Canyon Creek Elementary
September 20, 2024
Monday, September 23 - Chess Club & Enrichment Classes
Tuesday, September 24 - Enrichment Classes & Singing Stars
Thursday, September 26 - Mandarin Club
Thursday, September 26 - Kona Ice Day
Monday, September 30 - Chess Club & Enrichment Classes
Tuesday, October 1 - Enrichment Classes & Singing Stars
Wednesday, October 2 - Walk or Bike to School Day
Thursday, October 3 - Student Holiday/No School
Friday, October 4 - Staff/Student Holiday/ No School
Monday, October 7 - Chess Club & Enrichment Classes
Tuesday, October 8 - Enrichment Classes & Singing Stars
Thursday, October 10 - Mandarin Club
Monday, October 14 - Student Holiday/No School
Tuesday, October 15-18 - Digital Citizenship Week
Tuesday, October 15 - Enrichment Classes & Singing Stars
Thursday, October 17 - Mandarin Club
Campus News & Celebrations
New Staff Highlight
Welcome to CCE Ms. Andreucci! We are "out of this world" excited to have you!
Notes from the CCES Office & Admin
September 20, 2024
We’ve had a great week of learning. Hard to believe the first day of Fall is Sunday! Looking forward to some cooler weather. We hope you enjoy this first weekend of fall with football, family and friends. See you back at CCE on Monday!
Just a couple safety reminders:
Please be aware, at dismissal we still have people exiting the parking lot at Boulder. Please make sure that you are allowing space for vehicles to exit the parking lot as you are lining up for the car rider line.
Please make sure you are using the crosswalks and modeling safe walking habits for our students.
Please be mindful of handicap parking and do not park or stop in these spots without a permit.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend. See you back on Monday!
Electronic Devices (Including Smart Watches)
The district permits students to possess personal cell phones for safety purposes; however, these devices must remain turned off during the instructional day, including during all testing,
unless they are being used for approved instructional purposes.
A student must have approval to possess other personal telecommunications devices on campus such as laptops, tablets, or other portable computers. Without such permission, teachers will collect the items and turn them in to the principal’s office. The principal will determine whether to return items to students at the end of the day or to contact parents to pick up the items.
The use of cell phones or any device capable of capturing images is strictly prohibited in locker rooms or restroom areas while at school or at a school-related or school-sponsored event.
If a student uses a telecommunications device without authorization during the school day, the device will be confiscated.
The principal will determine whether to return the item to the student at the end of the day or to contact the parents/guardian to pick up the confiscated telecommunications device from the principal’s office for a fee of $15.
For more information please view the RRISD Student Handbook.
Volunteer Reminders
Always bring your ID when coming onto campus in order to badge in. If you would like to volunteer, you must be approved through RRISD. Please see below for link to register.
Notes from the Counselor
Our Westwood Vertical Learning Community Social Workers have passed on a wonderful free resource for books for children under 5! Go to the Books Beginning at Birth website to sign up!
Assisting Students with Grades 3rd-5th
There are 2 things that parents can do to assist with monitoring assignments and grades.
1. HAC: The district provides both Parent and Student access to Home Access Center (HAC) for grades 3-5. Please see the button below for information. Parents and students each have their own accounts.
2. Google Classroom: Some teachers will be using Google Classroom as their LMS this year. You may inquire with your student to be able to log-in with the student view using their Google email (the email uses the student ID# in the following format: s123456@student.roundrockisd.org) and unique 24-25 password, students/teachers have this.
There is also a new Guardian summary for parents that you can inquire about with your student's teacher. It simply sends weekly summaries.
From our Counselor
From our Librarian
From our ITS
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From PTA, District & Community
District News
Lunch Choices
Please note that menus are always subject to change due to unforeseen changes in delivery, availability etc
Make it a great day to be a Comet!
Canyon Creek Elementary
Website: https://canyoncreek.roundrockisd.org/
Location: Canyon Creek Elementary School, Ember Glen Drive, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: 512-428-2800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rrisd.canyoncreek
Twitter: @CanyonCreekES
Instagram: @CanyonCreekES