The Buzz
Autumn Term - 16th November 2023

Message From the Head of School
It is the week after our Ofsted Inspection and children are continuing to impress us with their excellent learning behaviours. I heard the first Christmas song being sung this week and can’t wait for this magical period in our infant school. It will be even better without Ofsted looming!
It was lovely to see so many families supporting the remembrance parade on Sunday. Thank you to Ayaan and Rayyan for joining me in the parade.
Thank you to all families that supported the Fireworks event at HJS. It is always such a spectacular event which is well supported by many HPP families.
As an infant school we regularly need to change children, particularly recently with such heavy rain. If families have any socks your children have grown out of to donate to our spare clothing supplies it would be greatly appreciated.
We have put a final date out for an opening morning Wednesday 10th of January at 9:30 for children wanting to join Reception September 24. Please share with those you know who might like to join us in Reception. Bookings are completed through our website.
👩🏻⚕️ Medication Form
If your child is on medication please drop medicines off at the school office, do not put medication in your child's bookbag. You will need to complete an eform (links below)
🌟Certificate of Excellence
Last week certificates were given out for Aspiration
AM Nursery
PM Nursery
RC Myra
RF Sophia
RK Lena
RP Alicia
1B Tilly
1C Iyla
1D Aaron
1Y Margot
2H Saoirse
2J Ella
2MC William P
👋 Makaton Sign of the Week
🟨 Nursery
We have had a very exciting and busy week in Nursery. We have been learning about 'People who help us' thinking particularly about who helps us when we are at school. We talked about our school family and the adults that are here to keep us safe and help us learn. We had a visit from Mr Quirk and Mr Boyce who told us about how they look after the school. Mrs Cook came to tell us about her job and how she helps us when we come to Nursery and Miss Lockey came in to tell us about her busy role at Hampton Infants and Hampton Juniors.
We have been reading the story 'A superhero like you' by Dr Ranj this week too. We learnt about all of the amazing superheroes in our community and next week we will be meeting some of them as they come in to talk about their job. We have been thinking about what superhero job we want to have when we are older. We drew pictures of ourselves doing the jobs and these have been shared on Tapestry.
We also went into the hall for our first PE lesson. We played a listening game where we had to travel in different ways and then freeze when we heard the tambourine. It was very exciting going into the hall and we were fantastic at listening. In maths this week we have been learning about patterns and enjoyed using paint to create a repeated pattern.
🟥 Reception
This week we have been learning about people who help us with a focus on the grown ups who help us at school. Mr Quirk, Mr Boyce, Mrs Cook and Ms Lockey talked to us about their roles and how they help our school.
🟦 Year 1
At this poignant time of year, year 1 have been remembering those who have fought and lost their lives in various wars whilst protecting their countries. We watched a short, children’s animated story about the poppy fields and discussed our feelings and the importance of commemorating such events of the past. We then sketched and shaded our very own poppies in Art, which we think look amazing!
In English, we completed our work on our focus book, ‘Room on the Broom’ by Julia Donaldson, by creating a new chapter for the story. The witch has found herself in a new part of the world - a sandy desert, the cold arctic or the green rainforest - and she flew into another stormy wind, losing yet another one of her belongings. We got to choose what item she lost - a sparkly brooch, a long cape or a black boot - and also the animal that found it - a slithery snake, a cheeky monkey or a fluffy bunny. We all became authors and wrote the next chapter of the story, following the pattern of the book. We think the results were pretty impressive!
In science, we have continued with our topic of materials, identifying what different objects are made out of. We can name lots of different materials and have started to describe their features, e.g. whether they are hard or soft, rough or smooth, transparent or opaque, waterproof or absorbent. We have been using our knowledge of materials and their properties to discuss why or why not particular materials are chosen to make certain objects, e.g. glass for windows.
In geography, we are continuing to study our local area and its features. We have been focusing on the areas surrounding our school, and started by looking at and labelling a map of the school grounds. We have also been studying maps in general, identifying key features and symbols to show different landmarks and points of interest.
In maths, we have been focusing on subtraction. We have been using various methods, including taking away, breaking apart, counting on to find the difference and counting back using number lines. We have been using our part-whole models and ten frames to help us subtract one number from another and have begun recording our answers as number sentences in various ways. We have started using this to look at a number family, by creating 8 calculations from just 3 numbers!
🟩 Year 2
In Year 2 this week we have been thinking about non-fiction books as we get ready to write a non-chronological report. We have been looking at a non-fiction book all about polar bears. We learnt some amazing facts such as Polar Bears can smell a seal 32km away! We can't wait to use our enquiry skills to research more facts next week ready to write our own Polar Bear report. A great week to see what other non fiction books you can explore at home.
We have been whizzy mathematicians this week applying our addition skills to add two digit numbers. We have used our Dienes to help us and are all becoming really confident solving addition problems. In Geography we have been learning all about compass points. We looked at how a compass shows us direction and then used compass points to give directions around a map of a zoo. We talked about where we might find a compass and how it works before giving directions using the eight compass points.
The well being and safety of our children is everyone's responsibility. If you have concerns about a child please contact SPA on 547 5008 or out of hours on 0208 744 2442.
🎄HISNA Christmas Fayre
Come along to the HISNA Christmas Fair on the 25th November! Book to visit Santa! Details on the flyer below!
Louise & Mark Allen
Hampton Infant School & Nursery Association
07919037986 / 07949424284
ℹ️Helpful School Information
🎅Christmas 2023 Diary Dates
Click on above tab to view HISN's virtual school tour
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815