Inglewood Primary School
NEWSLETTER No 07 - April 16 2021
Our Mission:
Learning to think, to do, to be
Ako ki te whakaaro, ako ki te mahi, ako kia ora ai te mauri
Our Vision: To provide a teaching and learning environment where of those involved: demonstrate respect, expect the best, achieve through opportunity, communicate actively & feel good and safe
So excited
Introducing Matua Shane
Ko Matua Shane Reade taku ingoa.
You may have heard of a Matua Shane at school from your child, or seen me about the school. This introduction is so you know exactly what my role here at Inglewood Primary School is and what experience and qualifications I have to do the work of Pastoral Support Worker.
This role has been enabled through Urgent Response Funding from the Ministry of Education following Covid-19 Lockdown 2020. The purpose of the funding is ‘to make a difference to attendance and re-engagement in learning for children and young people.’ I am a qualified primary school trained teacher with many years of teaching experience behind me. I am married with adult children and a grandfather.
I spend two days a week at Inglewood Primary School, in a Pastoral Support Worker role. The purpose of the Pastoral Support Worker (PSW) role is to support the wellbeing of children in the school in accordance with the Ministry of Education's purpose. I will be a person our tamariki can connect with on an informal one-off or regular basis.
Nga mihi Matua Shane.
ANZAC Day Sunday 25 April Dawn Parade
Lest we forget
Reminder Friday last day of Term 1
See you all Monday 3 May 2021
School Lunches - Great News
We are pleased to inform you that the Government has agreed to continue funding the Ka Ora, Ka Ako | Healthy School Lunches programme until the end of 2023.
This is good news for students, whānau and schools and provides further certainty for families. This funding means the Ka Ora, Ka Ako can continue to support our most disadvantaged students for a further two years. There are no plans to expand the programme to additional schools and kura.
We now need to work through what this means for the programme and take a closer look at the specific implications for schools, kura and suppliers currently implementing Ka Ora, Ka Ako.
Extending Ka Ora, Ka Ako provides an important opportunity to look at how we can further refine our approach and take on board what we have learnt so far about what works well and what we could improve on. We also want to look at how we can give schools, kura, whānau and suppliers the opportunity to share their views and provide further feedback to inform how we improve the programme over the next two years.
Existing contracts until the end of 2021 will be honoured.
The Ministry will be in touch with further information by the end of May around how to provide feedback.
We really appreciate being involved with this project and are thankful to hear it is continuing.
We are hoping to change our contractor for the compostable waste to a company who has compost bins.
We give our pigs the food waste as appropriate. Due to absences we sometimes have leftover whole meals, these are offered up to our community. If you would like to be on the list of recipients, please let the office know.
Term 2 important Reporting Dates
On Thursday 1 July we would appreciate those of you who can to have your children picked up at 1200 noon, so teachers can be released for interviews. For those parents who cannot arrange this, we have the capacity to have some children supervised until 3pm. Please let the office.
Happy Birthday
Current IPS School Roll - 385 Students
Students of the Week - Term 1 Week 10
The Love Bunch Florist NE - Y2
Charlotte Curtain
For amazing manners, always polite and showing her REACH values in class.
Drain Master Ltd Y3 & Y4
Ella-Jayne Delves
For working hard and putting in her best effort into all of her learning and showing great REACH values - Expect and Achieve.
RJ Mason Transport Ltd Y5 & Y6
Izzy Wilson
For her upbeat attitude. We love your positiveness and your work ethic Izzy. Keep shining.
Jacqui Hemi - Mike Pero Mortgages Y7 & Y8
For being a great role model for all of our REACH values, and putting himself out there during camp.
Students of the Week - Term 1 Week 11
The Love Bunch Florist NE - Y2
Eve Ranford
For growing in confidence and always showing amazing REACH manners within the class. Awesome work Eve!
Drain Master Ltd Y3 & Y4
Siddhika Rana
For always having a positive attitude in everything she does and being a great REACH role model.Ka pai Siddhika!
RJ Mason Transport Ltd Y5 & Y6
For always have a positive attitude, being an excellent helper and a great rolemodel in the Waiongana Iti team.
Jacqui Hemi - Mike Pero Mortgages Y7 & Y8
Malia Walker
For consistently completing work to a high standard in class and holding herself accountable. Alongside being a great roll model to others. Keep up the fantastic Mahi Malia!
ParentLink News
Ag big thank you from the Parentlink Team to everyone in our school community and the wider Inglewood community who supported our Gala on the 20th March. We are pleased to report that we made an amazing profit of $8225 which will be put to good use in projects around the school.
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 19th May at 7pm and we would love to have some new members. Anyone interested in attending please text Kirsty on 021 404 430.
Have a safe and happy holidays.
Brass & Guitar Music Lessons - After School Starting Term 2
This year we have applied for hours for classical guitar and brass lessons. Should your child be interested in attending these free ‘half hour lessons’ to be held after school, please contact the office to enrol. Students will be grouped in ability/age groups. Lessons will be for a 30 week period (excluding school holidays) and will be held in our school hall. For ages from: 8yrs – 13yrs. All students will require their own instrument to enable practice at home etc. While the 1/2hr lessons are ‘free’, there will be a charge of $5 to cover the cost of photocopying etc. If you would like to enrol, please email
Lessons will start Thursday 6 May.
Important Information About Use of Cheques at TSB
Please note, from the 1st of April Inglewood Primary School will no longer accept any cheques at the school office. We still offer Direct Debit, Cash and Eftpos for your inconvenience.
Term 1 Calendar (This may change on a weekly basis)
Friday 16 April
Last day of Term 1
Monday 3 May
First day of Term 2
Friday 7 May
PCT Blue Light Challenge - Year 7 & 8
Monday 17 May
School Photo Day
Monday 7 June
Queens Birthday - School Closed
Tuesday 8 May
Kahui Ako - 7's Football Tournament Year 5-8
Thursday 10 June
Kahui Ako Rippa Rugby Tournament - Year 5 -8
Friday 25 June
Mid Year Reports Home
Wednesday 30 June
Interviews 3:15 - 5:15 pm
Thursday 1 July
Interviews 1230 - 7:45pm
Friday 9 July
Last Day of Term 2
Monday 19 July
First Day of Term 3