Mountain View Moments
September Newsletter
Message From the Principal
Greetings Mountain View Families,
It is hard to believe we are halfway through the first quarter of school. Our students have been working hard and learning new things. We are partnering with Chick-Fil-A for a school-wide reading challenge. Your child can earn different Chick-Fil-A gift cards and prizes by reading books throughout the school year. Please encourage your child to read every night for at least 20 minutes. Reading with your child is another way to get them excited about reading at home.
We would love to continue to build our PTA. There is an interest meeting on Tuesday, September 10 at 6:00, if you would like to learn more about how you can volunteer or serve on the PTA Board. We would love to see you at our meeting.
As always, we appreciate your partnership in your child's education. It is an honor to partner with you to provide each student at Mountain View a wonderful academic experience.
Dr. Chelsea Lee, Principal
- Please call the school before 9:00 each day to report if your child will be absent or tardy.
- If you need to change afternoon transportation plans for your child, changes MUST be called in BEFORE 2:30 PM.
- Please review the tardy and early dismissal policy in the student handbook.
- If your child is absent please send in a doctor's excuse for the absence.
Upcoming Events
September 10-Fall Pictures
September 10-Girls on the Run starts
September 10-PTA Interest meeting at 6:00
September 13-District-Wide Maroon and Gold Day (Show your Science Hill spirit by wearing Science Hill gear or maroon and gold)
September 13-Science Hill High School Homecoming Parade