Nighthawk News

Our Vision: The Herbert Akins Road MS Learning Community collaborates to facilitate equitable outcomes and growth through social, emotional, and academic opportunities.
Communication Protocol
Week of January 27, 2025
Nighthawk Families,
Nighthawks, 9th grade registration is quickly approaching! Open house dates and curriculum night dates for our feeder high schools can be found on the Herbert Akins website by clicking tabs in the following order: Families, Student Services, Course Registration, 9th Grade Registration. If you do not see information for your student’s high school, please contact Mrs. McGee for assistance.
Also, counselors will be going over registration information and assisting students with completing registration specific to their currently slated high school in February. Track 1: February 19, Track 3: February 20, and Track 4: February 25.
Our Harlem Wizard event on January 29th is quickly approaching so be sure to buy your tickets now! Last year was a sold out event so depending the number of presale tickets we will determine whether or not tickets will be available at the door the night of the event. Here's how to secure your tickets! https://harlemwizards.com/schedule-tickets/
For each home game, we have a school spirit day. Tomorrow, Monday, January 27th is Crazy Hat Day! Looking forward to seeing which homerooms at each grade level have the highest participation rates.
Our Winter Sports Pep Rally has been rescheduled to Monday, February 3rd. The spirit day theme is Dots and Stripes and the homerooms with the highest percent of participation will be awarded at the Pep Rally.
- Class attendance and participation are critical elements of the educational process. Any absences, whether excused or unexcused, can have a negative impact on a student’s academic achievement. Regular attendance must be prioritized and encouraged throughout our school community.
- We want to reward and acknowledge those students who attend school regularly.
- Each month, students with Perfect Attendance (no excused or unexcused absences) will be recognized.
- Students who had 2 or fewer absences in the 2nd quarter will receive an ice cream treat, compliments of our Nighthawk PTA, this Thursday. Track 4 will receive theirs once they track in next week!
- If there are extenuating circumstances for your student with regards to attendance, please contact your grade level counselor for support.
- Buy Spirit Wear (the PTA receives a portion of sales) - Herbert Akins Road spirit wear, Fuquay-Varina, NC, Nighthawks | 1st Place Spiritwear
Please follow us on our school's Facebook page, X "Twitter" account, and Instagram to stay abreast of up-to-date news and reminders throughout each school week. Scroll all the way to the end of this newsletter and click on the buttons to follow us on each platform.
With appreciation for your support and partnership as we continue to #buildournest in Year 3,
Anne Marie Adkins
Harlem Wizards vs Herbert Akins Rd MS Nighthawks
Positivity Project at Herbert Akins Rd MS
Tracks 1 & 2: Creativity and Track 4: Purpose
Dear Families,
This week,Tracks 1 and 2 will focus on the character strength of Creativity. Creativity means coming up with new and original ways to think about and do things.
Creative people see the world differently. They are open to new experiences and think independently. They come up with many ideas and pursue them with energy and enthusiasm. Creativity takes courage because sharing original ideas can sometimes lead to criticism.
Creativity is vital to our world! Creative solutions can help resolve conflicts and find compromises that satisfy everyone involved, strengthening relationships. It helps us solve tough problems, create new things, and see the world in fresh ways. Examples include treatments for deadly illnesses, such as cancer, the invention of the cell phone, and the development of solar panels. Imagine life without Impressionist paintings or the creation of airplanes and rocket ships.
To encourage creativity with your child at home, visit The Positivity Project’s mobile-friendly P2 for Families (available in English and Spanish), where you will watch a video together and discuss a quote and three questions.Below is the link to this week’s P2 for Families lessons. Click on the grade level that best meets your child’s needs.
This week, Track 4 begins the 2nd semester by focusing on the character strength of Purpose. Purpose means having beliefs about the meaning of life and feeling that your life has a purpose. It’s about wanting to be part of something bigger than yourself. People with a sense of purpose believe they are here for a reason. That reason can be different for everyone — it might be inventing something new, bringing joy through art or music, or raising kind and responsible children. Having a clear purpose helps people stay strong and courageous, even in difficult times. It also encourages them to act with kindness and love, even when it’s hard. When people feel connected to something greater, their lives have more meaning and fulfillment.
To practice and encourage the character strength of purpose at home, please visit The Positivity Project’s mobile-friendly P2 for Families (available in English and Spanish), where you will watch a video together and discuss a quote and three questions. Below is the link to this week’s P2 for Families lessons.
Grades 6–8 Thank you for your support!
8th Grade Fundraiser
Our Nighthawk community is invited to take part in a cookie dough fundraiser! The profits will be used to support the Washington DC field trip, and to provide scholarship opportunities for those students who are in need of funds to attend, as well as for end of year activities. If you are interested in purchasing cookies or simply donating, please register at the following linked website. Hard copy instructions are linked here, along with video instructions on how to register.
School Bus Safety Expectations on WCPSS Buses
School Bus Safety Reminders
1. Show respect for the driver at all times.
2. Enter and leave the bus without pushing or crowding.
3. Be seated in your assigned seat at all times while the bus is in motion.
4. Talk using a quiet tone of voice and without profane or abusive language.
5. Keep the bus clean and avoid littering.
6. Keep hands and feet to yourself.
7. Refrain from fooling around, rough housing, or aggressive behaviors on the bus.
Track Request Process for 2025-2026
Linked below, you will find three track request forms:
1. A Track Change Request Form all rising 7th and 8th grade families. If seats come available, the form will be reviewed to see if requests can be met. Parents will be notified by the Data Manager. Requests will be reviewed through the end of March 2025.
2. A Track Change Request Form for 7-4 families asking for volunteers to move tracks. If enough families do not volunteer, there will continue to be 6 sections on Track 4 in 8th grade next school year which will impact classroom locations in the building based on availability, having 4 tracks in 8th grade and due to classrooms throughout the building with specific designs for students with special needs and certain elective courses.
3. Rising 6th grade families have received an email with a Google Form during the week of January 6th to rank their track choices as track assignments in WCPSS reset at the beginning of middle school. Each families’ choices will be reviewed and every effort to grant first or second preferences will be made; however, there will be circumstances where a families’ third and fourth choices will have to be utilized.
Please be sure to read and review all detailed information on the specific Google Forms when you click on them below.
Nighthawk Ambassador Application OPEN
The Nighthawk Ambassador Program is a student leadership program at Herbert Akins Road Middle School sponsored by the School Counseling team. The role of the ambassadors will be to assist incoming and newly enrolled students in their transition to our Nighthawk school community. Additionally, they will serve as leaders and role models within Herbert Akins Road Middle School.
Please complete this application by Friday, Jan. 31st to be considered:
Nighthawk Athletic News
Please check out this week's Nighthawk Athletic Newsletter .
To prepare for future seasons ~
Click here for the video on how to do athletic physicals
Brent Winston
Athletic Director
Herbert Akins Road Middle School
919-694-8300 ext. 53051
First in Fitness
We hope our 6th Graders will participate in this fun in fitness opportunity! Any questions can be sent to Mr. Plummer or Ms. Harris in our Health/PE Department.
Student Athlete of the Week
Stay tuned for the next Athletes of the Week!
Athletic Booster Club Passes - Save Money/Buy a Pass for ALL Seasons/ALL Sports
Athletic Spirit Wear
2024-25 Yearbook
Now's the time to order a yearbook for your student and SAVE. https://bit.ly/3B8oAKd
The yearbook is a record of moments in time for your student. Order today for $55.00.
JOSTENS PAYMENT PLAN: Spread out the cost of your yearbook order with three interest-free payments.*
WCPSS Annual Asbestos Notification
Apply for School Meals - Each School Year!
Meal Benefits Expiration Date HAS PASSED - However, if you would like to still apply due to any personal changes, please see below.
To apply for free or reduced-price meals, you can do so online by visiting www.MySchoolApps.com. Paper applications will always be made available in our school's front office, or you can call 919-588-3535 or 919-856-2920 to have one mailed to you.
- Application information
- Application information - información sobre la solicitud (Español)
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Frequently Asked Questions - preguntas frecuentes (Español)
- Sample application/Ejemplo de solicitud (Please fill out an original / Favor de completar una solicitud original)
- Meal charges policy | Cuentas de Alimentos
Online Application
- Apply for Free or Reduced Price Meals Online
- Solicitud en lÃnea para las comidas escolares Gratis/Precio Reducido: Español
Questions about applying for free and reduced meals:
(919) 856-2920 (English)
(919) 588-3535 (English and Spanish)
Free and Reduced-Price Benefits Office fax number:
(919) 856-3704
Nighthawks PTA Information and Updates
- Buy Spirit Wear (the PTA receives a portion of sales) - Herbert Akins Road spirit wear, Fuquay-Varina, NC, Nighthawks | 1st Place Spiritwear
- Rent the Spirit Rock (for birthdays and other celebrations) click to the left
2025 Fuquay-Varina Chamber Of Commerce Next Gen Entrepreneur Day
EOG/EOC Tentative Schedule 2024-2025 for Planning Purposes
Email attendance435@wcpss.net or scan QR code/fill out info in body of email
Please take a moment to click here and register NOW!