Principal Welch's Weekly Update
February 24th, 2025
February 23rd-March 1st, 2025
Can you believe it’s almost March? This year is whizzing by so quickly.
We are almost at the midpoint of second semester. Make sure students are getting the support they need. Students can attend conference period from 8-9 a.m. with their classroom teachers on Mondays/Tuesdays, get free homework help/tutoring after school in the library on Mondays/Tuesdays/Thursdays, or they can go to Tutors | CRR Math and get specialized tutoring in the evenings from tutors who are live on ZOOM to support TUSD students in both math (any level) and science.
Future Freshmen Family Night
We will be hosting a family night for any students who are considering attending Rincon for the 2025-2026 school year. This Thursday, February 27th, we will begin the evening in the auditorium, with a brief presentation about Rincon, including some fun performances by our band, cheer and dance groups. The presentation will be followed by a tour of the Rincon campus and will be finalized by an activity fair in the library, where students and families can meet some of our coaches, club sponsors, and elective teachers to explore a few of the cool activities Rincon has to offer. Counselors and our registration technician will be on hand to support families.
No “Fs” Fun Friday Student Recognition
Ms. Callahan will be handing out prizes during lunch to recognize our amazing students who are passing all of their classes! Keep up the great work. If you didn’t make it this time around, she will be doing it again in March, so work hard to collect your prize next time.
College and Career Updates
🤠Its College & Career Fair Week at RUHS! This Friday, 2/28 at Lunch, visit our 3rd Annual RUHS SPRING COLLEGE & CAREER FAIR!!!🤩 and then meet us at the big RMACAC College Fair on Saturday 3/1, 9am at Salpointe HS.
Click Here to read MORE about this week's RHS College & Career Center Activities
Rincon High School College & Career Readiness It doesn't matter What your Plan is for after high school... What matters is that you HAVE...
U of A College of Medicine: Community Kids Clinic
A representative of the U of A College of Medicine asked us to share information about their kids clinics providing vaccinations, well visits and sports physicals. Please note, this service is not sponsored by TUSD, but may be of value to your family.
See attached information for details
Faculty and Staff Highlight
Susana Nava: Ms. Nava always provides a friendly smile at our front attendance office when anyone walks in. She works tirelessly to provide students and families with support for their needs while balancing answering phone calls, checking in tardy students, and making sure our students who are excused due to sports or activities are properly coded. Always a team player, Ms. Nava is a great example of why Rincon is such a wonderful place to work!
Mr. Yubia: After a temporary placement as a STEM teacher, Mr. Yubia found his home in our Exceptional Education department. Mr. Yubia juggles five different content areas, each populated by students at varying academic levels. And he makes it look effortless. Mr. Yubia's lessons are engaging, real world applicable, and foster community between students. When designing his course, he truly takes each individual student and the supports they need into account. He greets students and colleagues with a smile- it's hard to catch him on a bad day.