Ellison Eagle Updates
Week of August 28 - September 1, 2023
Labor Day, September 4th!
There is no school on Monday, September 4th, in observance of the Labor Day Holiday.
We will resume our regular schedule on Tuesday, September 5th.
Open House, September 5th!
Eagles: Make plans to attend Open House on Tuesday, September 5th, "Come & Go" from 6 - 8 pm.
Open House is a great opportunity for parents to meet teachers and get familiar with what is happening in their students' classes. We can't wait to see you there!
This year our theme is #LastingLegacy.
What does this mean to us?
As educators, we are challenging ourselves to remember the teachers in our own lives who made the most positive difference for us, and bring that same energy to our work with our students every day at EHS. We are committed to working daily to have a #LastingLegacy in the lives of our students.
We hope our students can also see themselves in this theme. You as a student have the opportunity to have a positive impact on our campus, and leave a #LastingLegacy of success. Bring your best attitude, give your best effort, see the best in others, and show you care.
We can all leave a #LastingLegacy.
EHS Bell Schedule 23-24
Eagles: Be sure to get familiar with our daily Bell Schedule!
Eagle Football Fun!
Our first football game of the year is in the books! While the score wasn't what we hoped, our team fought hard and is just getting started. Come on out and cheer on our Eagles this Thursday, 7 pm, vs Pflugerville Hendrickson. (Game is scheduled for Buckley Stadium, but stand by for updates as there is a water line issue being repaired at this time.) Go, Eagles!
Hey, Band!
The Screaming Eagle Band is already in high gear! Come on out and support the Eagles, and also enjoy some great music, from our awesome halftime show to our upbeat stand tunes, such as this Rolling Stones classic! Go, Eagles!
Closed Campus
All KISD campuses are closed campuses, and students may not leave campus for Lunch.
The only exception to this rule is for Seniors who have earned their College, Career, Military Readiness (CCMR) Indicator. Check with your Counselor for information on CCMR.
Apply for Free/Reduced Meals!
Volleyball @ HHHS
Tuesday, Aug 29, 2023, 05:00 PM
Harker Heights High School, Farm to Market 2410, Harker Heights, TX, USA
9th/JV Football vs Pflugerville Hendrickson
9th Game @ Ellison
JV Game @ Hendrickson
Wednesday, Aug 30, 2023, 05:30 PM
Varsity Football vs Pflugerville Hendrickson
Home Side at Buckley Stadium.
Go, Eagles!
Thursday, Aug 31, 2023, 07:00 PM
Leo Buckley Stadium, North 38th Street, Killeen, TX, USA
Volleyball vs Cove
Friday, Sep 1, 2023, 06:00 PM
Ellison High School, East Elms Road, Killeen, TX, USA
No School: Labor Day Holiday
Monday, Sep 4, 2023, 08:00 AM
Lady Eagle Volleyball @ Cedar Ridge
Go, Lady Eagles!
Tuesday, Sep 5, 2023, 05:30 PM
Cedar Ridge High School, Gattis School Road, Round Rock, TX, USA
Open House!
Come & Go from 6 - 8 pm.
Please enter via Student Entrance on Elms Road side of the campus.
Tuesday, Sep 5, 2023, 06:00 PM
Ellison High School
Lady Eagle Volleyball @ KHS
Friday, Sep 8, 2023, 05:30 PM
Killeen High School, North 38th Street, Killeen, TX, USA
Who was C.E. Ellison?
Our Mission Statement
The People Business
This means we are in The People Business: Common Ground, Common Commitments, Common Celebrations. Go Eagles!
Our goal is to help every student learn, grow, and discover how they can make positive contributions to their community, today and in the future, here in Killeen and around the world.
Own Your Learning
When we use this motto, we are reminding students that their academic success belongs to them, and that they should take ownership of it. School staff and parents all care very much about students' academic success, but the key is for our students to see their academic success and achievements as their own.
This invitation to growth, maturity, and ownership of one's success is a key part of our experience here at EHS.
Own Your Learning!
Contact Us:
Email: david.dominguez@killeenisd.org
Website: https://schools.killeenisd.org/Page/97
Location: 909 East Elms Road, Killeen, TX, USA
Phone: 254-336-0600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EllisonEagles
Twitter: @EHSPrincipal