Pioneer Press
October 4th, 2024
Principal's Message
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We hope this message finds you well!
As we continue to enhance our students' learning experience, we are asking for your support in providing your student with a pair of corded headphones to use at school. These will be used during various classroom activities that require sound, such as listening to instructional videos, interactive lessons, and assessments.
Please note that Bluetooth headphones are not permitted due to compatibility issues with our devices, so it’s important that the headphones have a cord.
Your support in this matter is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions or need assistance in securing headphones for your child, please feel free to reach out to us.
Thank you for your continued partnership in supporting our students' success!
Warm regards,
Mrs. Fernandes
This week in Science
6th Grade Science has started off the year completing mini units focusing on how to make observations and inferences, calculating density, and what makes things living. They have also been practicing how to work in groups, how to take notes, and how to start thinking like scientists. 6th graders are now beginning their first Amplify curriculum unit: Microbiome.
7th Grade Science started the year off focusing on qualitative and quantitative observations. We are beginning our first Amplify Unit of Geology on Mars using orbiter imagery and rover investigations that aim to unravel the mysteries of the Amplify Unit, enhancing our understanding of Mars' geologic history and potential habitability. The theme in our classes is “Can we visit Mars one day.”
8th grade Science classes are in the throngs of the Harnessing Human Energy unit. Students have used multiple energy sources to power a fan, and are creating devices that convert Human Kinetic energy to electrical energy to charge batteries during rescue missions.
Message from the Health Room
Please thoroughly read the excerpt below from the SHSD Parent/Student Handbook regarding medication at school.
Medication at School
If a child requires oral medication, topical medication, eye drops, ear drops or nasal sprays, both prescription and non-prescription - during the school day, parents or guardians must return the completed District form to the child’s school with written authorization and directions from a licensed healthcare provider. Forms are available at schools and on the District website under Health Services. School employees are not allowed to give medication to students except under very specific conditions and with appropriate training. Prescription medication must be provided in its prescription bottle with directions and non-prescription medication must be provided in the original manufacturer’s container. The form and medication must be brought to school by a parent/guardian.
Under no condition should any type of medicine be sent to school with the student, in lunches or with the bus driver. Students found with medication on them without self-administration forms on file in the office will be subject to discipline procedures.
October Lunch Menu 🥪
Use the link below to make lunch payments:
Coming Up!
No school for students on October 11th - Teacher Professional Development
Picture Retakes:
October 29th, no need to sign up.
Wednesday, October 9th - ACE Day
1-hour early release - 1:40 pm
Fall conferences scheduled for:
Tuesday, Oct. 22nd
Wednesday, Oct. 23rd
Thursday, Oct. 24th
** Students will be released at 11:40 am during conference week.
Sports Schedule 🏐🥎👟
Sports Schedule for the week of October 7th - October 10th
Fastpitch Varsity
Tues 10/8 Thomas @ Pio
Thurs 10/10 Pio @ Ridgeline
Fastpitch JV
Tues 10/8 Pio @ Thomas
Thurs 10/10 Pio @ Ridgeline
Boys Soccer Varsity
Tues 10/8 Pio @ Thomas
Wed 10/9 Pio @ Ridgeline
Boys Soccer JV
Tues 10/8 Thomas @ Pio
Wed 10/9 Pio @ Ridgeline
Cross Country
Thurs 10/10 Sellers Park @ DuPont WEAR PINK
School Clubs Schedule🏫
October 8th
Junior Student to Student (JS2S) Room A115 with Ms. Taylor
Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) Room C102 with Mrs. Iglesias
Christian Faith Club (CFC) Room B103 with Mrs. Vaccaro
Art Club Room C126 with Mrs. Palacios
Math Club Room B101 with Mr. Martin
Homework Club in the Library with Mrs. Hilton
October 10th
Builder's Club in the Library with Mrs. Holyfield
Pokemon Go Club with Mrs. Elshire
Game Club Room C202 with Mrs. Nixon
Math Club Room B101 with Mr. Martin
Homework Club in the Library with Mrs. Hilton
Main Office Reminders
Wednesday, Oct. 9th during Advisory Pioneer, students who have paid their ASB fee ($15.00) will receive their ASB sticker. Please remind your student(s) to bring their Student ID to thier Advisory class.
Transportation Changes:
Please call the office by 2:00 p.m. (M, T, Thurs, Fri) and 1:00 p.m. on ACE days (Wed) to request transportation changes for your student(s) to ensure that we can get them the information before the end of the school day.
Late to School:
Students start class at 8:10 a.m
If your student(s) arrive at 8:10 a.m. or later, please have them stop at our Attendance Kiosk for a pass to class.
All students must know their student ID# or have their student ID with them
Volunteers Wanted
Parents/Guardians wanting to join field trips and help with sporting events and school socials must be registered SHSD volunteers.
Use the link below to register:
**new volunteers must register at least 2 weeks before the expected volunteer service start date.
*Active volunteers need to have an updated background check every 2 years.
*Coaches, overnight chaperones, and extended trip volunteers must also complete a fingerprint background check.
If you have any questions, reach out by email at: shsdvolunteers@steilacoom.k12.wa.us
Upcoming Veteran's Day Assembly
We need your help!
Pioneer ASB Students would like to honor Veterans in our community. If you would like to have your veteran recognized in our Veterans Day Assembly slideshow, please email Mrs. Marrero at: amarrero@steilacoom.k12.wa.us with the following information:
- Veteran's name & rank
- Branch and years of service
- Name & relation to pioneer student or staff member
Photos are due no later than October 31st.
Fall Social
ASB would like to announce our first social of this year!
Fall themed social on November 15th from 2:45 pm to 4:45 pm.
*Students must have a signed permission slip to purchase a ticket.
See Mrs. Ruby at the attendance office to buy your ticket.
*Cost is $5 for ASB Card Holders and $7 for students without an ASB Card*
The deadline to purchase a ticket is at lunchtime on the day of the event.
Fun Activities will include:
-Basketball in the gym for all students to play.
-A movie in the band room
-A dance party will be held in the cafeteria with music.
-A fashion show will occur on the cafeteria stage!
More information to come!
Community Events
October 19, 2024
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
The Bair 1617 Lafayette St., Steilacoom WA
$15.00 Entry fee
The 49th Annual APPLE SQUEEZE
Sunday, October 6th
10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Lafayette Street in historic Steilacoom
*Make cider with hand operated presses!*
- Food
- Hand crafts
- Music
Yearbook News
Yearbook needs your help!
If you have photos from any Pioneer sporting event, Yearbook would love to include them in the yearbook. They can be from a phone or camera.
Simply follow this link to upload them:
Buy your student's yearbook directly from Jostens, use link below: