GALA Literacy Learning Series #13
Georgia Association of Literacy Advocates (GALA)
Celebrating our Cuentos: Latino Children’s Literature for All Classrooms
Dr. Julia López-Robertson!
The stories children engage with in school should reflect their immediate world and the worlds beyond their grasp as learning occurs in the spaces between the known and unknown. Learn how Latinx children’s literature extends those learning opportunities to Latinx and non-Latinx children and provides access to the curriculum!
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Please Join Our Webinar!
Thursday, April 11, 2024
4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
A bit more about our presenter...
Doctora Julia López-Robertson is a Professor in the Department of Teacher Education at the University of South Carolina. A former early childhood bilingual classroom teacher, her research focuses on the intersections among language, race, ethnicity, and culture as they relate to the teaching and learning of emergent bilinguals and their families and in preparing teachers for diverse classrooms.
Check out Dr. López-Robertson's Professional Resources!
Celebrating Our Cuentos: Choosing and Using Latinx Literature in Elementary Classrooms (2021)
Dr. Julia López-Robertson makes a case for infusing our classrooms with literature by a range of Latinx authors and illustrators- voices that reflect our students' experiences and provide a window into the cultures of people from Spanish-speaking countries and communities.
She shows how to identify quality literature by checking for bias, stereotypes, and cultural and linguistic authenticity. From there, she explores how to put the literature to work in whole-class lessons, read-alouds, small group discussions, and writing projects to nurture engaged readers.
Re-envisioning Family Engagement and Literacy in Early Childhood Classrooms "Porque así ya conocemos" (2024)
Families are resources that are extremely powerful and important for young learners from minoritized backgrounds, yet such families are often overlooked, silenced, or ostracized. This book presents a much-needed framework for family and community engagement in the early childhood and elementary literacy classroom that embraces and foregrounds students’ unique cultural backgrounds. Covering key topics such as children’s literature and digital tools, the book features strategies for implementing culturally responsive classroom practices to create positive home–school partnerships.
Each chapter highlights one type of capital in community cultural wealth—aspirational, linguistic, familial, social, navigational, and resistant—and gives teachers guidance on working with and supporting the efforts of families both inside and outside of the classroom. (co-authored with Melissa Summer Wells)
Please RSVP by Completing the FORM Below ~Registration closes on 4/11 @ 9:00 am~
Georgia Association of Literacy Advocates (GALA)
GALA Leadership Team
- Bethany L. Scullin, Chair
- Robert A. Griffin, Vice Chair
- Jennifer K. Allen, Treasurer
- Helena Foster, Secretary
- Megan Schumacher, Membership Working Committee Chair/Member-At-Large
- Carolyn Cutts, Social Media Working Committee Chair/Member-At-Large Chair
- Oluremi Wright, Grants/Scholarships/Awards Working Committee Chair/Member-At-Large Chair
Contact GALA: chair@galiteracy.org
Website: https://www.galiteracy.org/