News and events

September 6, 2024
Message from the principal:
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! Summer goes by so quickly, and we hope you were able to enjoy all of your favorite summertime activities. We spent the summer preparing for the school year and are very excited about the year to come.
We value the home and school connection and believe strongly that our partnership is a key part of student success. When you have questions about classroom related things, please reach out to your child's teacher directly. Our dedicated and skilled staff are eager to partner with you to provide the best possible support for your student.
Thank you for your support and cooperation as we all work to transition back into the routines of the school year. We know it can be challenging to adjust to school schedules and routines. We are here to support you and are excited to partner with you to make the 2024-2025 school year the best year yet!
Mrs. Monson - Oxbow Creek Principal
Upcoming Events:
- Picture Day: Friday, Sept. 13th
- 5th Grade Parent Night: Wednesday, Sept. 18th, 5:00-6:00PM
- PTO Family Night - Welcome/Enrichment: Tuesday, Sept. 24th
- Fun Run Kickoff: Wednesday, Sept. 25th
- Fun Run: Thursday, Oct. 3rd
- Parent/Teacher Conferences: Monday, Oct. 7th from 7:30-8:30am and 1:30-8:20pm - NO SCHOOL
- Parent/Teacher Conferences: Thursday, Oct. 10th from 7:30-8:30am and 4:10-8:20pm
- Staff Appreciation: Thursday, October 10th
- 1st Grade Oliver Kelley Field Trip - Tuesday, October 15th & Wednesday, October 16th
- MEA: Thursday, Oct. 17th - Friday, October 18th - NO SCHOOL
- Picture Retake Day: Wednesday, October 30th
Picture Day is Coming Soon!
Our Fall Individual Picture Day is scheduled for Friday, September 13, 2024.
Feel free to order before picture day on mylifetouch.com with our Picture Day ID: EVT2VZDRX or have your student bring their picture day order form to school on Friday, September 13th. Picture day order forms were sent home with students this week. Extras can be obtained from the main office or by ordering online.
Picture Retake Day is scheduled for Wednesday, October 30th.
Check out our PurposeFull People program!
Please Welcome These New Folks to Oxbow!
- Morgan Foster - 3rd Grade Teacher
- Reed Moe - Admin Intern
- Mariah George - School Psychologist
- Liza Maney - Art Teacher
- Kyoshin Sasahara - ML Teacher
- Jordan Enevold - Speech Teacher
- Carissa Glynn - SpEd Teacher
- Mitsy Harbeck - SpEd Teacher
- Genny Hemingway - SpEd Teacher
- Jessa Holden - SpEd Teacher
- Melody Klitzke - SpEd Teacher
- Courtney Kruse - SpEd Teacher
- Jerri Malone - SpEd Teacher
- Darcy Pitra - DCD Teacher
- Rebecca Weber - Speech Teacher
- Andria Addison - SpEd Para
- Stacy Ericson - SpEd Para
- Bethany Krueger - SpEd Para
- Cindy Leitschuh - SpEd Para
- Boston Klitzke - Lunch/Recess Para
Elementary students do not have school on the following dates:
Friday, October 4 - Staff Development
Monday, October 7 - Staff Development & Parent/Teacher Conferences
Thursday/Friday, October 17 & 18 - MEA Weekend
Volunteer News:
Hello Volunteers! This year is already off to a great start with lots of volunteers helping us prepare for and start the new school year this week. Thanks to those of you that have already volunteered or have filled out your forms already. If you think you may want to volunteer in any capacity this year, please click on the link below and fill out your volunteer application form as soon as possible. You’ll be directed to the background check form upon completion of the application. Filling out these forms is the best way to find out about ways you can volunteer at school. You have to fill out both forms every year. The sooner you fill it out, the better!
Please fill out the form to join our team of volunteers at Oxbow here:
Click here to check all the ways you can get involved: Current Volunteer Opportunities
Field Trips: If you would like to potentially chaperone on a field trip, you must have your volunteer application forms filled out, preferably a few months in advance. Do this as soon as possible as some grade levels already have some field trips coming up in October!
Oxbow Creek PTO Updates
Our first PTO meeting is Tuesday, September 24th from 6:30pm in the Oxbow cafeteria. All parents are encouraged and welcome to attend. Meet your PTO board members and learn about our biggest fundraiser of the year, Oxbow Creek’s Fun Run. Additionally, come to learn all about our volunteer-led Enrichment group opportunities that make our school special as well as hear from Mrs. Monson. You won’t want to miss it! Childcare is free for school aged children.
Make sure to check out our PTO Facebook page: Oxbow Creek Elementary PTO for upcoming events and school related information.
Oxbow Creek Social Workers:
Photo L to R: Ann Parisian, Gina Newlander
Items to Note
- Our school is once again partnering with Every Meal - a free weekend food program. An informational letter and enrollment form will be distributed to all students during the week of September 9th. If you wish to participate in this program, please turn in the completed enrollment form as soon as possible!
- Be sure to sign up online for parent/teacher conferences with your child's homeroom teacher. Schedules are filling up quickly.
- If your child bikes to school, please remember to equip him or her with a safety helmet and be sure to have them walk their bike when on school property.
- Notify the office at 763-506-3800 before 3pm if you need to change the dismissal plan for your student for the day. Also, if picking them up is a change in their normal dismissal, you will need to sign them out at the office.
- Do not leave your car unattended if you're in the pickup lane at dismissal. If you plan to leave your car to meet your child, please park in the lot. Students should always remain on the sidewalk areas while waiting for parents to pick them up.
- Picking up your student early? Please remember to call and notify the office of what time you will be here to pick your student up and also email your students teacher with that information. Our sign out procedure are the same as last year. You will come into the vestibule, where we will scan your drivers license and then send your student out to you.
- Dropping off items students forgot to bring? We will email the teacher, but will not call into the room during instruction time. If an item is for lunch or for winter recess, we will attempt to get those to the class if they are not picked up in a timely manner.
Backpack Online e-newsletter gets a new name and delivery date
For years, Anoka-Hennepin Schools has published Backpack Online as a subscription based electronic newsletter. As the 2024-25 school year begins, that publication has transitioned from a weekly to a monthly e-newsletter that will be sent to all parents and guardians of Anoka-Hennepin students and subscribers.
The e-newsletter has also been re-branded from Backpack Online to FOCUS on Anoka-Hennepin Schools. The e-newsletter will be sent on the first Wednesday of each month (except for holidays) and provide an outlook on news, events and district publications to your email inbox. It will not be sent via text message.
The newsletter will keep parents/guardians and community members informed of the latest events affecting Anoka-Hennepin Schools, students and communities.
Important details for families
Parents and guardians do not need to subscribe to receive the e-newsletter if they have elected to receive emails from the district and school(s) their children attend. If families unsubscribe from receiving this e-newsletter, they may no longer receive important emails from the district or their child’s school. Learn more about communication and notifications and how to choose your preferred communication methods with AHlert.
Neighbors and community members
Anyone can subscribe or view archived versions of the e-newsletter by visiting ahschools.us/focusenews.
It takes all of us to have a great school year.
As a long-standing tradition in Anoka-Hennepin Schools, view the 2024-25 back-to-school video, "It takes all of us."
What it means: The difference that every staff member makes in school communities each day is powerful. Everyone plays a role in the success of each student in Anoka-Hennepin Schools.
The handoff: With each “win” that students achieve in their educational journey, staff in the district are all working together - preparing for that handshake they will receive at commencement, before a diploma is placed in their hands. 🤝🎓
Students are in pursuit of their educational purpose at each stage in their journey:
From early learning - where students are introduced to a world of possibilities - 🌎
To elementary school - where we build community, and spark joy in learning - ✨
On to middle school - where students test their own independence, and may connect with a staff member who they can count on - 📚
And then, finally, to high school - where their own purpose may be realized as they prepare to walk across the stage on graduation day… 📖
As we approach the 2024-25 school year, it is more important than ever to focus resources on something that every staff member, student, parent, and community member would agree is an essential function of our school district - preparing our students to cross the stage at graduation.
It takes all of us! Have a great school year!
Traffic tips for the back to school season.
The back to school season is a busy time for families, school staff and our communities. There is often more traffic congestion in this season and it’s more important than ever for drivers to pay attention before- and after-school to keep families, students and staff safe.
Check out these tips from the Anoka-Hennepin transportation department as a back to school reminder:
Crosswalks: Be mindful that we are sharing the road with young walkers and staff helping them across the crosswalks or intersections. Always stop for school patrols and crossing guards.
Know drop-off and pick-up procedures: Schools have procedures in place to keep traffic safe. Make sure you know your school’s plan for the safety of all students and staff.
Use slow speeds: Use caution in school zones and be aware of your surroundings. We can all work together to ensure the safety of drivers, school buses, walkers and bikers.
School bus safety: Familiarize yourself with school bus safety tips on the road. Always stop if yellow or red lights are flashing or if stop arms are extended from a school bus. Allow extra time for students to board and exit the bus and proceed to safe sidewalks to enter school zones or return home.
Share the road: Be patient of other vehicles stopped for pedestrians or using caution in school zones. Do not pass other vehicles or school buses. Be alert, young children may take an unpredictable path as they are learning safety rules.
Thank you for your partnership in school traffic safety.
Seeking guardians to participate in Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC)
A broad range of parent/guardian representation is needed at upcoming Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) meetings for the upcoming school year from families with students in all age levels - including early childhood, elementary, middle school, high school, and transition-aged students - with a full continuum of student disabilities.
What it is: SEAC (pronounced “seek”) is comprised of parents/guardians of students in the district who receive Special Education services.
Why it matters: The intent of SEAC is to advise the school district on parent involvement, current issues, program development and established department priorities. The council serves as a resource and as an advisory council for special education programs in the district.
This e-newsletter is published by Oxbow Creek Elementary School, supported by the Anoka-Hennepin communication and public relations department. Questions, comment or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.