St Peter's Primary School
Friday 19th July 2024
Father, you have wired us to create, to dream and design,
to innovate and invent, to discover, to lead with new ideas,
to set the trends and even blaze a new path.
May we, through our artistic expressions,
creatively communicate Your heart of love, mercy,
and grace to a world that needs You.
Message from the Principal
Welcome back to Term Three!
EARLY LEARNING CENTRE - I am excited to announce that our Kindy and Pre Primary classes commenced Term Three in the new Early Learning Centre. Students and staff are loving their new learning environment.
We now progress onto Phase Two of the building project, with the demolition of the old Early Childhood Classrooms and the landscaping of the new play space. Due to the demolition, our
Pre Kindy will operate out of the Library during Term Three and will return to their original classroom for Term Four.
The new landscaping and play space, where the existing early childhood classes were, will then be available for Pre Kindy – Year Two students in Term Four.
MUSIC TEACHER - At the end of Term Two, Mr Lucian Watkins concluded his contract at
St Peter’s Primary School. I am pleased to announce that Miss Sharni Cumming will be taking over the Music position for Semester Two 2024. Miss Cumming will be working on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday; and we have recently advertised and interviewed for the Music position for the Monday and Tuesday. Please join me in making Sharni feel welcome in our school community. I will provide an update in our next newsletter regarding the appointment of the other new Music teacher.
SCHOOL SOCIAL WORKER - I am pleased to inform you that we have employed a new social worker, Mr Joseph Fleming. Mr Fleming will begin at St Peter’s Primary School in the middle of this term and receive a thorough handover from Miss Scher. We will follow the same process as the past, where referrals for Mr Fleming will come via your child’s classroom teacher. Miss Tarryn Scher will continue to work at St Peter’s one day a week. We are looking forward to having Mr Fleming join our school support team!
CATHOLIC PERFORMING ARTS FESTIVAL - On Thursday 18 July, Miss Abreu and Iattended the Opening Mass to begin the 2024 Spirit of the Arts Festival with four of our Year six students:
Lucy Ellis, Alesha Tran, Lacey Thomas and Ivy Ryan.
The Catholic Performing Arts will take place throughout Term Three and we have many students throughout the school participating in the event. Our students will represent our school in a range of individual and group performances, including individual instrumental pieces, our choir, band, choral speech, and the Year 5 & 6 Dance Troupe. The Performing Arts Festival is a great opportunity for our students to showcase their talents.
INTERSCHOOL CHESS COMPETITION - On Friday 26 July, talented chess players from
Years 4 – 6 will be representing St Peter’s Primary School at the Interschool Chess Competition held at St Paul’s Primary School.
The students were selected to participate in the interschool competition by winning an onsite school competition. We wish them all the best representing St Peter’s next week.
INTERSCHOOL CROSS COUNTRY - On Tuesday 23 July, selected students from Years 3 – 6 will be representing St Peter’s Primary School at the Interschool Cross Country Carnival held at UWA Park.
The team is made up of students who finished in places 1-6 in their race at our St Peter’s Cross Country Carnival last term. All the other relevant information for this event has been sent out by Miss Hardie. The students have been training hard before school and we wish them all the best representing St Peter’s next week.
COLD & FLU - As the cold weather continues this term, we are still seeing cold and flus throughout the school. We are continuing to promote good hygiene practices at school and would appreciate if you could also remind your child/ren to:
- Regularly and thoroughly clean their hands with either an alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
- Cover their mouth and nose with their bent elbow or a tissue when they cough or sneeze.
Please keep your child/ren at home if they are feeling unwell. We thank you for your support!
I am looking forward to another fun and busy term!
Courtney Caputi
Assistant Principal RE News
FIRST HOLY COMMUNION - We will be celebrating the Sacrament of First Holy Communion on
Friday 2nd August and Saturday 3rd August. Please keep all our candidates in your prayers.
A reminder to the parents of the children receiving the Sacrament of First Holy Communion that the Parent / Child Workshop is in the Church next Tuesday 23rd July commencing at 6pm.
Jesus instituted the Eucharistic meal of thanksgiving at the Last Supper. Some of these elements are evident in a simple family meal. Each time we gather as a faith community to celebrate the Mass, we commemorate the Last Supper. During the consecration, the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ (transubstantiation). This reminds us that Jesus died for us and gives us spiritual strength to live our lives as Catholics.
WELCOME BACK MASS - Today, we celebrated our Welcome Back Mass led by the Year 3 students. It was a wonderful Mass about Community. It is a great reminder to all that we are part of an amazing faith community here at St Peter’s, and the strong message that came through from the Gospel reading, John 15:12-17, is Jesus saying to his disciples, “My commandment is this: Love one another, just as I love you.” This message is a so important in a community as it represents how we treat and engage with others. We must treat each other with love, respect and kindness. During his homily, Father Jeronimo had students from 5 different continents come forward to reflect diversity, unity and harmony in our wonderful St Peter’s community. A huge thank you to our Year 3 teachers and students for all their work putting together this Mass.
Communication Ministry Podcast
We are thrilled to announce that the Communications team has created a fantastic podcast that shares key events and highlights from the St Peter's community throughout the first semester. This engaging podcast offers a wonderful opportunity to stay connected and informed about the various activities, achievements, and memorable moments that have taken place. Tune in to catch up on all the exciting news and celebrate the vibrant community spirit at St Peter's. Don't miss out! Listen to the podcast today!
Canteen News
TERM THREE MENU - Due to external cost pressures, the canteen regrettably advise that we have had to make price adjustments to selected canteen items. These came into effective on
Monday 15 July 2024. As always, we to strive to find the balance of accessible and good value meals for the St Peter’s students and will continue to review our menu with exciting new items in the future.
Please see Term 3 Menu attached - https://bit.ly/45KgGlq
CANTEEN VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - Make precious school memories with your child by volunteering at the Canteen. See the joy on their face as you serve them and their friends!
We have a range of volunteer shifts across the term, so if you have a few hours to spare, please sign up at https://signup.com/go/bkzmqAd
Shifts available Tuesday and Thursday 8.45am -11am.
Friday is our busiest day, and we require the most volunteers. 8.45am -11am and
11.30am – 2pm (enjoy the Friday lunchtime rush!!)
Some of our shifts have 2 spots available, so why not sign up with a friend!
Canteen volunteer duties include the labelling and sorting of lunches, serving students at recess or lunch (depending on volunteer shift) and some tidying and cleaning.
If you have Food Safety Handler training, you may also assist in the preparation of sandwiches and salads. To do this training for free visit https://dofoodsafely.health.vic.gov.au/index.php/en/
On your shift, you will need close toe shoes and long hair tied back.
We look forward to seeing you in the Canteen!
P&F News
To purchase your Entertainment Book please click
Young Engineers
Community News
- MAYLANDS GOLF CLUB - will be hosting a Junior Golf Clinic from 8th August - 29th August. For more information, please email info@maylandsgolf.com.au
- BI-FOLD SPARK TELETHON - ADHD WA - For more information, please click - https://bit.ly/4ceCPuD
Contact Us
Office Hours
8am - 4pm School Term Only
Follow us on:
Instagram @ Instagram
Facebook @ Facebook
Twitter @ Twitter
Email: stpeters@cewa.edu.au
Website: stpeters.wa.edu.au
Location: 103 Wood Street, Inglewood WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9338 9900