In January 2023, the MSBA (Massachusetts School Building Authority) recommended and approved the Essex Elementary School for admission into the Eligibility Phase of the MSBA grant process. Being accepted means the MERSD Essex Elementary School has been identified as being one of the neediest schools in the state (close to being out of options to address the structural issues of the building) and a good candidate for the grant program. The MSBA grant program provides technical assistance and financial support (a minimum of 30% reimbursement) for the planning and construction of a new/renovated school.
Acceptance into the program comes at a critical time. In the fall of 2022, MERSD commissioned Habeeb & Associates to conduct a needs assessment of both facilities to provide a data-based resource to guide in the development of a timeline to address the replacement of Essex Elementary School as well as to proactively plan for maintaining the middle high school, which will reach its half-life in 2034. The results were reported to the community in November 2023 and clearly showed that Essex Elementary has passed its useful life. The study identified approximately $9 million in capital investments needed to maintain the aging facility. (Habeeb Report 2023) Participation in the MSBA program will allow MERSD to work with the MSBA team of experts to conduct a feasibility study to determine the most cost-effective solution for providing a renovated/rebuilt facility.
The Feasibility study is estimated to cost up to $1,500,000, of which 30% will be reimbursed by the MSBA. The feasibility study will be funded with contributions coming from three sources--MERSD, Essex, and Manchester. The cost to the towns is determined in accordance with the capital allocation formula outlined in the MERSD Regional Agreement.
The School Committee will be voting to move ahead with the Memorial School Feasibility Study on April 2nd. The next steps require affirmative votes to fund the towns' portions of the study at each of the upcoming town meetings:
- Manchester Town Meeting April 24th @ 6:00 PM - Memorial School
- Essex Town Meeting May, May 6th @ 6:45 PM - Essex Elementary School
To Learn more about MSBA & the feasibility study please visit the Essex School Building Project page.
STEAM Showcase
The MERSD STEAM Showcase expanded beyond grades 6-12 to include all grades K-12. Under the direction of STEM Department Chair Kristi Umile, MERSD celebrated learning in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math through showcases of student learning experiences and displays from community partners. The student, staff, and community engagement created a wonderful evening, sharing learning and excitement in STEAM.
Michelle Cresta has joined the Manchester Essex Regional School District’s leadership team as Director of Finance and Operations. Cresta will bring 18 years of municipal and school district financial experience to Manchester Essex, as well as eight years of experience in the private sector.
Cresta holds a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Business Management from Merrimack College. She also holds statewide certifications in accounting and school business administration.
She is active in her community, serving on the Town of Middleton Finance Committee since 2007.
“Michelle is a highly respected and valued business official with extensive experience in school, municipal, and board finance,” Superintendent Beaudoin said. “She will bring to MERSD a demonstrated understanding of regional school finance and governance, expertise in accounting and financial crisis management and first-hand experience with MSBA building projects as well as strong communication skills and collaborative style. Please join me in welcoming Ms. Cresta to our learning community!”
Cresta began working in the district on March 25th, 2024.
“I am excited to join Superintendent Beaudoin and her team at Manchester Essex. This district’s reputation and focus on quality and excellence makes this a great fit for my experience and background,” Cresta said. “I cannot wait to get to know the students, staff, families, and communities that make Manchester Essex one of the state’s best regional school districts.”
Cresta will develop an entry plan as part of the transition to her new role that will be shared with the school community. She will meet with groups in the spring and summer to ensure that all stakeholders can provide feedback.
SEL Presentation featuring Michael Eatman from Culture 7.
May 1, 2024- 6:00-7:30 p.m. (Virtual event)
How does learning work best, and how can this knowledge help parents and students?
All across the country, there are those committed to learning – in life, at work, and in school, at home – and many people are working to help others learn too. Sometimes it works beautifully. Other times, we get stuck in resistance or frustration. What’s the secret to finding your way through this “puzzle”?
Join this insightful, interactive “Community Cafe” to explore some ideas surrounding the neuroscience of learning, and how to use “Emotional Intelligence” as a powerful ingredient for creating optimal conditions for growth.
You will learn about:
Obstacles to learning and how those apply to you, employees, students, and others.
How emotions can block or fuel learning, and how emotional intelligence can help us use emotions in a more effective way.
Principles from the Six Seconds Learning Philosophy, a framework for creating emotionally intelligent processes – which we can use for ourselves and to teach others.
Who: Anyone interested in practicing emotional intelligence – for themselves, at work, home or school or as a coach, trainer or educator.
Michael L. EatmanEQ practitioner and Leadership Strategist
For more information and link to this event, please contact Joanne Maino.
Sponsored by MERMS Council
School Avoidance and Absenteeism: A Parent Workshop (Virtual)
Thursday, March 28, 2024 -6:30-8:00 p.m.
Presenter: Kaitlin Gallo, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist
Join us on Google Meet:
This educational workshop is for parents who would like to learn about reducing or preventing school avoidance behaviors and absenteeism related to mental health conditions such as anxiety disorders and depression. Attendees will learn about common conditions that are associated with school avoidance, as well as parenting strategies that can break the cycle of missing school. The workshop will include time for questions and answers.
RSVP to Shelley Mullarkey at mullarkeys@mersd.org.
Information session for parents of special education students entering 6th grade in the Fall:
Wednesday, April 3, 2024 -8:30 to 9:30 a.m. MERMHS Learning Commons
Jean Tarricone, special education staff, and Allison Collins will provide an overview of middle school special education programming and services, discuss common transition issues for entering middle schoolers, and answer any questions you may have. RSVP to Shelley Mullarkey at mullarkeys@mersd.org.
Understanding the New IEP: A Parent Workshop (Virtual)
Thursdays, April 4th and 25th at 6:00 p.m.
As an outcome of their IEP improvement project, DESE has created a new IEP form for special education teams, which will be launched by MERSD in Fall 2024. Join IEP trainer and former Simmons professor Allan Blume for a training on how to understand the changes and best utilize the new format as a member of the special education team. Note: This is the same presentation on both dates. Two dates are being offered to minimize conflicts and maximize convenience for parents.
RSVP to Shelley Mullarkey at mullarkeys@mersd.org.
Manchester Essex Students Display Excellence at State DECA Conference
MERHS Principal Julie Sgroi and DECA Advisor Barrett Alston wish to share the success of Manchester Essex Regional High School students at the 66th Annual Massachusetts DECA State Career Development Conference earlier this month.
The conference, held in Boston on March 7-9, was attended by more than 3,800 students who are studying in areas such as business, finance, marketing, and hospitality. More than 200 businesspeople evaluated student role plays, case studies and presentations.
Ten Manchester Essex students were crowned as state champions, earning a spot in the DECA International Career Development Conference on April 27-30 in Anaheim, CA.
Check out the full article HERE.
The Open Door Food Truck will visit Essex Elementary School and Manchester Memorial Elementary School. For more information about The Open Door please visit their website.
Essex Elementary
Third Wednesday of each month during the school year.
2:45-3:30 p.m.
12 Story St.
Essex, MA
Manchester Memorial Elementary
43 Lincoln St.
Manchester, MA
The District Calendar is available in the Quick Links Section of the district and school homepages. Please note that the last day of school, if all snow days are used, will be June 20th; without the use of snow days, we are scheduled for the last day of school to be June 12th. Should we exceed five snow days, additional make-up days will be added to the end of the year through June 30th.
School & District websites – we are making an effort to keep these informative and up to date.
District & School website calendars have up-to-date information about school and district activities.
Athletic schedules can be accessed from a link on the Athletics page.
The budget page can be accessed by a Quick Link off the district home page – here you will find our FY 24 budget documents and presentations. We will be updating this in the fall to reflect the FY25 budget process.
Superintendent’s Blog is a forum to share good news, observations, and information about our schools and about education in general.
Manchester Essex Regional School District
36 Lincoln St.
Manchester, MA 01944
Phone 978.526.4919
Fax 978.526.7585
MERSD Mission Statement: Educating all students, instilling a passion for life-long learning, and encouraging both local and global citizenship.