The WJHS Panther Update
May 10, 2024
Greetings Panther Families,
These last few weeks of school have proven to be quite eventful and enjoyable. Balancing academic responsibilities with fun events can make for a busy but rewarding time. These events often create lasting memories for students and teachers alike and serve as a well-deserved break from the usual routine. Read on to hear about the fun activities happening at WJHS!
SHOUT OUT to our PTO!!
We want to give a huge THANK YOU to the PTO for a thoughtful and generous Staff Appreciation Week. From a snack cart delivering tasty treats and drinks directly to our classroom, delicious pastries in the lounge, and a luncheon from Neat in Westmont,....we were definitely spoiled this week. THANK YOU for making us feel so valued and appreciated! We truly appreciate everything you do to make our Teachers and Staff feel loved and supported.
Eighth Grade Dance!
Our 8th graders were beyond thrilled to receive their dance invitations at lunch today!
Thank you to our wonderful Dance Committee for their hard work on the "Wild West" theme.
Students can wear the bandanas they received to the dance and dress to the theme - from cowboy casual to cowgirl couture or dress as you please (leaning towards more formal).
Please have your student eat dinner first. We will only be serving light snacks and drinks.
Important Rules for Dance Participation
- Students must be in attendance at least the LAST 4 periods of the school day (Pg. 4 of the handbook)
- Students must be in good academic standing (the Principal will notify parents & students that do NOT qualify)
Graduation Information
Graduation will be held in the high school auditorium on Thursday, May 23, at 7:00 pm.
- If you ordered and paid for a gown, your student will receive it at the first practice on 5/22.
- Your student will receive 5 tickets at the first practice on 5/22 if they have turned in all school materials. Be sure to secure these tickets when your student gets home as replacement tickets cannot be issued due to space constraints.
- If you have more than 5 guests, only 5 will be admitted to the high school auditorium, but additional guests may watch the live stream of the ceremony in the high school commons. The live-stream link will also be emailed to 8th-grade parents for out-of-town guests.
There will be 2 mandatory graduation practices for students on the following dates:
- Wednesday, May 22, 8:30 am - appx. 11:30 am
- Thursday, May 23, 8:30 am - appx. 11:30 am (8th-grade students will be dismissed from school for the day at the end of practice on 5/23)
Important Rules for Graduation Participation
- All school materials must be turned in
- SSLC requirements must be met
- Students must be in good academic standing (The Principal will notify parents & students that do NOT qualify)
Spring Athletic Awards Assembly
We had our Spring Athletic Awards Assembly last Friday and recognized all students who participated in Soccer, Wrestling, Volleyball, and Track. We are so proud of their accomplishments this season & how well they represented our Panther Pride!
WJHS Athletic News
Congratulations to our track team. We had some amazing finishes. Despite the rain, thunder, and lightning, we were able to start our Conference with sunshine and a cool breeze.
Shout out to the following athletes for their stand-out performances:
Rayne E. 6th place 100,
Xavier R. 5th place mile, 4th place 400,
4x1 team 5th place Luke, Xavier, Adam and Eric,
200 Luke J. 2nd place, 100 Luke J. 3rd place,
Liam D. shot put 6th place.
Way to go! Coach Cyrus and Coach Jones are so proud of you.
Required Sports Physical Information
If your student is interested in trying out for sports please fill out the Google Form.
A current sports physical MUST be on file with the nurse before tryouts for any sport.
Midwest Express Clinic at 40 75th St. in Willowbrook is very convenient.
AGAIN, your athlete will NOT be able to try out for any sport unless they have a current physical on file.
Please get this done before school starts on August 14th.
Annual Swing Choir and Jazz Band Tour
Mr. Troyer and Mr. Koprowski's students did a fantastic job entertaining our CUSD201 schools with their musical talents!
Nurse Appreciation Day May 8th
On Wednesday we celebrated these two fantastic people. Happy National Nurses Appreciation Day Debbie Dickert and Ram Viswa, you take such great care of our students and we cannot thank you enough!
E-Period Happenings
Students in Dr. B's Writer's Workshop E-Period used their writing talent to describe various objects. After writing clues, they put their objects back in their bags and tried to guess what the other objects were based on other students' written descriptions. It was great fun!
Summer Reading
Welcome to Summer Reading!
Summer reading is more than just a pastime; it's a gateway to adventure, imagination, and academic growth for middle schoolers. During those sunny months away from classrooms, diving into books keeps young minds active and engaged, preventing the notorious "summer slide" in learning. Beyond academics, reading fosters empathy, expands vocabulary, and enhances critical thinking skills. It opens doors to new worlds, cultures, and perspectives, nurturing a lifelong love for learning. So, whether it's escaping into a fantasy realm or exploring the depths of history, summer reading sets the stage for endless possibilities and a brighter academic future.
For the 2024-2025 school year, incoming 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade students are asked to read one book over the summer and to provide evidence of their comprehension when they return to school in the fall.
I've included information on book choices and evidence below, along with options to read in three different languages: English, Spanish, and Ukrainian.
Detailed Instructions:
Click on the preferred language link below and download it.
Once you do, it will open a document like the one pictured below. That document will give you the three book options to read. Three clickable links within that document will allow you to:
-Sign up for the book of your choice
-View your evidence and choice board- English Spanish Ukrainian
-Submit your evidence in English/Spanish
Please look over the three book choices and choose your adventure, but choose wisely. You can only select one. Select a slot based on your book selection and click on the button to sign up.
Still need to purchase the book? Click on the picture of your book, and it will take you to an Amazon link where you can purchase it.
I wonder which grade-level teachers are reading the same adventure as you? Find out in August. Be sure to submit your evidence throughout the summer to join in on the activities. Happy reading!
Summer Sport Camps
We are very happy to once again be offering many summer camps for all ages this June and July.
Student(s) who would like to participate should complete the required WHS Summer Camp registration form. Parents, you can sign up your children for multiple camps but will need to fill out a form for EACH one.
In addition, you will be asked which grade each student will be entering in the 2024-2025 school year - this will then direct you to a page where it will list all the camps being offered for that grade level.
If a camp is charging a fee, the check should be made payable to CUSD 201 at the first session of the camp. Please note that if a student's account is not current or paid in full, they may not be allowed to participate in a summer camp.
The List of Camps also includes the coach's email address where questions can be directed. Coaches will send out further information regarding their camps as we approach the summer.
Step Up to 6th Grade
Attendance Reminder
As we enter the final month of school we would like to remind you that if your child is going to be absent, arrive late, or leave early, please call the 24-hour absence line at 630-468-8291 and leave a message.
Remember, attendance matters! Let's finish the school year strong, and be sure to attend school!
Donate to Our Summer Book Drive!!
Race the Flag 5K
The Westmont Park District has partnered together with the local nonprofit People’s Resource Center (PRC) so that proceeds from the race can benefit neighbors in need right here in our community. As a partner in the community, PRC helps to meet neighbors’ basic needs such as food, shelter, and clothing assistance services. In addition, PRC provides job, computer, and literacy training programs and art empowerment classes to help neighbors in need here in DuPage County. You can learn more about People’s Resource Center here: http://www.peoplesrc.org.
Click on the photo for additional information and to register.
Westmont Public Library Events - Looking for something fun to do? Be sure to check out the library's events for all ages!
Remember to check the WJHS calendar for up-to-date information on Clubs, Events, & Athletics.
Amy Quattrone
WJHS Principal