Welcome to CVHS!
Big Red start up and success information in 3 easy steps.
Step one: know your student number and how to log on.
Chippewa Valley Schools uses Office365 so you will have online access to OneDrive (cloud file storage), Word, Outlook (email), PowerPoint, etc.
Once activated by the district's technology department, you will have a username and password for access to the technology.
Your username is your student number followed by the email extension.
Your initial password is always the last 2 digits of their ID, the last letter of their 1st name and the last 2 letters of the last name.
Jane Doe Student number and PowerSchool Username: 123456789
Example email and username: 123456789@cvs.k12.mi.us
Example Password : 59eoe
This email address is used to log onto Schoology, Office365, and school computers.
The CVHS Media Center is a good place to ask for your username if your counselor doesn't provide it.
If you want to change your school provided password, download the document below.
Need assistance with remote learning programs (apps)?
Student Tech Help Desk Request/Ticket Link:
Submit a ticket at https://studenthelpdesk.cvs.k12.mi.us.
*If you receive a security alert, the page is secure. You can click on advanced options and proceed to the helpdesk site.
If you cannot log into the ticket system please email cvstechhelp@cvs.k12.mi.us
PowerSchool or Student/Parent Portal is your school info source.
PowerSchool is an online portal accessible anywhere on the web that students can log in to and see their grades, scores, attendance, schedules, school bulletin, and more.
We also call it the "student/parent portal" because parents can use their own log-in to look at a student's grades and sign up for School Messenger (getting important phone, email and text messages from our school).
To access the PowerSchool Student/Parent Portal, visit this site: https://ps.cvs.misd.net/public/
Student User Name is your full student number: "example 123456789"
Your password is your full birthdate: two digits for month, two for date, and four for year (example: 01312006).
Parents: you can get your PowerSchool username and password by contacting the CVHS Counseling Office.
PowerSchool is also available as a mobile device app on your phone's app store. Be warned that the PowerSchool app is not as reliable as using the website to login. The counselors are not able to help you troubleshoot problems associated with the PowerSchool app.
Below is a document that further explains how to get onto PowerSchool:
Schoology our online classroom platform.
The website is https://cvs.schoology.com/home (there is a Schoology cell phone app available on your app store but you will probably like to work on Schoology using a larger screen with a physical keyboard).
Your user name is your school-provided email address: "example 123456789@cvs.k12.mi.us".
Your password is your school provided password.
By asking one of your student's teachers for an access code, parents can gain access to Schoology.
Here are two documents (one for students and one for parents) that will help you work with Schoology.
Teams is our Zoom...
Below is a helpful download on how to access Teams within Schoology.
We have a "6 hour school day" even in a virtual setting.
Step 2: Know what's going on.
Get news from CVHS Counseling through Remind.com
If you haven't already done so, students and parents are welcome to sign up.
Class of 2021 text @de22ake to the number 81010
Class of 2022 text @d9eg2e to the number 81010
Class of 2023 text @6497a6 to the number 81010Class of 2024 text @7673gc9 to the number 81010
Don't be alarmed if you occasionally receive a Remind text that you have been removed from our lists: This happens because we have to keep our lists under a certain number. We add you to a new group and the text reminders keep coming.
Follow CVHS Counseling on Instagram!
Chippewa 10-12 counselors now have an Instagram account. Follow chippewacounselors as another way to stay connected and up-to date with any information our department has for you.
Download the district's calendar here:
Step 3: Know where to get info and help
Meet your 10, 11, and 12th grad school counseling staff:
Mrs. Kimberly Koskos
Email: kkoskos01@cvs.k12.mi.us
Mr. Scott Merchant
Email: smerchant@cvs.k12.mi.us
Dr. Dan Lawrence
Email: dlawrence@cvs.k12.mi.us
Mrs. Sydney Radzinski
Email: sradzinski@cvs.k12.mi.us
Mrs. Stephanie Pitcher
Email: spitcher@cvs.k12.mi.us
General CVHS 10/12 Contact Info
Website: cvhsgidance.weebly.com
Location: 18300 19 Mile Road, Clinton Township, MI, USA
Phone: 586-723-2340