Purdy Elementary
December, 2024

Thanksgiving Break November 27, 28, 29. Winter Break is December 23-January 1.
PTO Needs OUR Help!
To put on fun events for our students and families, we need many hands to help! If you are willing to help for an hour or more at "Breakfast with Santa" on December 14th from 8:30 AM- 10:30 AM , PLEASE fill out this form!
Office News!
Hard to believe December will be upon us! All of us at Purdy are wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving! At this time of year, and always, please know how thankful we are to partner with you in the education of your children.
Special "thank you" to all who attended Veterans Day. We held a wonderful tribute to the brave men and women who have or are serving our Country. We also thank Mr. Zagrodnik, E5 Specialist in the US Army from 1962-1965, for sharing his recent experience on the Honor Flight! 5th Grader Tenley Stewart and 2nd Grader Henry Stebbins, led us in the tribute. Below are some pictures from the tribute.
Special thank you to our school nutrition department and our Purdy staff for coordinating a wonderful family meal! We welcomed over 175 guests to eat a wonderful meal and share warm feelings of family, as we ate together! Thank you all for coming and enjoying time with us!
For some, the winter weather caught us off guard! Now is the time to confirm your child has the proper snow gear for recesses! Boots, snow pants, hats, and gloves are necessary to enjoy the snowy weather. If there is snow on the ground, students must have the proper gear to play on the equipment and fields. If not, the rule is they remain on the blacktop. We go out every day unless the temperature falls below 0 degrees or it is raining. Please, also label all these items so we can return the clothing to the rightful owner if lost.
The School District of Fort Atkinson will again walk in the Holiday Parade on December 8th at 4:30 PM! If your family is interested in joining Purdy for this, please let Mary Kilar know by sending me an email at kilarm@fortschools.org. This event was a ton of fun last year, and we hope you can join us again this year!
Registration and fee reminders will be coming home in the mail (watch for these in Early December).
Veterans Day Tribute
Purdy Family Luncheon
2nd Graders Show Gratitude with Writing Proposals
2nd graders at Purdy have been on a mission, turning into mini superheroes for their School Service Project! Their mission? Write compelling letters to the grown-ups at Purdy, convincing them to let a 2nd grader lend a hand with a little task during recess—because who doesn’t love a little “Gift of Time”? Armed with their best arguments and a sprinkle of charm, they delivered their letters and snagged some quality time on the schedule to help out. The two days before Thanksgiving Break are shaping up to be a whirlwind of tiny hands at work, laughter, and a whole lot of gratitude for our amazing school community and all the goodness that makes Purdy shine!
Family Math Resources
Holiday Concert!
The Holiday Concert is upon us! This will be on December 12th at the High School! Please see the information below for more details!
Band and Orchestra News
The first formal fifth grade band and orchestra concert is Thursday, December 19th! The concert will begin promptly at 6pm at Fort Atkinson High School Auditorium. Students need to arrive between 5:30-5:40 and meet in the music pod. Band students will meet in the band room, and orchestra students in the orchestra room. Please wear your new t-shirt for the concert and black pants if possible. This concert is separate from the winter sing and only involves band and orchestra students.
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) News!
December 14: Breakfast with Santa! Please come out to spend the morning with us! We will start serving at 8:30 AM and go until 10:30 AM. If you are interested in helping, please check out the sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F094EAEA628A3FF2-53377279-breakfast
Culvers No Cook Night!
Thank you to all who attended the PTO No Cook Night at Culvers! Students were busy serving while fundraising for our school!
Dates to remember in December!
12 Winter Program at 6PM and 7PM (Fort Atkinson High School)- see above message for more details
14 PTO Breakfast with Santa- 8:30-10:30 AM (school cafeteria)
19 Band-Orchestra Holiday Concert FAHS 6pm
20 Last Day of Classes before Break
23-Jan. 1 Winter Break
January 2 Back in school!