PLE Updates
January 9, 2025

January 9, 2025
Principal's Message
Happy New Year, Pine Lane Crew!
Welcome back! A new year always sparks excitement! We hope that you all had a wonderful holiday break! Our students and staff have worked so hard this first semester and we look forward to continuing to strive toward excellence in character, achievement, and contribution to a better world.
As we launch this quarter, writing will be a big focus with our students. On Monday, our staff engaged in professional development around best practices in writing and spent time honing their instructional plans for the semester. Last year, we saw significant gains in our achievement in writing and we are looking to build on that success again. Linked here are some examples of what your child should be able to do at each grade level: Writing Samples 1, Writing Samples 2, and Writing 3. These examples were created last year by our own students.
The STEM Fair is quickly approaching! This week our STEM teachers started talking about this with our classes. The STEM Fair is open to all students at Pine Lane and is a required project for our 5th-grade students. This opportunity accentuates the Design Process and Scientific Method and is a tremendous opportunity for students to apply all the skills they have been learning and dive into an interesting topic. Information on the STEM Fair can be found here: 2025 STEM Fair. We cannot wait to see our Crew's hard work!
Lastly, if you have not yet checked your child’s Elementary Progress Report (Formerly known as a Report Card), I would encourage you to log into EngagEd and read through your child’s progress and performance for the first semester. For information on how to access EPRs please see the communication linked here: Accessing Elementary Progress Reports.
Again, Happy New Year! Stay safe and warm!
Chris Stairs
Pine Lane Elementary
Upcoming Dates
- January 10th - Love and Logic Parent Training
- January 15th - SAC Meeting
- January 16th - PLEA Public Meeting
- January 17th - PD Day - No School Students
- January 20th - MLK Holiday No School Students
- January 18th - 6th Grade SMS Online Registration , ELECTIVE REQUEST WINDOW OPENS
- January 25th - 6th Grade SMS Online Registration Elective Request window closes at 3pm
Bus Cancelations
- January 13th - 141
- January 21st - 142
- January 27th - (no cancellations)
- February 3rd - 146 & 186
- February 10th - 145 & 183
- February 18th - 141
- February 24th - 142
Love and Logic Parenting Class
Our Next Class is Friday January 10th!
- 9:30am - 11:00am
- South Campus Mobile
Please check in at the office before heading to the mobile.
Complete information and schedule is available here: PLE Love and Logic Parenting Classes 24/25
SAC Meeting - January 15th
Join us In Person or Virtually
- Location: North Campus Innovation Lab
- Time: 4:45 - 6:30
- Join Via Google Meets:
- Video call link: https://meet.google.com/iue-wpaw-xrg
- Or dial: (US) +1 662-778-8123
- PIN: 746 760 982#
STEM Fair 2025
Pine Lane will be hosting a STEM fair beginning on March 7, 2025. This is a time for Pine Lane students to create a STEM project that interests them.
We will introduce the STEM fair in STEM class during the month of January. Then the project should be worked on and completed at home.
- Projects will be on display from Monday March 10 - Thursday March 13, 2025.
- Please plan to take them home on Friday March 14.
Complete details and registration information is available using the link below:
6th Grade Registration at Sierra Middle School (SMS)
Save the date:
- Wednesday, Jan. 15 @ 6:00 pm -
- SMS Incoming 7th Grade Course Registration Virtual Info Night.
- Please use this link or call 1 650-530-3798 PIN: 833 749 216# to access the virtual session for all current 6th graders who will attend SMS next year.
SMS admin and counselors will go over information about the course registration process which is in addition to the information your 6th grader will receive in person at school next week.
If your student will be attending Sierra Middle School, this registration must be completed.
Details regarding the transition to 7th grade at SMS can be found here: SMS 7th Grade Registration Slide Show
Recess and Weather
Recess is an integral part of school, and all students will be expected to participate. During periods of inclement weather, please be sure your child comes to school with appropriate clothing, including boots, hats, gloves, socks, coat, etc. Children will go out unless there is precipitation, lightning, or the temperature (with wind chill considered) falls below 20 degrees.
StuCO Updates
Chocolate Bar Sales $1
StuCO is selling Chocolate Bars for their fundraiser!
$1.00 each
Available in Almond, Milk Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, Caramel, WF Crisp and Wafer
Sale Ends 2/6
PLEA Updates
PLEA Public Meeting
- January 16th, 2025
- 3pm - 4pm
- South Campus Conference Room
Kindergarten Online Registration
Before and After School
2nd Semester Updates
- Guitar Club - All Grades
- Ukulele Club - All Grades
- Choir - 3rd - 6th Grade
- Lego Robotics Club - 2nd and 3rd Grade
- Mad Science K-5
Complete information can be found using the link below.
Chap Feeder Area Events
DCSD Community Updates
Upcoming Discounted Community Events Include:
- National Western Stock Show - 1/11 - 1/26/25
- Back to the Future/DCPA - 2/7/25 2/9/25
- Mean Girls/DCPA - 2/28/25, 3/2/25
- The Wiz/DCPA - 4/25/25, 4/26/25
General link to purchase tickets or for more information is: https://www.foundationdcs.org/community-events
North and South Office Contact Information
In order for us to serve you in an efficient and timely manner, please make sure you are contacting us using the numbers below and saving Pine Lane North or Pine Lane South in your contacts.
If you google Pine Lane you are only being giving the North Campus office.
- South Campus - Pre K - 3rd Grade
- Office: 303-387-8325
- Attendance: 303-387-8327
- North Campus 4th - 6th Grade
- Office: 303-387-8275
- Attendance: 303-387-8277