September 6th
Important Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, Sept 11 - Papa John's Fundraiser Night
Friday, Sept 27th - Westbrook Family Fun Night - 6-8pm
October 9-10 - Parent-Teacher Conferences
Oct 10, 11, 14 - No School
You can link to the Westbrook Calendar Here: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=d2VzdHNpZGU2Ni5uZXRfY2FicjVyaWhsMzB2OWQ0aXVmamwzN2Y3bnNAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ
Westbrook Fundraiser Starts Today!!!
Students will be coming home today with Fundraiser Packets.
Any students who log on, register, and share the fundraiser with 10 peopel will automatically be given a prize!
Then, students continue to earn prizes for items sold. We just need you to share the info! Please log on and register at www.shopfund.com
Handicap Parking Spaces - Please Be Mindful
Please be mindful of the Handicap Parking spaces in front of the building before and after school. If you are using it to drop a student off, please do so and then move your vehicle so that the space can be used by others. We have numerous students that require those spaces to be dropped off in.
Attendance Month
Over the month of September, Westbrook is going to focus on student attendance. We want students at school every day when they are able and healthy! To kick off Attendance Month, we will have a spirit week. Above are the themes for each day next week to help encourage students to be at school!
Attendance Challenge
We want to reward families for getting their students to school. We will be raffling off three $50 Amazon Gift Cards at the end of the month. To be entered to win, your student has to be in attendance 95% of the school days in the month of September.
Girls on the Run!
Girls on the Run will be back at Westbrook this fall. This group is for female students in grade 3-6. The first practice will be this Tuesday, Sept 10th at 3:45pm. Meet in the cafeteria and then they will go outside to run. Participants can sign up here: www.gotrnebraska.org
The Literacy Lowdown
BIST Bytes
A skill that we often work on with students is following directions the first time they are asked. We use skill-based coaching questions and ask them the following:
- What do you do when an adult asks you to do something?
- Answer: Say "okay" and do what is asked
- When do you do it?
- Answer: Do it right away
We try to instill the mindset in students that when they are asked to do something, they shouldn't need to be asked multiple times. They should do it right away when asked.
BIST Parenting Classes
As part of ongoing support for families, your child’s school is offering a series of classes for
parents and guardians through a partnership with the Behavior Intervention Support Team
(BIST). These training sessions are designed to provide ways you can support your child’s
developing academic and behavior skills, as well as increase consistency between home and
BIST Virtual Parenting Series
5:45 PM - 6:00 PM Enter Zoom Waiting Room
6:00 PM – 6:45 PM Informational Session
6:45 PM – 7:00 PM Questions and Answers
September 19th: “The Impact of Common Ground Parenting: Presenting a United Front”
September 26th: “The Art of Not Saying ‘No’”
October 3rd: “Moving from Resistance to Resilience”
These classes are designed to:
Create consistency between school and home
Provide language for adults to use when redirecting children
Share ways to problem solve to increase your child’s success
Increase generosity and kindness in your children
Bring a sense of calm to your home
Please join us for any or all three sessions!
How to Register for Free Training
These virtual classes are provided free of charge, however, we do ask that you please register
through our website on or before Friday, September 13th, 2024.
To register for this class:
1. Go to http://BIST.org
2. Click Log In on the home screen.
3. If you already created a username by previously enrolling in a BIST class, just log in on
this screen.
4. If you have never registered for a BIST class, enter your information (Name, Email, and
a Password). This will register you on the website, but not for the class.
5. At the top of the page, use the dropdown menu called “Classes.” Click “Training
6. Select the class you wish to attend (Parenting with BIST). Click “Register” under your
preferred class.
7. Fill out the required questions and click “Register.”
8. On the checkout screen, complete the billing details even though this is a free class.
9. Click “Place Order.” The Order Details page is your confirmation of registration.
10. You will receive an email containing the Zoom link for the training sessions on
Wednesday, September 18 th .
a. If you have not received an email containing the Zoom link by noon on
September 18 th , please contact our office at bist@cornerstonesofcare.org for
Will you TAGG for us?
Local businesses will donate 5% of your purchase to Westbrook. Just use the TAGG website to submit your receipts!!!
Are You Interested in Volunteering at Westbrook?
Westbrook is seeking parent volunteers to help out during the school day. We feel it is important that parents are involved with our building and want to find ways to get parents inside of Westbrook more frequently.
Here are some options of ways that parents can assist during the school day:
Reading to a classroom for 15-20 minutes after lunch
Supporting in the cafeteria during breakfast (8:05-8:30) or lunch (11:00am - 1:00pm)
Supporting during recess (11:20am - 1:15pm)
Office Tasks such as laminating items, cutting paper, filing, etc.
Helping support a before/after school club (Art Club, Music Club, D&D, Girls on the Run)
If you want to assist in any of these areas, please reach out to Mr. Stevens at stevens.brian@westside66.net or call at 402-390-6488.
All parent volunteers will need to go through a background check and meet with Mr. Stevens to discuss guidelines and expectations before volunteering can begin.