Knights Newsletter

A note from the principal
Welcome to a new year at North View Middle School! We are thrilled to welcome both new and returning students. I hope all our families enjoyed a fun summer filled with great experiences. Our dedicated and enthusiastic staff members have spent the summer in planning sessions, attending professional development, and preparing our classrooms. We are confident that together we will have a productive and enriching school year!
Expect a monthly newsletter from us, which will keep you informed about everything happening at NVMS. These newsletters are designed with the most critical information at the top, and as you scroll down, you'll find information focused on future events. This will be your "one-stop shop" to stay updated on our school community.
This month's update contains information on our school goals for instruction and achievement, activities used to meet those goals, and our progress toward meeting these goals. This issue includes information related to:
- Academic Planning Conferences
- Application for Educational Benefits
- Transportation Opt-In Procedure
- Health Emergency Contact Form
- Immunization Forms
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Fall Sports
- Ways to Stay Updated
Please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher, our staff, or our administration team with any questions you may have. We are always happy to hear from you!
Free or Reduced-Priced Meals
Although school meals will be provided free of charge to all students this year, there are still many reasons to fill out the Educational Benefits Application. Families who qualify may be eligible for a variety of benefits. These include free or discounted prices for the following:
- Field trips
- Clubs, activities, and athletics
- Band instrument fees
- ACT, SAT, and AP fees
- Comcast Internet for home
- Xcel Energy account assistance for electricity bills
Additionally, the state of Minnesota uses a school district’s percentage of qualifying students from applications completed and approved prior to October 1st each year to calculate each district’s funding level. School district funding impacts every student in the following ways:
- Class sizes
- Number of support staff the district can hire to help scholars (counselors, social workers)
- Extra programming opportunities
The information collected from this form also helps the North View school community by providing additional academic support (reading and math interventions), field trip opportunities, technology supports, access to county resources, and free breakfast and lunch while at school.
You may recall that you have previously filled out this form, but each school is required to have families complete the form every year with updated information. Please complete this application by following one of the steps below.
Online through SmartSchoolK12 – This option will create a family account allowing online access to view meal accounts and pay online for meals.
Online at this link – This option will bypass making a family account and allow you to fill out the form.
Complete a paper copy of the form. Forms are available at North View Middle School in the main office or in the cafeteria with the kitchen staff.
If you would like further information or support in completing this application, please complete this Google form and someone from North View will contact you
Academic Planning Conferences
At North View Middle School we strive to create a school culture where staff members are accessible and approachable to families and the community. To do this, we ensure that we provide opportunities with multiple pathways for family and community engagement. Our first opportunity of the year will be our August Academic Planning Conference.
This year's Academic Planning Conferences will provide parents and students with an opportunity to get acquainted with their teachers, see the school building and classrooms, and receive an overview of class expectations and the year's curriculum. This year's experience for families will include an in-person opportunity and a self-guided or virtual experience. More information about each option is below.
In-Person: Your first option is to come to the building on Wednesday, August 28th between 8 am to 11 am and again between 3 pm to 7 pm. In addition to meeting with your student's teachers, you will be able to review your child's schedule, discuss goals for the school year, meet with members of the administrative team, and tour the building.
Self-Guided: The self-guided experience will allow you to review videos from your student's teachers and access forms that needed to be completed among other things. There is no action that you need to take at this time if you select this option. More information will be sent out on Wednesday, August 28th for you to review.
* Spanish & Hmong Translators will be available.
Transportation Opt-In Procedure
If your student currently rides the bus from a stop near your residence or a daycare site and will use that same location for transportation in 2024-25, no action is required, and your student will be routed from that same location.
If your student’s needs are changing, please email to request a change form. Forms are student-specific, please include each student requiring changes in your email correspondence.
Current students and those that are new to the district and are eligible for transportation will receive a preliminary email the end of July with bus stop location based on their home address to verify there are no changes. If a bus is not needed, please let transportation know at that time.
A week before school starts final bus information will be posted in ParentVue and an email will be sent to the parent/guardian email on file.
For more information or to check transportation eligibility, click here.
Important Forms
- According to MN state law, all students must be in compliance with state immunization requirements, be in the process of receiving the immunization series or meet exemption criteria. Students who are not in compliance with state immunization requirements will be excluded from school.
- Students under 18 years of age will not be released from school if ill or injured unless authorized by a legal parent/guardian or another adult designated by a parent/guardian. Please update emergency information annually and as changes occur. Emergency Contact information can be changed in ParentVue.
District Planning Advisory Council (DPAC).
The District Planning Advisory Council (DPAC) seeks parents or guardians for a one-year term to provide community input on planning and evaluating instructional programs. Membership is based on interest, not expertise, and includes up to two representatives from each elementary school, up to three from each secondary school, up to six community members without children in the schools, one School Board member, ISD 279 teachers and administrators, and senior high students. Additional information about DPAC is available on the website at
Frequently Asked Questions
- Can I come in and visit my student's classroom?
Yes. Following the appropriate protocol, visitors are allowed into our building. Please contact the main office for more information.
- Will breakfast and lunches continue to be free this year?
Yes, school meals will be provided free of charge to all students this year. It is extremely important to fill out the free/reduced meal application if you would like to continue to receive discounted services, like school activities and home internet service (upon qualification).
- Where do I find the school supply list?
Please click here for this year's school supply list.
- When does the school open?
The school building will be open for students to enter each day at 7:50 am. Please do not drop off students before this time if possible.
- Who should I contact with questions?
If you have general questions, please call the school at 763-585-7200.
- When will students get their Chromebooks?
Students will begin receiving their Chromebooks on Friday, September 6th. - When is picture day?
Picture day is Thursday, September 12th, and the retake day will be Thursday, October 3rd.
- I need support with Internet Resources.
Resources are available to support families that do not have access to the internet in their homes can be found here. Internet support and resources may also be provided to families as necessary by the district. - Where can I find help and resources for parents to learn about Schoology, Chromebooks, and Google Suite tools?
Included here are resources to help families with Schoology, Chromebooks, and Google Suite tools.
Interested in Sports
Click the links that follow for important detailed information about Park Center Senior High and Osseo Senior High sports. Many sports are available for seventh and eighth-graders.
Ways to stay Upated
Monthly Newsletter
At the beginning of each month, North View Middle School will send you the "News from the View" Family Newsletter. These newsletters are organized in a fashion that the most critical information is at the top and as you scroll down the newsletter the information becomes more oriented toward the future. This is your “one-stop shop” to stay informed about the happenings of our school community.
Multilingual Facebook Pages
The multilingual Facebook pages listed below are where you can find resources, news, and information, in multiple languages, about ISD 279 Osseo Area School.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Another way to receive personalized information and be engaged in conversations related to the North View Middle School community is to attend parent-teacher conferences each trimester. Not only will you be able to meet your child's teacher, but there will also be opportunities to provide us with feedback about your needs. North View Middle School is a dynamic community; if you want to be involved and don’t know how, please ask. We can connect you to a cause, action, or person that will help you be connected to our community.
School Website
The NVMS website is a place to go to pull static information and facts about North View Middle School that could be important for a family at any point of the year. This may include but is not limited to, the daily schedule, the school calendar, how to check your student's grades using Parent Vue, and stay informed of your student's distance learning progress using Schoology.
Social Media Updates
You can also stay up to date by following me at @NVMSPrincipal or liking our Facebook page by clicking here.