones. Please return books on time and let Mrs. Anderson know if you have any questions.
End of Year Chromebook & Charger Return Process
As part of TLA’s year end process, 3rd through 11th grade scholars will be returning their Chromebooks and chargers on Monday, June 5th. 3rd and 4th grade scholars should return the charger that was issued at the beginning of the year. Middle and High School scholars have their charger numbered to match their TLA email address (so if Jane Doe’s email is JD0123@tlascholar.com, his charger will have 0123 in silver on it.
Scholars returning a different scholar’s charger or not returning a charger at all may be charged a $25 replacement fee if their issued charger is not returned. If a scholar has lost their school-issued charger and purchased a replacement on their own, they will not be charged for returning that charger.
End-of-Year Medication Pick Up
It's incredible how quickly the school year is coming to a close! As we prepare for its end, it's important to start planning for the retrieval of medications from the health office. Unfortunately, we're unable to store medications over the summer for the following school year's use. Please refer to the email correspondence for details on scheduling medication pick-up. Only families who have supplied medication for school use will receive an email. It's been a pleasure caring for and supporting the health needs of our scholars this year. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to Karla Smith, School Nurse, at (608) 690-5112.
Yearbook Ordering Available NOW!!
Order your yearbook today for only $40!! Orders deadline was extended to May 28th and can be ordered online by clicking HERE or returning a paper order form.
Drop Off Reminders
Year-End Assessments
- Week of May 20: Oral Running Records (K5-4th) and MAZE Assessments (6th-8th)
- May 22: Civics Exam, 9th grade and any 11th grade scholars that have not taken and passed the DPI required exam, Mr. Davie will be proctoring this exam in American History
- We've completed MAP Growth testing.
- All MAP, AP, PreACT Secure, ACT, and ACCESS reports will be sent home with final report cards.
- 3rd-8th grade Forward Exam reports will be sent home next fall.
Attendance Corner
May Attendance Competition Update
Our school-wide May attendance competition continues! Here are the current homeroom standings for perfect attendance days (as of 5/16/24):
- For K4-1st, Ms. Rutledge/Ms. Davies’ class is in the lead with 4 days of perfect attendance!
- For 2nd-4th, Ms. Smith/Ms. Bruno’s class is in the lead with 6 days of perfect attendance!
- For Middle School, Ms. Curtis/Mr. Perez’ class is in the lead with 5 days of perfect attendance!
- For High School, Mr. Davie’s class is in the lead with 5 days of perfect attendance!
Our current overall attendance percentage at TLA is 93.82%. This is an increase of 0.02% from the previous week. Again, we are happy to see the upward trend (slowly, but surely), so keep encouraging your scholars to show up each day and finish the school year strong!
In This Week's Athletic News:
The JV Baseball team traveled to Dodgeville to play the Dodgers in their season's final game. The Lions showed improvement but couldn’t keep up and lost. Notable performances included Carson Pingel and Dawson VanFleet, both recording hits.
The JV Track team concluded the 2024 season at the Tom Mueller Invitational at Oregon High School last week. It was a great challenge for our student-athletes as they competed against varsity-level opponents. Impressively, each competing athlete set a new personal record. Congratulations to Acasha Douglas, Nahomi Douglas, Makyah Harris, Katie McKearn, Theresa Najdowski, Thomas Hawkins, Vito Gabriele, and Oscar Hernandez! It was a fantastic way to end the track season.
Attention all Elementary, Middle, and High school scholars. Check out our complete list of spring and summer camps through the link provided. Spring/Summer Sports Camps
Upcoming Athletic Events:
Thursday, May 23rd - MS Track and Field vs. OLA (Stronge Stadium @ 4:00 pm)
Thursday, May 30th - TLA Spring Athletic Awards Banquet 5:30 pm (TLA Gym)
**Practice and Competition times, locations, and bus times can be found on the TLA Athletic Schedule.
Spring Athletic Banquet
TLA families, we invite you to honor the hard work and dedication of our spring athletes and coaches at the TLA Spring Athletic Awards Banquet. This is a special evening where we celebrate their achievements and the bonds they've formed. Join us on Thursday, May 30th 5:30-6:30 p.m. Please find the attached invite for more information and to RSVP.
Career Exploration
Globe Symposium
Harley M., Theo F., and Evelyn H presented their research from interning at the Welty Environmental Center at the GLOBE Student Research Symposium in Toledo, OH in May. Scholars had the opportunity to conduct long-term research, present their findings in an academic setting, and partake in scientific dialogue with peers, teachers, and scientists. Along with this experience, scholars were able to explore an interactive science museum, use data collection tools and skills, bond with peers from the Beloit and Midwestern communities, hear testimonies and career advice from professionals in the sciences, and even explore behind-the-scene views of the Toledo Zoo, which included sleeping overnight in the Aquarium building!
10th Grade Job Shadows
All 10th grade scholars complete a job shadow out in the community. This week scholars job shadowed at Kunes Auto Group. Scholars enjoyed learning about the company. They shadowed employees in the service, sales, and finance department.
Community Connection
Today's Dreamers, Tomorrow's Leaders
This summer TLA boys have the opportunity to participate in Today's Dreamers, Tomorrow's Leaders: Inspiring young men to embrace their futures. It is a free summer program for men in 5-10th grade. Scholars will be required to complete five speaker sessions before attending the event on August 22, 2024. Scholars will also have the opportunity to shop for professional dress attire to wear at the event. All sessions will take place at the Joel Barrett Boys and Girls Club. Sign up here.
Message From the Deans
Mr. Anderson
Mr. Cieplewski
Dear TLA Families,
As we approach the final weeks of the school year, we want to extend our gratitude for your continued support and partnership in your scholars' education. It's been an incredible journey so far, and we are excited to finish the year on a high note. Your involvement and support have been instrumental in making this school year a success. From helping with homework to attending school events, your engagement has made a positive impact on our school community. As we wrap up this school year, let's encourage our scholars to finish strong, celebrate their achievements, and look forward to a bright future. Thank you for being an essential part of our school family.
Mr. Ryan Anderson, 4K-4th Grade Dean of Scholars
Mr. Robert Cieplewski, 6th-11th Grade Dean of Scholars
The Lincoln Academy
Email: info@tlabeloit.com
Website: https://www.thelincolnacademybeloit.com/
Location: 608 Henry Avenue, Beloit, WI, USA
Phone: 608 690 5100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TLABeloit/
Twitter: @tlabeloit