Alto All Star Gazette
August 23rd, 2024
Dismissal time: 3:43 PM
1/2 Day Dismissal: 12:00 PM
Phone# 616-987-2600
24-hour attendance line: 616-987-2625
*please call any transportation changes/early dismissals in by 2:45*
From the desk of Principal Papes
Dear Alto Families,
It has been an incredible start to the 2024-2025 school year! It has been great to have
students back in the building again. Our teachers and students have been busy building their classroom communities, and students are quickly learning procedures throughout the school. Our kids have done an exceptional job of transitioning back to school. There has been a positive buzz throughout the building! Thank you for your support. It is clear that you are doing an excellent job of preparing your children for success each and every day. We are excited to continue partnering with you to make this an amazing school year!
Alto All Stars/PBIS
We have again welcomed Alto students to the 2024-2025 school year as the “Alto All Stars” as we start our 10th year as a PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Support) school. This is a Lowell Area Schools district program that we continue to be very excited about. Our focus throughout the year will be teaching students to be STARs (Safe, Thoughtful, Accountable, and Respectful). We will continue to focus on several strategies that will help us teach students our school-wide behavioral expectations. Our teachers have been teaching lessons that focus on STAR behaviors throughout the school. A core principle of the PBIS program is that we teach students expected behaviors just as we would teach them to read and write. We will continue to review these expectations throughout the school year.
Another core belief of the PBIS program is that positively reinforcing appropriate behaviors increases the likelihood that the behaviors will happen again. To encourage and reinforce positive behaviors, Alto staff has begun giving students silver tickets (whole class recognition) and gold tickets (individual recognition) when they witness STAR behaviors. The gold tickets can be saved up for the school store, or students may collect them to earn rewards or experiences.
Arrival and Dismissal
Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we continue to establish routines with students for a safe arrival and dismissal.
A couple things to help move the drop-off procedures along:
Please have your children ready to get out of the car when you pull up along the curb.
Have students exit vehicles parked anywhere along the curb. Please do not wait to move to the front of the line to have your child exit the vehicle.
Also, thank you for your patience and cooperation with our dismissal process, which is always slower to start the school year. We have many new pick up students. Please remind your child to look for your car and listen for their name being called. This process will continue to become more efficient as we become more familiar with new students and vehicles.
Ice Cream Social – Thursday, September 19th- 6:00-8:00 PM
Alto Families are invited to the school on the evening of September 19th from 6:00-8:00 PM for an ice cream social. The Lowell High School Fusion Rock Orchestra will be performing. We are excited to again be hosting this event!
Thank you for all that you do to support your children and our school. Have a great weekend!
With Appreciation,
Paul Papes
Student Accident Insurance Available
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Lowell Area Schools does not provide student accident insurance. As a service to students and their families, Lowell Area Schools has coordinated the ability for families to purchase student accident insurance plan through FIRST AGENCY, INC for any enrolled child in grades Pre-K thru 12, at a very nominal cost. The most basic plan covers your child while s/he is at school and involved in supervised events (classroom, halls, playground, etc), this plan excludes interscholastic sports. This plan costs $62 for the year. Plan purchase options allow for additional coverage, up to 24-hours including interscholastic sports, except grades 9-12 football, for an annual maximum amount of $290. Some plans offer extended dental coverage as well. Grade 9-12 football participation insurance is available as a stand-alone policy for $390 for the 2019 season. These plans would be a secondary plan to any other insurance your child may be covered by. If you have no insurance at all for your child, this is an opportunity to provide at least a base level of coverage during the school day. Plans will provide benefits for medical expenses incurred because of an accident. Deductibles and co-pays in your current health plan require you to pay out of pocket costs first, while these plans allow benefits to be applied to your deductible or co-pays. For more information, or to purchase coverage, go to Lowell Area Schools makes no warranty or guarantee on this insurance plan and is not responsible in the administering of benefits. We are not an agent of FIRST AGENCY, INC and receive no compensation, of any kind or form, for offering this service or any enrollments generated. Coverage does not become effective until the later of the date premium is received at First Agency, Inc. or the 1st day of school. All questions regarding this coverage should be directed to First Agency, Inc. @ (269) 381-6630.
Student Medication
Mark Your Calendar!
9/03: School Resumes
9/04: Gold Ticket Store
9/11: 4th to Whitehall Lighthouse
9/13: Pink Arrow Day
9/13: Popcorn Day
9/18: Gold Ticket Store
9/19: ICE CREAM SOCIAL! 6 p.m.
9/27: 3rd to Heidi's Farmstand
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Join the Ultimate Frisbee Club! (open for girls and boys from 4th-8th grade)
Join the Lowell Ultimate Frisbee Club: 4th-8th Grade Co-ed
Come play the best sport in the world! New players are welcome and encouraged to join! The team boasts professional coaches, an established team, and a great culture. We practice on Thursdays at North Creekside Park and play Friday night games against 38 other local teams.
New player and parent info meeting:
Date: Tuesday, August 27th
Time: 7:00-7:45 PM
Location: Lowell Middle School Cafeteria
What is Ultimate Frisbee?
Ultimate Frisbee is a fast-paced, exciting sport that combines elements of soccer, football, and basketball. Players throw a frisbee to teammates, aiming to catch it in the opposing team’s end zone to score points. It’s all about speed, strategy, and teamwork.
Register at:
Questions? Email:
We hope to see you out on the field!