LES Weekly Press
August 13, 2024
Our Vision: Reimagining education, instilling community pride, inspiring future success.
Message from the Principal
Dear Lakewood Elementary Families,
We are so excited to start the new year! We have a new reading curriculum this year that we are very excited about.
Please be aware the Preschool and the K-2 have different open house days and times.
Pre-School Open House is Thursday. August 15 from 4:30-6pm.
Kindergarten through 2nd open house is Tuesday, August 20 from 4:45-6:15pm.
We look forward to seeing everyone!
In this together!
Mrs. Henry
15- Pre-K (Preschool) Open house 4:30-6:00
20- Kindergarten, First and Second grade Open House 4:45-6:15pm
21- First day of school (Pre-K, 1, & 2)
26- First day of school KINDERGARTEN
2- No School
4- PTO Mum Sale Starts, 5:30 PTO at Lakewood Elementary
17-20- Homecoming Spirit Week
18- Picture Day
20- PTO Mum sale ends
25- 2 hr. Delay
10-4-PTO 4-7pm Van Buren Family night $15.00 per family
Daily Schedule Overview
8:30- School doors open
8:50 Tardy Bell
3:20- Dismissal begins
If you plan to provide transportation to/from school for your child, please note our drop-off time is no earlier than 8:30 a.m. No staff members will be on duty for parent drop-off before 8:30 a.m. If you arrive before then, you must wait.
After 8:50 your child will need a tardy slip from the office.
Because of safety and limited visitor restrictions, families will not be able to enter the buildings with students. Thanks in advance for your understanding in this matter.
Upon arrival each day, all students will go directly to their homerooms.
Recess is scheduled after lunch each day.
Dismissal is set to begin at 3:20 for all students.
Please see below the new drop-off and pick-up procedures.
Any student signed out before 3:20 will be considered an early dismissal and this will count towards perfect attendance and total absenteeism/ truancy figures. In order to take advantage of every minute of instruction for our students, parents are asked to refrain from signing out students early except in the case of an emergency or medical appointment. Parents are asked to schedule appointments, whenever possible, at times that do not negatively impact their child’s attendance. Parents will NOT be admitted to the building to wait for pick-up students.
All student pick-ups HAVE to be picked up in a car. We cannot permit parents walking up to pick-up students from the side walk.
We'll do our best to create a smooth routine but thanks in advance for your patience in the first few days of school as we figure it all out together. Drive safely!
Drop/Off and Pick-up Procedures
Morning Drop Off
When dropping off your students to Lakewood Elementary (LES) and Jackson intermediate school (JIS), enter the driveway on the north side of JIS. Proceed in front of the building in a single file line against the curb. Please leave the left lane open. Students will exit the vehicle curbside and walk on the sidewalk, and either enter JIS on the south side of the building or enter LES by following the sidewalk, turn right, and then walk up the hill to the main entrance of LES. Staff will be assigned to help the students enter the building and get to the proper room.
When the drop off car line backs up to Lancer Road, proceed on Lancer Road and enter the high school parking lot using the south entrance to stack the overflow. We need to keep Lancer Road open for other traffic and emergency vehicles. When inside the high school parking lot, turn left in the first lane and continue to the north exit. Stop, cross Lancer Road and enter the JIS north drive when space allows.
Afternoon Pick Up
Students going home by car from both Lakewood Elementary and Jackson Intermediate Schools will enter cars in the same area of drop off, which is in front of JIS. All car riding students from LES and JIS will exit through the cafeteria door on the east side of JIS adjacent to the front drive. Students will walk to the cars starting at the stop sign. Please use extreme caution. After the first few cars, please move up. Exit by turning left at the stop sign to Lancer Road.
Again, when the pick up car line backs up to Lancer Road, proceed on Lancer Road and enter the high school parking lot using the south entrance to stack the overflow. We need to keep Lancer Road open for other traffic and emergency vehicles. When inside the high school parking lot, turn left in the first lane and continue to the north exit. Stop, cross Lancer Road and enter the JIS north drive when space allows.
We look forward to serving you and your students.
School Fees
There is an instructional fee of $40.00 due by the end of the first 9 weeks, October 17, 2024. We appreciate your support and paying your fees in a timely manner.
Free and Reduced Lunch Forms/Fee Waiver
Student breakfast
Regular price- $1.50
Student lunch
Regular price- $3.10
Milk- .50 for all
All students will receive a free and reduced lunch form on the first day of school. Please fill out this form if applicable.
This form must also be completed to determine if your child qualifies for a fee waiver.
Important Information
- Backpacks- If you need a backpack, please let the school know.
- Birthdays- Food is not permitted to celebrate birthdays. You may send in items such as pencils, stickers, bookmarks, etc. We do read your child's name over our morning announcements, and students receive a birthday book.
- Breakfast and Lunch: Breakfast is 1.50, and lunch is $3.10
- Bus: You should receive an email from schoolbus@saferoutz.com. This is a parent portal to view bussing information and communicate directly with transportation. Please make sure to create an account.
- Car Riders: If your child is a car rider, please REMAIN in your car. Also, if their seat can be on the passenger side, that helps with pick-up and dismissal.
- Class lists –will not be posted. Please update your forms to get your child's letter.
- Dismissal: Dismissal is at 3:20 for pick-ups. Buses begin to be called from 3:20-3:40 depending on arrival. Please make sure your child's teacher knows how he/she is getting home and proper arrangements have been made on the first day of school. It would help to have a note to the teacher on the first day as to how your child will be getting home. Student dismissal plans or changes should be submitted to the school secretary in writing or by phone before 2:30 p.m. We will not make dismissal changes based on a child's request, we must get a note, or phone call from a parent. Please have a picture ID available each time you wish to pick up your child during school hours. Those picking up students must be on the child’s registration or emergency information. This is for the safety and protection of your children. Thank you for your understanding.
- Kindergarten Appointments – August 21, 22. You should have a time already scheduled. If you do not, please contact the Elementary office to set up your appointment. (740) 928-7126
- Parent Newsletters – future newsletters will be emailed via Final forms. If you haven’t updated your forms for this year, please be sure your numbers and email are correct to receive notifications. Directions how to do this are under Update Forms in this newsletter.
- Visitors-Because we are so adamant about making sure your child is safe, we ask that you and all visitors go directly to the office when you enter the building.
- School supplies – a list is in this letter by grade level and on our website and mailed with your welcome teacher letter.
- SCHOOL STARTS AT 8:50am SHARP. If you bring your child in at 8:51am, your child will be considered late and they will need to report to the office for a tardy slip. Parents, every minute counts! Please have your child to school on time, and please be mindful to minimize early leaves. House Bill 410 counts every minute and we want your child to have a great attendance record.
Classroom Teacher Emails
Hebron Office Staff
Mrs. Henry-Principal
Mrs. Amy McCartney- Dean of Students
Mrs. Melissa Harkness- Secretary
Mrs. Bethany White-Secretary
Mrs. Kristina Parsley- School Counselor
Mrs. Marcella Brownlee- School Psychologist
Mrs. Amy Morrison-District Nurse
Mrs. Debbie Miller-Hebron Clinic Aide
Website: https://www.lakewoodlocal.k12.oh.us/schools-page/lakewood-elementary
Location: 9380 Lancer, Hebron, OH, USA
Phone: 740-928-2661
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=lakewood%20elementary%20school