Pioneer Family Communication
August 24 - September 2

Greetings Pioneer Family,
We are Extraordinarily excited about the return to school on Monday, 8/26. The staff took a nice break and has returned refreshed and ready to rock this school year out! We look forward to seeing everyone on Monday morning. The building will be open for students at 7:30am to go to breakfast or wait in the Cafeteria Annex until the full building opens at 7:45. We ask that students be in the building by 7:50 so they can tend to all of their needs and in their seats when first hour begins at 8:00 sharp.
The Pioneer staff is full of excellent teachers and we have been working on creating an environment of educational justice where we make adjustments to the system so that access to resources and guarantees for educational success are provided for all students. We believe that all students have the desire for a warm demanding environment conducive for learning, and a place where they can learn to be themselves using their voice.
We look forward to seeing everyone on Monday morning and we hope you have an excellent remainder of the weekend. Remember to always:
Be Bold. Be Extraordinary. Be a Pioneer!
Thank you,
Pioneer Staff and Administration
Get Involved with the Pioneer PTSO
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! At Pioneer High School, we prioritize top-notch education for our students, safety for our students and staff, and community connections for our Pioneer families. The Pioneer PTSO (Parent, Teacher, Student Organization) supports Pioneer High School within all three of these foundational pillars.
Pioneer PTSO funds are used for the following:
grants for teachers who need to purchase supplemental learning tools for their classrooms (e.g., guest speakers, online subscriptions, extra books, lab materials)
holiday gift cards for families in need (e.g., food, clothing)
teacher and staff appreciation events
student activities and registration materials (e.g., Wagongate, Ice Cream Socials, Freshmen Orientation)
scholarships for prom, yearbook, Bon Voyage, and Homecoming
Please consider volunteering with or donating to the Pioneer PTSO for this school year. You can donate on our Square website. We suggest $50 per student, but all donations are welcome. Donations are essential to ensure all programs have what they need to be successful. Please see the QR code below to make your donation or sign up to volunteer.
Thank you,
The Pioneer PTSO Board
Pioneer Updates
Regular Day Bell Schedule
Regular Bell Schedule
Assembly Bell Schedule
Welcome Ms. Tracey Stevenson - New Class Principal (9th, 10th A - L, & 11th Grades)
It is with Extraordinary pride and joy that we would like to introduce Ms. Tracey Stevenson as the new Class Principal at Pioneer High School. Ms. Stevenson joins us with a wealth of educational experiences that will help continue to make Pioneer a premier high school in the state of Michigan.
Ms. Stevenson has been committed and dedicated in the field of education for more than 20 years. In her educational journey, she has worked with elementary to high school students in a variety of roles. Her educational career includes being an elementary, middle, and high school Mathematics teacher, an Admissions Coordinator, High School Guidance Counselor, Summer School Principal, 9th Grade Dean, and Assistant High School Principal. She brings a wealth of experience in education, administration, and student support to her role. Throughout her career, she has been committed to fostering a positive and inclusive school culture that celebrates diversity and every student.
Tracey states, “As Pioneer High School’s Class Principal, I am dedicated to work with all of our school community stakeholders to ensure that Pioneer High School is a place where students feel safe, inspired, and empowered to reach their full potential. I believe that strong relationships are the foundation of a successful school, and I am committed to building meaningful partnerships with each of you. As we return to school in the Fall of 2024, I embrace uniting with the Pioneer High School staff and school community, and building relationships with all to positively impact the well-being of our school community. I am looking forward to beginning this new journey with you as we continue to provide educational excellence leading to the success of all students.”
We are looking forward to Ms. Stevenson’s leadership with the rest of the Pioneer Administration Team this school year. Many of you met her at registration and you will see her at our many events in the Fall.
Chromebooks for New Students and Chromebook Repairs
If your child is new to AAPS, they will receive notification to pick up their Chromebook during the first week through their Class Office. Additionally, if your child’s chromebook is broken or unable to be used, they should go to the library for assistance.
Back-to-School Transportation Information Bus Transportation Information for Parents and Guardians linked here. You may also visit the AAPS website to find the above transportation information translated into 5 different languages. My Stop allows parents and students to plan for on-time or late bus arrivals and prevent missed pick-ups. There is a 1–2-minute lag that may occur as the bus route information is being processed and transmitted to the app through the GPS system. Here is more information regarding bus routes and other information - AAPS Transportation Information. To access MyStop your student’s ID is the login and your Family ID is the password which is used for all of your students attending AAPS. Your school will send you the Family ID at the start of the school year if you don’t already have one. Space-Available School Bus Seating In an effort to increase access and opportunity for all students, students may ride District school buses from a regularly established and scheduled bus stop on a "Space-Available Basis." This service is available to those students that live in the Ann Arbor Public Schools' attendance area, but do not live in the school's defined “ride zone.” Families interested in Space-Available Transportation must apply annually through the District and abide by all regulations, rules and guidelines set forth under this policy. Even if your child received space-available seating last year, you must REAPPLY to receive space-available seating for the 2024-2025 school year.
Student Drop-Off Locations
CLOCKTOWER (Stadium Dr.): this is a single lane drop off location backs up so please plan accordingly
FLAGPOLE ENTRANCE (Main St.): Best location to drop off on side of building near student lot
For the safety of all students, please do not drop off students on 7th Street or in the Bus Loop
Pioneer Capsule Night & Senior Class of 2025 Information - Tuesday, 9/10
The Pioneer Capsule Night will take place on Tuesday, 9/10 from 6-8:00pm for all families. We invite all families to join us for a presentation from your Pioneer administration and staff at 6:00 in the Schreiber Auditorium. Following the general session, you will have an opportunity to walk your child’s schedule and meet their teachers for this first semester.
Families of Seniors: At 5:30, prior to the Capsule Night presentation, there will be a presentation for all families of Seniors by the Pioneer Counseling team. They will share pertinent information for this coming year.
Free Breakfast & Lunch 2024-2025
Free breakfast and lunch for all students will continue for the 2024-2025 school year. It is crucial for all families to fill out the Child Nutrition and Education Benefits Application. Please take a moment to complete the application online through Meal Magic or download it from our website and return it to your student’s class office. Applications are also available for pick-up at the class offices. Food Service / EBT and EBF Forms for All Families
Please see the webpage linked here for details about what is included in the free breakfast and lunch program as well as how to add money to your child’s lunch account. Additionally, info about menus and special diet needs is included.
Food Delivery During the School Day
Food delivery services are prohibited by Pioneer High School. This is to better ensure the security of the school as well as to minimize disruptions to the school day. Students found attempting to use these services will be sent back to class and their food will be held in the Main Office until the end of the school day.
Personal Electronic Devices
At the end of last school year and throughout the summer we held several community forums and opportunities regarding cell phone usage while at school with the Pioneer community. We would like to continue to the conversations about phone use while at school and the implications of them. For additional feedback, we would love to hear from all of you. Please complete one of these forms (one for students/one for parents and caretakers) and we would love to hear what you have to say about this national debate.
Attendance Matters
We have seen a rise of absences post pandemic for a variety of reasons, some legitimate, some are not. We would like to tighten up our practices for student attendance. Here are a few items we would like to introduce to you:
Closed Campus
During school hours, students are not allowed to leave the building or campus without explicit permission. Students may not access their vehicles during the school day without prior approval from an administrator. Unauthorized departures from the building will result in disciplinary action, and repeated violations may lead to the loss of parking privileges at Pioneer High School. Exceptions to this policy include students participating in homebuilding programs, those enrolled in dual enrollment courses, and those in cosmetology programs.
Calling In An Absence
The procedure for reporting an absence or early dismissal requires that the parent/guardians listed in PowerSchool must notify the Attendance Office by completing the PHS Attendance Form, calling the attendance office at 734-994-2135, or via email at pioattendance@aaps.k12.mi.us within 48 hours of the day that the student is absent.
If a student must leave campus during the school day, a parent/guardian must call the Attendance office in advance, stating the hours of the absence, to give permission for the student to be issued a pass. You may also come into the building to the Welcome Desk to get your student out of class.
If the student is not a driver, an emergency contact must come to the Security Kiosk to pick up the student.
If the student is a driver, they must check out using the Google Form at the Security Kiosk and attain a pass from the Book Depository/Attendance Office before they leave.
- The procedure for excusing student's absences requires that parents/guardians must notify the Attendance Office by phone or email within 48 hours of the day that the student is absent.
Counseling Department Update
Our Counseling Department is continuing to work on all students schedules, either creating them for new enrollees or adjusting them as needed. The are still in transition due now to three resignations from their positions as Pioneer Counselors (Ms. Akins, Ms. Corey, and Ms. Solano). We are hoping to fill these positions over the next few weeks.
In the meantime, please follow the appropriate protocols for course changes, which is not by emailing teachers, counselors, or administration, but completing the digital request form.
The counselors are looking through each student’s schedule in hopes to fill any gaps or adjust any mistakes. This will not be fully complete by the first day of school for all students.
- Reasons for a student to go to the Counseling Office:
- Missing a class on your schedule - Go at the beginning of that hour
- Double booked for a specific hour - Go at the beginning of that hour
- Scheduled for a course they previously passed - Go at the beginning of that hour
- If it is a class they did not request, they must attend that class on their schedule and complete the digital request form. For all other scheduling inquiries or requests, they must be made through the Pioneer HS Course Change Request Form.
Once you have completed this form, it will be directed to your counselor. Please do not email your counselor or administration after you complete the form or in lieu of the form. Your patience is appreciated as counselors will be processing numerous requests through the next few weeks. Once again, please be patient and grant them grace as they navigate through hundreds of schedules each over the first weeks of the school year.
Thank you!
Registration Information
Did You Miss Registration?
Students that missed registration will need to report directly to the Cafeteria Annex starting at 7:45 to go through an expedited registration process. They will receive schedules, receive class sources, and take care of among a few other items before starting their day.
**Parents are welcome to attend with their child, but not completely necessary.**
Senior Class of 2025 Information
Meeting for Families of Seniors - Capsule Night - Tuesday, 9/10 at 5:30pm
At 5:30pm, prior to the Capsule Night presentation, there will be a presentation in the Little Theater for all families of Seniors by the Pioneer Counseling team. They will share pertinent information for this coming year. Please be present for this meeting.
College Applications
Please do not invite counselors yet on the Common Application as that information along with other important college application procedures will be shared at the Senior College Application Information Night on Tuesday, 9/10 at 5:30pm. Seniors will also receive important college application information at their Grade Level Assembly during the first week of school. All of this information along with the Senior College Night Presentation will be posted to the PHS Counseling Website during the second week of school.
Reviewed Transcripts
Seniors should have picked up their reviewed transcript and letter during course registration. If you did not pick up this envelope, you may pick it up from the Counseling Secretary (Ms. Cioletti) AFTER the second day of school during your lunch period.
Parents & Caretakers of Seniors
It is very important that you review this letter and transcript as it states what your student needs to complete to meet all graduation requirements. If you have further questions, please contact your student's counselor.
Important Dates at PiHi:
First Day of School: Monday, 8/26
Class Meetings: Thursday, 8/29
No School: (Labor Day Weekend) Friday, 8/30 & Monday 9/2
Course Drop/Add Deadline: Friday, 9/6 for Pioneer Courses, A2 Virtual Courses, and Community Resource Contracts
Capsule Night & Senior Class Informational: Tuesday, 9/10 - Come and receive an introduction to Pioneer High School and see all of your child’s teachers and staff.
Picture Day: 9/11 - Information will be shared directly from the photography company.
Level Change Deadline for all Pioneer Courses: Friday, 9/13
Club Fair: Wednesday, 9/18
Pioneer Athletics Schedule
Follow Pioneer Athletics on X @AAPioneerSports
Pio Counseling Tidbits
Pioneer Counseling
All students should occasionally peruse the Pioneer Counseling website for valuable information. There is information for every grade level. Please CLICK HERE to gain some guidance from the counseling staff. There are also scholarships and financial aid information available for seniors.
Senior Final Transcripts must be requested through www.parchment.com.
Concerns about a discipline or academic problem and its resolution should first be expressed or questioned at the point where the problem occurred. A discipline or academic problem involving a student in a particular class should be brought to the attention of the teacher of that class. If this step does not bring satisfaction, consult the student's counselor, advisor, or principal.
Additional Resources
Ann Arbor Community Resources
If you've ever wondered where you can send a parent or student to get help, you're not alone.
AAPS has several tools to help you guide families to resources (food, basic needs, emergency services) in their time of need.
Where to find help:
- Accessing community resources in 3 easy steps (video)
- Where to find help: Community resources overview for staff
- AAPS Community Resources Webpage, a2schools.org/communityresources
AAPS Family Technology Assistance - Students & Families - Technology Virtual Help Desk
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday from 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Call: 734-997-1222
Open a ticket: family_techsupport@aaps.k12.mi.us
Schedule an In-Person Appointment: call the Student & Family Help Desk
RAHS at Pioneer is a mental health site that is open Monday through Friday 8 am to 4 pm year-round which sees students in-person and virtually.
Pioneer Main Office: 734-994-2120
Attendance Office: Timothea Bow - 734-994-2135 - Attendance Email
Records Office Site: Brenda Martinez - 734-994-2133
Counseling Office Site: Naidy Cioletti - 734-994-2141
Building Administration:
Eve Claar: Athletics Director/Assistant Principal
Maureen Murrett (Executive Assistant): 734-994-2151
Tracey Stevenson: Class Principal - Grades (9th, 10th (M-Z) & 11th)
Catherine Lee (Executive Assistant) 734-994-2141
Kevin Hudson: Class Principal - Grades (10th (A-L) & 12th)
Claudia Barillas (Executive Assistant) 734-994-2130
Desmond Smith - Building Principal
Deb Anglin (Executive Assistant): 734-994-2126