St. Paul's Trumpet
January 16, 2025
“Generations of disciples, reflecting God’s love, to our community and the world.”
Dear Friends,
Support is Not Control.
We can support and encourage our family members. We can't, however, make their treatment decisions for them. We should offer suggestions and input, but be ready to accept and support their decisions.
They may not choose the treatment options that we would prefer, but by acknowledging their right to decide, we create a respectful healing environment within the family. We improve their immediate quality of life by treating them with dignity. We're also encouraging them to commit to their chosen course of action.
The reality is that we can only control our own actions. We have to learn to give the people around us responsibility for decisions that only they can make. It's ultimately up to them to decide on their goals and strategies. You can encourage your family members, but you must let go of the feeling that you have to solve their problems for them.
Certainly, this advice comes with the idea that young children and teens may require more oversight and guidance. Their brains are still forming as they grow toward adulthood and they can benefit greatly by receiving our wisdom with care and compassion.
“Then people brought little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them. Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'”
- Matthew 19:13-14
As much as possible we can give children who are struggling with depression, anxiety, abuse or numerous other issues, a place where they feel safe and loved. We can advocate for them. Advocating is the tender and supple way that we can calm a worried heart and restore the soul of the hurting. Words of kindness, assurances that we will always be there, and telling them that we love them requires of us an enormous responsibility. We must follow through and stay at their side watching over them with love. What we can control is far less important than the kindness we can give.
Pastor Chad
If you have any questions or difficulty using the form, please contact the Church Office at 402-339-3308 or
Prayer Requests:
Prayers for Michelle Keller and family as they grieve the loss of Michelle's mother, Marcene, who passed away last week. Funeral Services held on Wednesday in Iowa.
Prayers for Liz Mogler who went to the hospital this week due to breathing difficulties, prayers for her recovery.
Prayers for Cathy Lewis, she called on Tuesday and asked for prayers. She is in the hospital at Bergren at the moment, hoping she goes home Wednesday or sometime this week.
Prayers for all those affected by the wildfires in California.
Please pray for the following members of our church during the month of January
Prayer Team
Your prayers are important to us and we have a team of people dedicated to praying for you. This team responds to urgent prayer requests, and prays each day following our monthly calendar. If are currently a member of the prayer team, or would like to start receiving those email prayer requests, please click the link below to be added to this ministry team.
Christmas Eve Offering
On Christmas Eve offering was collected for St. Paul's Diaper Pantry at all three services. It was so meaningful to connect the humble birth of our Savior Jesus to the needs of the families in our community.
Thanks to your generosity we collected $7320.20 that will go towards funding the Diaper Pantry and supporting families with young children in your community all year long! Thank you for supporting this ministry!
Office Closed - January 20th
The office will be closed on Monday, January 20, 2025 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
We will reopen at 8:30am the Tuesday, January 21st and resume regular hours. All messages and emails will be returned at that time.
If you have an emergency, while we are closed please contact Pastor Chad.
Lost & Found
Have you ever misplaced an item and wondered where it went? Have you ever just felt like you forgot something but can't remember what or where? Well stop by the Lost and Found table outside the Welcome Center this Sunday to see if anything you have lost has been found!
2024 Giving Statements
Thank you all for your generosity in 2024 by giving to St. Paul's Church and its ministries. As we start a new year, we are actively working in the office to finalize our records for last year to the best of our ability. 2024 Giving Statements will be generated and mailed to your address on file (we only mail physical copies, if you would like an electronic copy you will need request one from the main office).
Statements will be mailed in mid to late January, so please look for them to arrive around the end of the month in your mail. If you do not receive it by mid-February or have any questions about your statement please contact Lily in the main office or call (402)-339-3308.
Thank you.
2025 Pledgers
If you have any questions please contact the Treasurer or call the main office. Thank you.
Mission of the Week
Please participate in Club 456's food drive for the All People's Food Pantry by bringing the following items this week.
This week's wish list: Rice & Noodles - White Rice, Brown Rice, Rice Noodles, Lo Mein Noodles & Udon Noodles
Visitation Care Team
St. Paul's visitation program helps us keep over 30 of our members stay connected to our church and their faith journey. Just by simply offering a ride to someone or an occasional visit can make all the difference.
We are actively recruiting volunteers be apart of this vital ministry. If you are interested learning how you can be more involved please contact the church office.
UM Men's Breakfast
On Saturday, January 25th the United Methodist Men will host breakfast at 8am in the Fellowship Hall. All members are welcome as well as members from other United Methodist chapters.
The program will be given by Dave Harvey on The Least of My Brethren.
UM Men's Man of the Year 2024
Nominations are now being taken for St. Paul’s Man of the Year, 2024.
Please submit your nominee to the church office, or Charlie Walcutt, Paul Ebisch, Mel Morton.
It is necessary to include a brief narrative as to why the individual is so deserving, how he has served our church, family and community.
Anyone can nominate a Man of the Year Candidate, but only St Paul's Men will be voting.
Nominations close February 17th, 2025, Presidents Day.
Middle and High School Youth Ministry
Youth Worship: Sundays at 9:15am
Youth Group: Sundays at 6:30pm
Join us for Worship!
Live Stream Service Online
Ways to Give at St. Paul's UMC
Your financial gifts help sustain the mission and ministry of our congregation as we "reflect the love of God to our community and the world!" There are several different ways that you can give to St. Paul's, the details are below, and we are happy to answer any questions you may have along the way.
1. Online Giving – This is a safe and convenient way to support St. Paul's with either a one-time or recurring gift. Click here to set up your account, and if you need assistance, contact our St. Paul's Treasurer, Cindy Balentine.
2. Cash or Check –On Sundays during worship, you can place your cash or check in the offering plates or offering box. There are offering envelopes in each pew and in the back of the Chapel so that you can designate your gift. Checks should be made out to "St. Paul's United Methodist Church" and designations can also be noted on the memo line. You can also mail your gifts to St. Paul's at 324 S. Jackson Street, Papillion, NE 68046.
3. Automated Bank Withdrawals –This form of giving allows your bank to withdraw money directly from your designated account and transfer it to St. Paul's UMC. There are no fees involved and it's as simple as filling out a form -- contact the Church Office or St. Paul's Treasurer, Cindy Balentine to get started!
4. IRA Distribution or Savings giving –This is another wonderful way to help sustain the ministry of St. Paul's UMC. It requires you to work with your bank or broker to determine the details, but you can also contact our St. Paul's Treasurer, Cindy Balentine, to get an outline of this process.
Every gift helps make a difference -- thank you for your generous support of St. Paul's United Methodist Church!
Office Hours
St. Paul's UMC, Papillion
Location: 324 South Jackson Street, Papillion, NE, USA
Phone: (402) 339-3308